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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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Dorney's weird for me because it's a perfectly nice park but it's just surrounded by infinitely better parks and it's really unfortunate.


Unfortunate for nobody but you. Locals are crazy about Dorney, yeah they like Hershey too but Dorney is where they get their season passes because it's closer and easier, and not many people make the drive to Great Adventure especially if they have kids. Your analysis of Dorney's place in the market is completely meaningless, a new coaster would be just as "worth it" there as it would anywhere else. And if they're going to stay "well-rounded" then occasionally updating their coaster collection is a part of that, just like it is anywhere else. Also you act like Dorney has total control over when they get a major investment and aren't subject to the whims of a company much larger than they are. Just because they haven't gotten a major coaster lately doesn't mean they don't "need one". Also hoping for something like a family woodie or wing coaster is hardly unreasonable, it's not like many people are suggesting they get a Fury 325 clone.


What exactly do you get out of coming in this thread every year, stamping all over everyone who's hoping Dorney gets a new coaster, and all-around acting like a smug asshole? Why don't you give it a rest?

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Jesus, people, it's a friggin' amusement park. When exactly did this thread turn into the Kings Dominion forums?


We get it, it's not the size of the boat, but the motion in the ocean. No need to feel insecure about size.


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Dorney's weird for me because it's a perfectly nice park but it's just surrounded by infinitely better parks and it's really unfortunate.


Unfortunate for nobody but you. Locals are crazy about Dorney, yeah they like Hershey too but Dorney is where they get their season passes because it's closer and easier, and not many people make the drive to Great Adventure especially if they have kids. Your analysis of Dorney's place in the market is completely meaningless, a new coaster would be just as "worth it" there as it would anywhere else.


From what you're saying, the locals make up a large portion of Dorney Park's visitors. However, people move. The population of Erie County is ~77,00. Cedar Point's 2013 attendance was 3.3 million. Reading many of the threads on this website will show you that people will go very far because Cedar Point is that great of a park. If a park is on the lower end of the amusement park spectrum with other higher parks around it, lets take Dorney Park for example, it will draw less people. With Hershey and Knoebels one way and Great Adventure the other way, being far enough from Dorney Park will draw people to a different park. In fact, I was in a group that drove right by Dorney Park on the way to a different park.

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Dorney's weird for me because it's a perfectly nice park but it's just surrounded by infinitely better parks and it's really unfortunate.


Unfortunate for nobody but you. Locals are crazy about Dorney, yeah they like Hershey too but Dorney is where they get their season passes because it's closer and easier, and not many people make the drive to Great Adventure especially if they have kids. Your analysis of Dorney's place in the market is completely meaningless, a new coaster would be just as "worth it" there as it would anywhere else.


From what you're saying, the locals make up a large portion of Dorney Park's visitors.


This is true of every park in existence outside destination parks like Disney. Yes I'm sure Dorney loses business to Hershey (not nearly so much Knoebels) but the population of the area is large enough to support both parks, as it has for decades.

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Dorney's weird for me


Unfortunate for nobody but you


Right, that's why I said "for me" in the first sentence I wrote. I then went on to basically compliment the park for their excellent maintenance and smart decisions they're making. I really like Dorney but for some reason you take every negative thing I say personally even though in many ways we're saying a lot of the same things. We just differ on the importance of them getting a new coaster.


Also you act like Dorney has total control over when they get a major investment and aren't subject to the whims of a company much larger than they are.


lol when did I act like that? I think we all understand that.


What exactly do you get out of coming in this thread every year, stamping all over everyone who's hoping Dorney gets a new coaster, and all-around acting like a smug a$$hole? Why don't you give it a rest?


Saying that I (again... my opinion) don't think a custom coaster makes any sense at this park isn't "stamping all over everyone". And doesn't the fact that you yourself are acknowledging that we have this conversation "every year" because every year we find out they're not getting a coaster give my argument a little merit? lol


My intention was never to start an argument, especially one where you've resorted to name-calling which has nothing to do with the conversation.

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I think as coaster enthusiasts, it isn't crazy for people to speculate and want their park to build a huge investment every year. But that isn't the way the industry works. Do I think Dorney is due for a coaster? Probably so, but it isn't the most pressing need for the park. You have to remember that over the last 10 years, Dorney has built 3 major coasters. That's not a luxury that many parks have.


There are many other parks in the Cedar Fair chain alone more deserving of one at this point. MiA and Valleyfair haven't gotten one in a long while, and Kings Dominion is another large park who actually has a longer coaster drought than Dorney. That is only half of the fight, as the larger parks in the chain get the most frequent investment. I'm not trying to put Dorney down at all, but I'm just trying to be as realistic as possible. I too would love to see the park build something great, although we may have to wait a while for it.

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I think as coaster enthusiasts, it isn't crazy for people to speculate and want their park to build a huge investment every year. But that isn't the way the industry works. Do I think Dorney is due for a coaster? Probably so, but it isn't the most pressing need for the park. You have to remember that over the last 10 years, Dorney has built 3 major coasters. That's not a luxury that many parks have.


There are many other parks in the Cedar Fair chain alone more deserving of one at this point. MiA and Valleyfair haven't gotten one in a long while, and Kings Dominion is another large park who actually has a longer coaster drought than Dorney. That is only half of the fight, as the larger parks in the chain get the most frequent investment. I'm not trying to put Dorney down at all, but I'm just trying to be as realistic as possible. I too would love to see the park build something great, although we may have to wait a while for it.


