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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I think land is going to be cleared in the back of the park around Hurler and Grizzly. A front gate coaster doesn't go with Kings Dominion's family friendly mantra.


I am not so sure that is a valid reason for not having a "front gate coaster" at KD. The LA times interview, with Matt Ouimet, on Cedar Fair's coaster legacy, (past, present, and future), points to a reason that holds more water than the family friendly logic. Matt alluded to the fact that some parks in the chain would not see a "front gate coaster" because of the nice, grand promenades like those at Kings Island and Canada's Wonderland. Given that Kings Dominion's entrance is almost a clone of Kings Island, I don't think we will see a gate coaster for that reason either.


But I definitely wouldn't be surprised to see a front entrance building though.

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A front gate coaster wouldn't look right because dominator will be next to it. the area would look like a total mess.


I agree. It would look cooler in the back with all that wood around to balance it out. However it would still stick out in the skyline if tall enough.

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I wouldn't mind if they upgraded the park's entrance, which looks a bit "blah." I wouldn't do anything "ultra modern" with it, but a nicer building that goes with International Street and the Eiffel Tower would be good.

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I wouldn't mind if they upgraded the park's entrance, which looks a bit "blah." I wouldn't do anything "ultra modern" with it, but a nicer building that goes with International Street and the Eiffel Tower would be good.


I would love a building with columns and then a screen or clock on top.

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I think land is going to be cleared in the back of the park around Hurler and Grizzly. A front gate coaster doesn't go with Kings Dominion's family friendly mantra.


I am not so sure that is a valid reason for not having a "front gate coaster" at KD. The LA times interview, with Matt Ouimet, on Cedar Fair's coaster legacy, (past, present, and future), points to a reason that holds more water than the family friendly logic. Matt alluded to the fact that some parks in the chain would not see a "front gate coaster" because of the nice, grand promenades like those at Kings Island and Canada's Wonderland. Given that Kings Dominion's entrance is almost a clone of Kings Island, I don't think we will see a gate coaster for that reason either.


Doesn't Leviathan almost count though? It's very close to the entrance I believe, so that could be another reason they won't "Deckerate" it. Keep in mind Leviathan doesn't show up in Google Maps and I don't know the park layout too well as I haven't been there in forever


Anyway, I don't think KD really needs a gate coaster. The entrance looks nice enough as it is. Would I approve? Hell yes, because having a coaster right at the gate always gets me excited for the day, and it looks really fantastic IMO, but if it didn't happen I would be fine.

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Doesn't Leviathan almost count though? It's very close to the entrance I believe, so that could be another reason they won't "Deckerate" it. Keep in mind Leviathan doesn't show up in Google Maps and I don't know the park layout too well as I haven't been there in forever


I don't know when you checked google maps last time, but check again, it's updated now.


I think Leviatahan probably does to the entrance what Dominator does as it is right now. They both kind of already fulfill a smilar purpose to that of Gatekeeper.

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^Ricochet and Avalanche are both Mack rides. Kings Dominion does have a past with them. I honestly think Mack and Zamperla are underrated by most enthusiasts. Zamperla has some truly awesome rides, and Mack's water rides are some of the best I've seen. I'd love to see a Twist and Splash added across the chain, those look really fun.

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^Ricochet and Avalanche are both Mack rides. Kings Dominion does have a past with them. I honestly think Mack and Zamperla are underrated by most enthusiasts. Zamperla has some truly awesome rides, and Mack's water rides are some of the best I've seen. I'd love to see a Twist and Splash added across the chain, those look really fun.


I've got a really cool idea: A Mack hypercoaster.

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I find it depressing how much people are whining on Facebook about Dilerium. One of the stupidest statements I saw was, "under paramount we were a dominant park now under cedar fair they hate us only give us peasant rides"

Okay, moron(s). Do you not realize that under Paramount (capitalization is your friend) this park was an asphalt ghetto for teens? It was trashy, ugly, tackily themed, and not nearly as pleasant as before 1993/after 2006. Now Cedar Fair has made it into one of the nicest looking amusement parks out there. Oh, and we also added Dominator, Intimidator, and Delerium, updated our aesthetics and waterpark, and opened a giant kids area while getting rid of garbage like Hypersonic XLC and Shockwave.




