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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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As a local resident of the area, I've been hoping for Dorney to get a new wooden coaster for a long time. Thunderhawk's a classic, but it's 80 years old now and seems neglected by the park. The only problem is that I don't know where they could fit another coaster in. A GCI running through the woods would be amazing, but that area is taken by Dinosaurs Alive. Even if Dinosaurs is removed (which I sincerely hope happens soon), there's still not much room back there for a station, queue, and lift hill.

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My mom and I are thinking of going to Dorney for a day because we are in the area. We have been before, just a few years ago and there were absolutely no lines, Talon front car was a walk on almost all day, and we are going to either be at the park on Tuesday the 16th of July or Wednesday the 17th. Anyone know how the lines would be on a day like that? We don't want to go if we are not going to get a lot of rides because we have been on all the coasters except Stinger. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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There should be little to no lines for the coasters (except Wild Mouse), at least during the day when the waterpark is open. Around 5:00, people start leaving the waterpark and then the starlight admission also starts so it might get a little more crowded at that time.

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I recently purchased this ride car to restore for my gameroom, and was told is was thought to have been from Dorney Park in the "50's or 60's". Does anyone find this car familiar? or know any ways i could identify where or what ride its from?


It is made by: gebr. ihle bruchsal


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Went to the park on Tuesday and had a pretty decent visit. Got there at around 10:30 and my friends and me managed to hit all the coasters (including Wild Mouse) by 1PM. The longest lines were Thunder Canyon (10 to 15 minutes) and Aquablast (20 minutes) for the whole day. The rest were walk-ons and one to two-train waits for the front rows. Stinger was closed all day and had water dummies in the seats (probably from last week's 90 minute stranding of riders).


One thing that I haven't seen mentioned that's new for 2013 is their new Fast Pay program. It uses an RFID chip in a wristband and allows the user to load money on it to use at any place in the park that has a cash register for food, gift shops, and I saw it at one of the all-day locker locations in the park.

There are two different types of bands: The single day band and... wait for it... the re-useable multi-day/season pass-user wristband that is an extra $5 and can be purchased at Guest Services. This band is re-wearable and comes in different colors as well. Sounds a little like Disney to me.

Coca-Cola in the park was great, but I was slightly disappointed that there were no Coke Freestyle machines anywhere (then again this is Dorney we're talking about).

Finally, I also want to say that operations were great and the employees were really helpful. When I went to the lockers by Thunder Canyon and lost nearly $8 trying to find a working locker (quite a few of them didn't work), one of the attendants willingly came over and opened one up for me. She said that they were supposed to get new ones this year to replace the existing coin-operated ones, but another park got them instead.

Overall, had a great visit!

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The one time use ones that are near Thunder Canyon and White Water Landing have been trouble for years. I had problems with them eating money and not opening after I went back to it. Even though it's more expensive (even with the season pass discount), I use the all day ones in WWK instead when I am going to WWK and riding Thunder Canyon and White Water Landing. Hopefully they get replaced next year.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe it's just me but I don't see this park making any major investments in the coaster department. No matter what they do the coasters never have lines and probably never will as it's been like that for well over a decade. The flats usually have lines and the waterpark seems to be a huge draw but not the coasters. If I were Dorney I'd focus on those areas and mix in a relocated coaster every once in awhile.


It's not what I'm hoping for but I think it makes the most sense. The last coaster they had custom designed was Hydra and it never has a line now and really never did. I walked right on to a half empty train on it's opening day.


I disagree. Dorney's been my home park my whole life and I distinctly remember huge lines for both Steel Force and Talon when they opened. You think there's something about the area, people around here just don't like roller coasters? Not likely. The problem is Dorney hasn't gotten a decent coaster since Talon, and that was in 2001!! Hydra has always been a pretty terrible coaster, and it isn't surprising it hasn't been a huge draw for them considering Hershey and SFGA are both within easy driving distance, opening up fantastic coasters on a consistent basis. You make good rides, you get big lines, end of story. I'm going back to Hershey this year specifically to ride Skyrush as many times as possible. You think I'm going to make a point of going back to Dorney to ride the Stinger?


