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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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Hey guys was wondering how are the crowds here? Heard doesn't get too busy is that true?


The water park gets really crowded so if you plan on going there I would go first thing in the AM. Also the mouse there always seems to have a line at least 30 minutes.

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I love rough wooden coasters.

This is interesting. I'll have to learn more about this.


Yes, I do like comfortably rough wooden coasters. To me there is a difference between comfortably rough and down right painful. For instance Thunderhawk at Dorney is not bad rough to me at all but Predator at Darien Lake is too rough for me.

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I love rough wooden coasters.

This is interesting. I'll have to learn more about this.


Yes, I do like comfortably rough wooden coasters. To me there is a difference between comfortably rough and down right painful. For instance Thunderhawk at Dorney is not bad rough to me at all but Predator at Darien Lake is too rough for me.


You must not have gone to DL since 2009 then. When Predator got Voyage's new trains, it helped quite a bit, and now it's about as rough as KD's Grizzly.

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Steel Force is smooth, Hydra rattles/vibrates almost the entire ride after the lift hill. I have only ridden Stinger 7 times, some rides have been mostly smooth, others had lots of headbanging.

Thanks, i havent been to the park since Laser closed so i just needed a re-fresh! I assumed Stinger would be so so

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How would you rate Stinger, Steel Force, and Hydra's smoothness?



Stinger is very smooth to me. I rode it two times during Coasting For Kids and my head did not bang at all. Steel Force is still pretty smooth. Hydra in my opinion is rough and rattles a lot.

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How would you rate Stinger, Steel Force, and Hydra's smoothness?



Stinger is very smooth to me. I rode it two times during Coasting For Kids and my head did not bang at all. Steel Force is still pretty smooth. Hydra in my opinion is rough and rattles a lot.

Yes I found Stinger to be very awesome actually! I got so many rides at Coasting For Kids on every coaster, such a fun time

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Maybe it's just me but I don't see this park making any major investments in the coaster department. No matter what they do the coasters never have lines and probably never will as it's been like that for well over a decade. The flats usually have lines and the waterpark seems to be a huge draw but not the coasters. If I were Dorney I'd focus on those areas and mix in a relocated coaster every once in awhile.


It's not what I'm hoping for but I think it makes the most sense. The last coaster they had custom designed was Hydra and it never has a line now and really never did. I walked right on to a half empty train on it's opening day.

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^ I will agree. The only place I ever really see a line is the water park and flats. They have a really good amount of flats and what is why I love this park. Even though sometimes on the weekends there seems to be a little line for some coasters. I know when I was there for Coasting for Kids, since we were using a train just for us the line did get to the bottom of the steps. So that would mean (to me) if they were using both trains I would think the station would at least be full.


Something about this park I LOVE. To me it still has that classic park feel and even though it has some very open areas there are still lots of trees and greenery in my opinion. I am not sure if the own all of the land around the pond towards the back of the park or not but I would love to see them expand the park out around the pond and incorporate it more into the park.


I noticed they are not using the go carts this year. Any one know any reason in particular?

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I was at Dorney for the first time yesterday. I did every coaster(even Woodstock) by noon and that is with a few flats and log flume. I do feel bad for the workers on Wild Mouse. That music would kill me all day, but I think it goes well with the ride. I thought the park was really nice. Loved the flats, but disappointed in Steel Force. Hydra was number 100 for me and I thought it was a good ride and really like Talon. Too bad I had to leave early and go to SFGA for the rest of the day.


I thought Planet Snoopy is also one of the better kids areas I have seen.

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The only bad thing about Planet Snoopy is the monorail has a height restriction of anyone over 54" having to ride with a kid when I don't think the other parks in the chain with the same ride have that rule. The first couple of weeks it was open it didn't have that restriction, but most of the time it is cycling empty cars anyway. I guess it's similar to the Scrambler, where Dorney had a rule of no single riders when other CF parks allow single riders on their scramblers.

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I'll take "news stories that don't surprise me at all" for 200, Alex!


Stinger stuck again - shocking, right??


I feel bad for Dorney, getting stuck with this lemon of a ride that was equally problematic in its previous location. You know it had to kill them to market this great "New" coaster for last year, knowing in the back of their minds that things like this might likely happen.

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I'll take "news stories that don't surprise me at all" for 200, Alex!


Stinger stuck again - shocking, right??


I feel bad for Dorney, getting stuck with this lemon of a ride that was equally problematic in its previous location. You know it had to kill them to market this great "New" coaster for last year, knowing in the back of their minds that things like this might likely happen.


Lol. One of the workers I was talking too during CfK doesn't even like Stinger, but knows they have to tolerate all it's issues. It just sounds like Dorney wasn't given much of a choice when it came down to it. They were getting Stinger no matter what.

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