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I find it depressing how much people are whining on Facebook about Dilerium. One of the stupidest statements I saw was, "under paramount we were a dominant park now under cedar fair they hate us only give us peasant rides"

I think WoF, MiA, and Dorney want their "peasant" rides back. They would fit perfectly with the rest of the poor, insulting investments they've seen.


Whats going to happen to Shockwave? I thought it felt better than any B&M counterpart I've been on (Riddler, Mantis, Scorcher, and Green Lantern). Will it be relocated ala Sky Rider?

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I find it depressing how much people are whining on Facebook about Dilerium. One of the stupidest statements I saw was, "under paramount we were a dominant park now under cedar fair they hate us only give us peasant rides"

Okay, moron(s). Do you not realize that under Paramount (capitalization is your friend) this park was an asphalt ghetto for teens? It was trashy, ugly, tackily themed, and not nearly as pleasant as before 1993/after 2006. Now Cedar Fair has made it into one of the nicest looking amusement parks out there. Oh, and we also added Dominator, Intimidator, and Delerium, updated our aesthetics and waterpark, and opened a giant kids area while getting rid of garbage like Hypersonic XLC and Shockwave.


Preach it man, tell them that! Tbh the Gp is stupid in general and don't know how industry works.

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I find it depressing how much people are whining on Facebook about Dilerium. One of the stupidest statements I saw was, "under paramount we were a dominant park now under cedar fair they hate us only give us peasant rides"

Okay, moron(s). Do you not realize that under Paramount (capitalization is your friend) this park was an asphalt ghetto for teens? It was trashy, ugly, tackily themed, and not nearly as pleasant as before 1993/after 2006. Now Cedar Fair has made it into one of the nicest looking amusement parks out there. Oh, and we also added Dominator, Intimidator, and Delerium, updated our aesthetics and waterpark, and opened a giant kids area while getting rid of garbage like Hypersonic XLC and Shockwave.


Preach it man, tell them that! Tbh the Gp is stupid in general and don't know how industry works.

Sometimes I think this about us enthusiasts as well.

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Am I the only one who doesn't adore Volcano? I think it's launches are great, and so is the first inversion, but after that it's somewhat boring and repetitive. I enjoy Dominator much more than Volcano to be honest, and often feel like the minority in this community.

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Am I the only one who doesn't adore Volcano? I think it's launches are great, and so is the first inversion, but after that it's somewhat boring and repetitive. I enjoy Dominator much more than Volcano to be honest, and often feel like the minority in this community.


Barrel Rolls aren't fun?

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Am I the only one who doesn't adore Volcano? I think it's launches are great, and so is the first inversion, but after that it's somewhat boring and repetitive. I enjoy Dominator much more than Volcano to be honest, and often feel like the minority in this community.

I don't adore it really, to me Dominator is the best coaster at the park . Volcanos launches are really amazing though and IMO they are my favorite launches on a coaster. I think people think volcano is really good because they don't get to ride it as often because of the long lines it can get, and so they don't get bored of it as easily as they would get bored of a ride that is always a walk on.

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Am I the only one who doesn't adore Volcano? I think it's launches are great, and so is the first inversion, but after that it's somewhat boring and repetitive. I enjoy Dominator much more than Volcano to be honest, and often feel like the minority in this community.

I don't adore it really, to me Dominator is the best coaster at the park . Volcanos launches are really amazing though and IMO they are my favorite launches on a coaster. I think people think volcano is really good because they don't get to ride it as often because of the long lines it can get, and so they don't get bored of it as easily as they would get bored of a ride that is always a walk on.


One thing I love about Volcano is that it's one of the smoothest coasters I've ever been on. No rattling or headbang whatsoever. Dominator does fairly well at that but you still get some jerkiness.

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