And it isn't a problem of space either, I can tell you that for sure. And there's room in the market for Dorney, it's got a good location, lots of history, and a natural charm (which CF has been working hard to slowly peel away). This is why big corporations shouldn't run small parks. CF looks at Dorney, sees nothing but risk, so turns it into a dumping ground for cheap rides that'll guarantee an immediate return on investment. But they're shooting themselves in the foot. Stinger was a total waste of money and space, anybody with half a brain can see that. It does nothing for the park long-term. Spend a little more and put a decent coaster there, and don't you think you'll make more money overall?


I guess the problem is Dorney can't compete with Hershey and SFGA for thrills, and can't compete with Knoabels for charm. So they get the short straw over and over. But I'd bet they'd be better off if it weren't for CF. You don't need a business degree to know that for Dorney to succeed, they need a mixture of charm and good rides. Instead, CF decides, "You know what? I think we'll give them... NEITHER! Sounds like a winning strategy, right?"


So they give them a drop ride from 1983, when the park already has Dominator. They should be ASHAMED.


Ug. Writing about this gets me so riled up. I'm done ranting for now. CF can kiss my ass.

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Stinger was a total waste of money and space, anybody with half a brain can see that.

How is it a waste of money? Cedar Fair had the ride on hand and only had to pay to move and build it. Quite a bit cheaper than designing, buying and building a new coaster.



Spend a little more and put a decent coaster there, and don't you think you'll make more money overall?

Apparently Cedar Fair doesn't think so or else they would do this.




I'm not sure if you are aware of this but Six Flags tried the strategy you suggest and went bankrupt.

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Stinger was a total waste of money and space, anybody with half a brain can see that.

How is it a waste of money? Cedar Fair had the ride on hand and only had to pay to move and build it. Quite a bit cheaper than designing, buying and building a new coaster.



Spend a little more and put a decent coaster there, and don't you think you'll make more money overall?

Apparently Cedar Fair doesn't think so or else they would do this.




I'm not sure if you are aware of this but Six Flags tried the strategy you suggest and went bankrupt.


Doing the relocation still costs money, as does maintaining it, all money that could have been spent on a better ride. Not saying it wouldn't have cost more, I'm saying it would've been a better investment. And saying that Six Flags' situation applies here is a little ridiculous. I'm not suggesting they put in a strata coaster. Kennywood is a good example of the strategy I have in mind, and I'm pretty sure they're doing fine. Are you really saying you think the way CF has been managing Dorney over the past five or so years has been satisfactory, or are you just disagreeing for the sake of it?

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So they give them a drop ride from 1983, when the park already has Dominator. They should be ASHAMED.


And at the expense of a good family ride (Krazy Kars). I rode Demon Drop a few times in 2010 and 2011 and went right back to Dominator. Even today when the park wasn't crowded Demon Drop was cycling empty cars while Dominator didn't have much of a line but was running with mostly full cars. It's been like that most times I go to the park after the first couple of years Demon Drop was open.


I agree with the rest of your post too. I was against Stinger as soon as I heard it was coming to Dorney and tried to give it a chance and rode the coaster during my first few trips to the park in 2012. Since then I have ridden the coaster a couple of times. Besides that I don't like the coaster that much, it isn't fun not knowing if the ride is going to be breakdown for more than a few minutes like it already has multiple times last year and at least once this year.

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Stinger was a total waste of money and space, anybody with half a brain can see that.

How is it a waste of money? Cedar Fair had the ride on hand and only had to pay to move and build it. Quite a bit cheaper than designing, buying and building a new coaster.


the point of having 3 inverted coaster in the same park?? I have 2 towers fall??

I expect a bit of a giga coaster in a park where there is already a mega coaster ........................... how they already done??:lmao:


I believe, however, that have invested in dorney, but apparently not earn so much, so now there are only attractions used.

