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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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I am not upset by any joking around. I have a great sense of humor actually. I just think people go a little to far with some of the jokes. You can only make the comment "its going to be a 500ft aquatrax named lazer snake horse on fire" before it is no longer funny. It is now to the point where the thread isnt interesting to read because its like reading the smae post over and over.

After a while the joke gets stale and isnt funny any more. Does anyone agree with me on this?


I agree & instead of posting useful information like,say a construction update it's much easier for the majority of posters here to make jokes instead.


Now has anyone been to the park lately to see if more track has arrived or what progress has been made placing footers or clearing land?

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I agree & instead of posting useful information like,say a construction update it's much easier for the majority of posters here to make jokes instead.


Now has anyone been to the park lately to see if more track has arrived or what progress has been made placing footers or clearing land?


The absolute inherent problem with construction threads, especially in the early construction and pre-announcement stage is that there's potentially VERY little going on to report about. I mean look, we have about 20+ pages in two days about the word "Giga" being printed on a shipping label. That's it.

No one's going to be at the park every day to see if they've dug some new dirt or poured a footer, so you're realistically going to have to put up with the white noise of endlessly repeated jokes and dumb comments. It's not worth complaining about because that's just how these threads live.

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I am not upset by any joking around. I have a great sense of humor actually. I just think people go a little to far with some of the jokes. You can only make the comment "its going to be a 500ft aquatrax named lazer snake horse on fire" before it is no longer funny. It is now to the point where the thread isnt interesting to read because its like reading the smae post over and over.

After a while the joke gets stale and isnt funny any more. Does anyone agree with me on this?


I agree & instead of posting useful information like,say a construction update it's much easier for the majority of posters here to make jokes instead.


Now has anyone been to the park lately to see if more track has arrived or what progress has been made placing footers or clearing land?


Disclaimer! You need a sense of humor to view our site, if you don't have a sense of humor, or are easily offended, please turn back now!


The thing about it is that once construction topics get too seriously, somebody cracks a joke and everybody gets in on it. Then when somebody starts complaining about how the jokes are stale and that we should move on to a more serious discussion, everyone targets that person by making more jokes just to piss them off. Its basically how all construction topics here go.


Now back to the serious discussion...

I heard from a friend of a friend of a friend who's related to the Dippin Dots guy that this new B&M/Intamin 4D Gigaquatrax will connect BGW to KD and will have 2 stations. One will be situated behind Anaconda and the other will be on BBW's old spot. That's why BBW will get ripped out...

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Woah... You go to Darien Lake on a school trip and don't check a thread for 12 hours and look what happens...


This thread is pretty crazy. As long as a full out flame war doesn't break out, I like the random rants and rumors and whatnot, even if a vodka splashdown would put a minimum age requirement on the ride.

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Any coaster themed to alcohol get my seal of approval - as well as those of the majority of members here.


Maybe it'll be Bastard Child of Son of Beast - sponsored by Beast (AKA Milwaukee's Best Light). And it'll have a beer splashdown!

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I heard from the park services guy that BGE has an exclusive contract with B&M that the flyer they will get in 2011 will have a wing dip into a pool of Bacardi lime, so KD can not use hard alcohol as a splashdown, and Intamin cannot use water as B&M holds the patent to water, and 's will commandeer the ride if gravy is used, so KD will go with tangy chipotle sauce that will splash nearby burgers and burritos for flavor. The sauce will be lowfat, but high in taste! The ride will be themed to the taco bell chiwahwah and will hand out mission tortilla's after the ride in the same fashion as the factory in DCA.

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