I wouldn't say its luxury due to the fact that Hydra was the last true new coaster to go to the park in 2005. Got two relocated coasters and a relocated Demon Drop. I see what you're saying though.

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i may be off topic but i much rather prefer calling dorney my home park than sfga. six flags ruined great adventure. that park may have some better coasters. but its about quality rather than quantity. more than half of sfga's coasters are clones, not to mention how they cheated with kingda ka. lol. but dorney and cedar fair has the right mind set, they have thrilling coasters but still focus on family and kids unlike six flags.

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i may be off topic but i much rather prefer calling dorney my home park than sfga. six flags ruined great adventure. that park may have some better coasters. but its about quality rather than quantity. more than half of sfga's coasters are clones, not to mention how they cheated with kingda ka. lol.


I don't even know where to begin with any of this. Like any of it...


Someone else take this I need a beer.

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i may be off topic but i much rather prefer calling dorney my home park than sfga. six flags ruined great adventure. that park may have some better coasters. but its about quality rather than quantity. more than half of sfga's coasters are clones, not to mention how they cheated with kingda ka. lol. but dorney and cedar fair has the right mind set, they have thrilling coasters but still focus on family and kids unlike six flags.


Great Adventure is doing fine. The GP doesn't care if coasters are clones or relocated or whatever the case may be. Toro and Nitro are winners alone, and they have a good supplementary lineup with Batman, Bizarro, Ka, Mayhem upcoming, etc. (oh and Skull Mountain too )


And it's not like they're forgetting families. Adventure Alley and Off Road Safari are good examples of recent family additions that have been very popular.


And about Ka, Six Flags didn't really cheat as they didn't design the ride themselves, they were just looking for the record. Plus Cedar Fair could have answered back if they wanted. They were just too smart to fall into the trap after all the issues with the launch mechanism. Six Flags could have rejected the layout, but it did what it was supposed to and claimed the record so....

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4 out of Dorney's 8 coasters are clones (Stinger, Possessed, Wild Mouse, Woodstock's Express).


How did Six Flags ruin Great Adventure when they have owned the park since the late 70's?


Many of Great Adventure's recent additions have been for families. The new play area for Hurricane Harbor next year, Safari in 2013, Adventure Alley in 2012 plus the reopening of family rides like Tango and some kiddie rides that were removed by the previous management. Plus Great Adventure has a much better selection of coasters for families and kids. Someone 44" can ride The Dark Knight, Blackbeard's, Road Runner Railway, Skull Mountain and Runaway Mine Train. At Dorney, all they can ride is Wild Mouse and Woodstock's Express.


I live almost an equal distance away from both parks and would pick going to Great Adventure over Dorney any time. I'd rather be riding Nitro and El Toro than anything at Dorney.

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I think as coaster enthusiasts, it isn't crazy for people to speculate and want their park to build a huge investment every year. But that isn't the way the industry works. Do I think Dorney is due for a coaster? Probably so, but it isn't the most pressing need for the park. You have to remember that over the last 10 years, Dorney has built 3 major coasters. That's not a luxury that many parks have.


There are many other parks in the Cedar Fair chain alone more deserving of one at this point. MiA and Valleyfair haven't gotten one in a long while, and Kings Dominion is another large park who actually has a longer coaster drought than Dorney. That is only half of the fight, as the larger parks in the chain get the most frequent investment. I'm not trying to put Dorney down at all, but I'm just trying to be as realistic as possible. I too would love to see the park build something great, although we may have to wait a while for it.


I wouldn't say its luxury due to the fact that Hydra was the last true new coaster to go to the park in 2005. Got two relocated coasters and a relocated Demon Drop. I see what you're saying though.

If you're not happy with it, we'll take a re-relocated Demon Drop at Worlds of Fun....

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Dorney does get packed /sometimes/ It's just not consistent. Seems most of our attendance comes when a bunch of buses come down from New York or up from Philly. Once the water park closes, everybody floods over to the dry side. I've seen a 2.5 hour wait for Steel Force with all the switchbacks filled and the queue spilling out to the entrance of Dino's Alive. It's rare, but it /does/ happen. Just my 2 cents.


I think the only time I ever saw the line for Steel Force extend outside the station was in '97 when it opened, and thankfully I didn't have to wait because I wasn't tall enough to ride at the time.

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I wouldn't say its luxury due to the fact that Hydra was the last true new coaster to go to the park in 2005. Got two relocated coasters and a relocated Demon Drop. I see what you're saying though.

If you're not happy with it, we'll take a re-relocated Demon Drop at Worlds of Fun....


I think a lot of people would be happy with Demon Drop being added to their home park. Even though it's used, 1st gen freefalls are so rare now and they're great rides.

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Many times when I visit the park I see a lot of teens with season passes who probably hit the park up quite a few times during the summer since the family invested in the passes and it is much easy drive to drop off the kids for the babysitting services

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Many times when I visit the park I see a lot of teens with season passes who probably hit the park up quite a few times during the summer since the family invested in the passes and it is much easy drive to drop off the kids for the babysitting services


Yeah, its very annoying. They can get so loud sometimes. Half the time they just all walk around the park and do nothing put destrube other guest. And they can get very annoying in the games area.

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