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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^^ Hopefully the nice castle structure outside of the building will return this year. That was a great improvement last season.


Also, KD has posted an interesting behind the scenes with a maintenance worker during the morning safety checks on Windseeker and Rebel Yell.



Not bad but they could've shown more on the actual mechanics of the trains like they did with windseeker.

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^And? What's the big deal?


No big deal about it at all,it's probably just a blocking error but this is not the thing that KD wants or really needs right now on a ride that someone recently died on.


Did anyone go to the park this weekend & if so was Dominator back up & running?

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First of all, Kings Dominion never teases so this is shocking. Secondly, the only strong 2013 rumor has been a kiddie area revamp and this doesn't seem to be hinting towards that (unless "Planet" Snoopy, but it has the records thing mentioned). Finally, the whole "Breaking Records... AGAIN!" thing really has my attention.


September 12th, get here now!




Edited by Intimidator305
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^^^If anything I think that image teases something for Planet Snoopy. It is cartoonish in the art style, plus it has to do with space, tying into the larger theme of Planet Snoopy. I'm definitely curious to see what kind of record they could really find with a kiddie area, but I like that they are continuing to spread out the investments in the park in areas that aren't just coasters.

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^ That's what I'm starting to think as well. They will probably pull out the "Largest Kids Area in the Mid-Atlantic (or East Coast)" record.


I'm excited that the park is teasing it though like so many other parks do these days. They're doing the same thing as CGA is doing on their website.

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^ That's what I'm starting to think as well. They will probably pull out the "Largest Kids Area in the Mid-Atlantic (or East Coast)" record.


I'm excited that the park is teasing it though like so many other parks do these days. They're doing the same thing as CGA is doing on their website.


We've got quite the discussion going in a couple of facebook groups on the subject right now but I find it odd that KD would be teasing this early for something as simple as a rennovaation of the kids area since theirs is already bigger than SFA's LTMT section & with better rides for the kids.


"Record breaking" sounds like something in the thrill ride category to me & it will have been three years since their last coaster but since we got windseeker this year as well as DA it kinda throws off the whole thrill ride one year/family ride next year rotation since both were done together this year.Now they could be hinting at a new woodie coming to the park to break the current record they have of four woodies in one park who knows?

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Zoom Zone at CW was added to the kids area in 2001 with three rides: two flats (Blast Off and Jumpin Jet) and Silver Streak (Vekoma family suspended coaster). It merged with Kidsville sometime after Cedar Fair took over. Maybe KD will introduce a similar area, but on a grander scale.


But... I would think they would add something else to the teaser that would hint at a kids area expansion if this is the case. As much as I doubt it, maybe they'll add yet another launch coaster and they market how many they have. Or a space themed attraction like Dinosaurs Alive.

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Well, considering it says, "The countdown begins Sept. 12", maybe it hints to a countdown on another launch coaster? It also says "Breaking records again", and they broke the "Most Launched Coasters" record when they added BLSC, and then 2 years later, the crown was lost due to XLC's removal. So maybe another launched coaster record, "again".

Edited by Coaster_Fanatic
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I am sticking to my prediction that this will be the kid's area expansion and renovation for 2013. It is way past due for this to happen. If KD goes forward with this as the 2013 addition, I think a true, unified Planet Snoopy area will be great for Kings Dominion. Get them in the park at an early age and usually they keep coming back year after year. BGW added the Sesame Street Kids Area in 2011 and that was a big hit for visitors with toddlers to kindergarten age. I think they still have "Land of the Dragons" section and the kid's rides in the Fiesta Italian section for the older kids.


I don't think it would take that much more to create a "Record Breaking" kids area in the mid-Atlantic region. Most of the other Planet Snoopy expansions/renovations carried out at several of the other Cedar Fair parks, over the last 3-4 years, added 7 to 9 new rides plus a whole revamped area with new paths and amenities. I think that the new rides will cater to the broadest spectrum of people possible. It is too easy to lump all "Kiddie" rides into one category. What a 3-4 year old will ride will certainly not be the rides a 7-8 year old would want to ride and vice-versa. So I hope they will have everything from the "mild" to slightly "wild" family rides.


Finally, I have a hard time imagining that this announcement is for a "major thrill ride" given the "countdown" does not start till mid-September. I have noticed for the non "Block Buster" attraction years, the announcements for next season's attractions usually come later in the current season.

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^^That's what I'm thinking it will be some type of launched coaster, I just don't see a teaser with a Rocket blasting off into space with the tagline of breaking records very kid friendly imo


Even if it was the largest kids area in the World what would a rocket blasting off into space high above the Earth have to do with that, it just makes no sense to me and would be the worst teaser ever!!! if it has anything to do with a kids ride or area again IMO!!!

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All a matter of interpretation of the photo - Some will say the picture depicts launching and stratosphere and when you tie in record breaking people will assume a coaster.


Others will see the pic as reference to a spaceship heading to a planet - referencing "Planet Snoopy"


Who knows really - I just doubt KD will add another coaster this year since no signs of a coaster being installed so far - To me it would of been the best kept secret ever for a park.

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