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The one thing I think is good about dorney is that they have an excellent collection of thrilling flat rides compared to the other parks in the region (except maybe knoebels) The park only needs excellent coasters to begin to win over that area.


In a perfect world, dorney would add a flying or wing coaster to draw in the crowds to the park (preferably wing from a business standpoint because we know its a big draw and there is nothing comparable in the area except skyrush and it will still have more draw because of loopty loops and 20 ft wide trains), buy back laser and slap gerstlauer trains and magnetic brakes on it, then, another year, they would build a megalite or pre-fab intamin woodie( maybe with a megalite layout) to round off the collection.


Not like any of that's going to happen, but it's nice to think about the possibilities.

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The poster above me kind of stole my thunder but I agree 100% with him. Out of the big 3 local parks, I would say Dorney definitely has the best flat collection. The problem is the 2 other parks offer decent inverteds and megas so missing Steel Force and Talon won 't kill anybody when you have Nitro, Skyrush, Great Bear, Batman and more available. With coasters that are elite in the world at both Hershey and Six Flags, I would say Dorney needs a defining coaster to draw people to the park like RF2 does for Waldameer, Boulder Dash does for Lake Compounce, Outlaw Run for SDC, Phoenix for Knoebels, etc. There's plenty of people around here for Dorney to compete but they need to give people a reason to visit.

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I do not think Stinger was the best option for the park. But I like the coaster. I think its fun getting on with 3 other friends and have a good time with it. Its not a rough coaster at all, but that is my opinion.


They do need a new wooden coaster. Do I like Thunderhawk? Yes, I do actually. I think its a lot of fun. I love wooden coasters that are not too rough and this one is perfectly rough for me. Others think its too rough and if that is their opinion they are entitled to have it - means shorter lines for me Even if they got something along the lines of Wooden Warrior like Quassy has would be awesome. That little coaster packs such a punch.


I LOVE Demon Drop. I have more fun on that then Dominator. But that is because I do not like S&S drop/shot towers. They do not fall fast enough to thrill me. I prefer say an Intanim.

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Also, as much as people complain about dorney installing a drop tower when they already have one, dorney is the only park of the big 3 that even has a drop tower. As for demon drop, six flags great adventure used to have stuntman's free fall, a first gen intamin drop tower much like demon drop. My mother and her sisters loved that tower before it was taken down. Also showing them demon drop, they immediately noticed that it was much like free fall, even the point where it rights the car after the drop.


Most of these people who've ridden stuntman's in their teen years are parents now, probably of teens. If there is a draw for the teens to get out to the park, then the parents have to come along, and see demon drop up close and, like I already said, notice the similarities and bask in the nostalgia. Rides like these, the whip, and enterprise, can give a reason for the parents, the ones with the money to return to the park, and the new rides, like a mega lite or wing coaster can keep their teen sons and daughters coming back to the park as well.


If the park would install a mega lite, fitting it towards the front of the park or overlooking the parking lot can draw people in to what looks like a not too intimidating ride. The short trains make for quick dispatches and the short ride cycle keep trains moving, and by extension, the line. The ride itself will be able to compete with skyrush and el toro while being less intimidating for those not too into coasters. People will remember it as the small ride with short lines that kicks ass. And return to the park to ride it, not to mention the draw this ride will receive from enthusiasts.


I don't know how this will work out in the chain, but it can probably work wonders for a single park like this one.

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The one thing I think is good about dorney is that they have an excellent collection of thrilling flat rides compared to the other parks in the region (except maybe knoebels) The park only needs excellent coasters to begin to win over that area.


In a perfect world, dorney would add a flying or wing coaster to draw in the crowds to the park (preferably wing from a business standpoint because we know its a big draw and there is nothing comparable in the area except skyrush and it will still have more draw because of loopty loops and 20 ft wide trains), buy back laser and slap gerstlauer trains and magnetic brakes on it, then, another year, they would build a megalite or pre-fab intamin woodie( maybe with a megalite layout) to round off the collection.


