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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Yeah there were no staff at Ricochet either so Im not sure. Hurler I don't care for... but I had a first time visitor with me so I would've ridden for her sake.... but if they closed it early then I have no complaints about that ride. I already know about FOF.

When I think back about the i305 in the pouring rain... I can't help but laugh in retrospect but it was no laughing matter when I was on it.

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This addition looks great and it gives me a reason to go back to the park.


This is a little off topic but before I305 was installed in the park wasn't there a plan for a Vekoma GIB to be installed? I don't know if it's just a rumor or whatever but I thought there was suppose to be one in the place of Hypersonic XlC. But instead we got the amazing I305!

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This addition looks great and it gives me a reason to go back to the park.


This is a little off topic but before I305 was installed in the park wasn't there a plan for a Vekoma GIB to be installed? I don't know if it's just a rumor or whatever but I thought there was suppose to be one in the place of Hypersonic XlC. But instead we got the amazing I305!

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This addition looks great and it gives me a reason to go back to the park.


This is a little off topic but before I305 was installed in the park wasn't there a plan for a Vekoma GIB to be installed? I don't know if it's just a rumor or whatever but I thought there was suppose to be one in the place of Hypersonic XlC. But instead we got the amazing I305!


I doubt there is any validity to this rumor.

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This addition looks great and it gives me a reason to go back to the park.


This is a little off topic but before I305 was installed in the park wasn't there a plan for a Vekoma GIB to be installed? I don't know if it's just a rumor or whatever but I thought there was suppose to be one in the place of Hypersonic XlC. But instead we got the amazing I305!


I think you could be thinking of the rumor from a few years ago that Invertigo from Californa's Great America could of been relocated to Kings Dominion in the Hypersonic/former Wayne's World area. This rumor was going around before it was announced to be relocated at Dorney Park as "Stinger". It might not what your'e thinking of, but it's a possibility.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Any good pics of the water park expansion construction? I want to see if they have started raising the 65 foot tower.


The park stated they were to start to do prep work for the new slide complex in mid-late November (Facebook). I assume that means a good deal of digging for the water lines, drainage, splash pool, etc. They did not state any timeline as to when the concrete for the tower footers, pool, and walkways would start nor the slide tower build. There is supposed to be a good deal of infrastructure improvements throughout the water park, so I would think a lot of ground work is involved.


Unless the park releases construction photos, I don't think you are going to see much.

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This addition looks great and it gives me a reason to go back to the park.


This is a little off topic but before I305 was installed in the park wasn't there a plan for a Vekoma GIB to be installed? I don't know if it's just a rumor or whatever but I thought there was suppose to be one in the place of Hypersonic XlC. But instead we got the amazing I305!


Kinda true. The park was suppose to get a Stealth Flyer in 2000 (located where the go-carts are now) vs XLC in 2001, but plans changed....R.I.P (2001-2007)


Hypersonic's Back Story: "S&S Worldwide", which was the company's first prototype coaster of its kind—Kings Dominion named it Hypersonic XLC. Bringing many screams and disappointments to the park starting in 2001. It was a love/hate type of coaster amongst many. Launching from 0 to 80 mph in 1.8 seconds up a 90° incline, XLC crested a 165-foot hill, and without fully slowing, plummeted down an 90° dive. Next, the coaster performed a banked left turn, went through a smaller banked right turn, and came to a abrupt stop before heading into the station. Was an amazing experience for many fans, but it suffered extended downtime, very low capacity/extensive wait time and was closed for nearly three months at the beginning of the 2002 season. Went through multiple of trains throughout its suffering lifetime. Over years of screams and overwhelming maintenance, XLC took its last lap on October 28, 2007.


Edited by KDGY75
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But who doesn't miss the brakes that sounded like dozens of metal trash cans crashing together? I swear you could hear it all over the Grove.


You could here those things across the park lol.

I will never forget, back in 2001 (opening year). I was working XLC's photos. I came in to open like a regular morning, walked down to the Grove and maintenance was everywhere. Apparently during testing that morning, the train was traveling around the curve and a support popped out of the ground, it was CRAZY! She was down for weeks.

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Yeah I don't miss the sound of those brakes at all. It's still weird walking around that part of the park with Hypersonic not there anymore, even though it's been gone for about eight year now.



I like how the people in the beginning of the video mention how quiet the ride is...then it hits the brake run.

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