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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Went by the park tonight. they were running it at around 9:00 (seemed like only one train though)


The lift hill slows down alot once the train reaches the top

lift is louder than I thought it would be but it might not sound so loud when there are people in the park.


Enjoy, JEFF


plain pic from Denny's


The red lights do trace up the lift



The train is on the lift (you can see the streak)


1 more week

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I hope the lift hill lights will be off at night...we'll find out at the Nightime ERT event on May 1st!

When else would lift lights be on? During the day?


Gee thanks, Mr. Smartie Pants...



Hey they could be left on during the day...you never know... lol

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Is anyone planning on going out for opening day?


If you go for opening weekend and wear a TPR or Club TPR shirt. Post a picture with you in your TPR shirt in front of Intimidator 305 and I'll send you a bag of crap!



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Is anyone planning on going out for opening day?


If you go for opening weekend and wear a TPR or Club TPR shirt. Post a picture with you in your TPR shirt in front of Intimidator 305 and I'll send you a bag of crap!



Hmmm well I'll be there but I don't have a TPR shirt. How about I hold a piece of paper saying TPR? Will that work?

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I'll be there with my nephew. I already warned him that the moment they start letting us in, I am going to be sprinting towards the new ride. I want to be on one of the first trains to be let out for the public. Which will be that day too right?


I'll also be there sunday with the family.

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I'll be there with my nephew. I already warned him that the moment they start letting us in, I am going to be sprinting towards the new ride. I want to be on one of the first trains to be let out for the public. Which will be that day too right?


I'll also be there sunday with the family.


Just don't try to sprint past security, I have seen them pull people and make them wait until everyone else goes by. They "walk" everyone to the back of the park usually for Volcano, so I see this as being no different.

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Is anyone planning on going out for opening day?


If you go for opening weekend and wear a TPR or Club TPR shirt. Post a picture with you in your TPR shirt in front of Intimidator 305 and I'll send you a bag of crap!




I might drive up there after work on Friday April 2nd.


If I wear my TPR Texas shirt and have a Talking BBQ Fork, do I get extra crap in my bag?


If anyone's willing to meet up on that Friday PM me. Most of my friends don't really care about coasters.

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