Not like any of that's going to happen, but it's nice to think about the possibilities.


I was thinking a wing coaster would be a great choice, as would a good wooden coaster (I'd prefer something more like Outlaw Run, to avoid direct comparisons to El Toro). The fact is ANY coaster would be a good choice as long as it was decent, but that doesn't seem likely to happen any time soon.


Also, as much as people complain about dorney installing a drop tower when they already have one, dorney is the only park of the big 3 that even has a drop tower. As for demon drop, six flags great adventure used to have stuntman's free fall, a first gen intamin drop tower much like demon drop. My mother and her sisters loved that tower before it was taken down. Also showing them demon drop, they immediately noticed that it was much like free fall, even the point where it rights the car after the drop.


Most of these people who've ridden stuntman's in their teen years are parents now, probably of teens. If there is a draw for the teens to get out to the park, then the parents have to come along, and see demon drop up close and, like I already said, notice the similarities and bask in the nostalgia. Rides like these, the whip, and enterprise, can give a reason for the parents, the ones with the money to return to the park, and the new rides, like a mega lite or wing coaster can keep their teen sons and daughters coming back to the park as well.


I don't doubt that there are a few people for whom Demon Drop holds some nostalgia, but I disagree that it's a good reason to have it in the park, just because it's gotta be a pretty niche audience. Rides kept for the sake of nostalgia are typically things like carousels, coasters, rides the whole family can enjoy like the Whip, but drop rides? I'm pretty sure most(!) people brave enough to ride drop rides in the first place would prefer a smoother, taller, more modernized, open-car version like Dominator over Demon Drop, and the overwhelming unpopularity of DD every time I've been to the park seems to support that.


I mean, hey, I rode Stuntman's Free Fall as a small child, and there was definitely a pang of nostalgia when I first saw Demon Drop. It quickly wore off after one ride in those bumpy, claustrophobic cars. Oh, and, also, Knoebels now has a drop tower, possibly better than either DD or Dominator.

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I might have over thought that a little. I really just wanted to say that demon drop has some value. Very little value, but some nonetheless. Dominator could be torn down and replaced by an intamin drop tower of similar or same height.


And this still puts dorney in a rut. Knoebels still has greater charm than dorney and six flags and hershey still have better rides. Now that knoebels has a drop tower, the choice is moving further and further from the park.


Also looking at satellite imagery of the park, Dinos alive takes up a good amount of space. About the size of a small coaster not including the patch of unused land next to it. Dinos gives the park a sort of educational edge, but not much considering it would be much cooler to learn the physics of a 128 mph modern scream machine than a 205 ft tall Morgan mega built in 1997.


And the park still has a lack of stand out coasters. Almost all or all of which have an equal or superior counterpart in any of the other parks surrounding. On top of that the park has a height restriction making building said rides that much more difficult. But like any good park, they'll find a way. If cedar fair lets them

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Demon Drop is notable for it's uniqueness, even if it's an average ride. Steel Force is still the best coaster in the park, apart from that...


And the park still has a lack of stand out coasters. Almost all or all of which have an equal or superior counterpart in any of the other parks surrounding.

...this! I don't consider any of Dorney's coasters to be anything less than decent, but when you're a stones throw from the awesomeness of Hersheypark and the charm of Knoebels the park is always going to come in as a third choice.


Height shouldn't be an issue, especially if they add a launched coaster. Maverick is only 105ft tall, could even go with a family coaster like Jet Rescue which is only 20ft high. At 35ft tall Wooden Warrior is one of the best woodies in the country, or if a small footprint is required the nearest El Loco is in Indiana. They could even use the four-across trains for an added punch!


So there's definitely potential because the rest of the park is pretty good, it's just lacking that one ride that makes you want to keep coming back.

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^ And see this goes to show it is all based on opinion because Talon is my favorite suspended coaster. Granted I have not been all over the world to ride coasters but for all of the parks I have hit in the USA it is still my favorite one.

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