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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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I just hope that if Darien Lake is putting a ProSlide Kraken Racer slide that it doesn't go in Hook's Lagoon's spot.

I doubt it.


Anyways, I just looked into the ride and it looks pretty awesome. It's capacity is high, which I think is great. Some of the lines in the water park get really long, especially with cuda falls not there anymore. If they did add this ride I think it would really help reduce that problem.

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That looks like a great addition. 900 riders per hour is a lot too, 15 people per minute. I wonder where they intend to put it though, the only spots that look possible are between ROS and Brain Drain, or maybe the old Splashtown gate. Actually looks like it would fit Cuda Falls hill well or if they tore down the Spaghetti House.


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I can't even. We find out that the park is adding a new slide complex and a bunch of exciting new features around the park, and the pity party for Cuda Falls still continues. I'm glad that it is rotting in a field right now, and Premier decided to move onto bigger and better things.


Anyways, I am very excited for the Kraken Racer, and it should be a perfect fin in the park. My one complaint about the water park in the past was that there was not enough to do for single riders, but that has been changing for the better. Plus, it's a perfect family-thrill ride with a 42" height requirement. It's high capacity, will help alleviate other lines, and something everyone can enjoy.


I don't think that anyone should be disappointed, because there was a point where most of us thought that the park was taking the year off with all of the other improvements, so this is just a bonus at this point. I think that it will end up going over the former Splashtown entrance, because it isn't used anymore and there's enough space. But there is a possibility of it going next to Big Kahuna as well near the picnic pavilions. I don't think that the park should/will place this over Cuda Falls' old site. That's prime real estate for expansion.


Premier is doing an awesome job so far, and I hope they can keep it up.

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Darien Lake can move the picnic grove to another part of the park if they want to make room for that mat racer slide complex or they can move Slingshot to another part of the park and put the slides on that hill where a certain slide complex was next to Shipwreck Falls.

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No official records have been posted on the planning board's website yet, but last year Rolling Thunder and Brain Drain were filed in January and February of last year respectively. So there's a chance that we may be seeing something else next season too. With all of the other small additions, I think that this will be all, and that's totally fine with me.


Dragster Drench and Hydro Racer have been very popular at Fantasy Island and Seabreeze, and neither had long waits when I visited both parks. I'm sure that Darien's situation will be a bit different being a larger park, but this is a high capacity attraction, which is something the water park needs. The "Kraken" model is also unique from the other two models with the twisted tunnels at the beginning.


Good to see that Darien is continuing this partnership with Proslide. They have given the park some fun, quality products over the past few years. The water park has turned from an old dilapidated, and unreliable water park, to one of the better modern water parks in the country. Hopefully the park will contract them again to redo Hook's when the time comes. That whole "pirate" area is really the only eyesore left in the area. The structure itself and surrounding buildings could be freshened up.

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^I agree about the Hook's Lagoon area, the bathrooms over there are gross, the locker rental area by the bath house have not been used in years as well as the bridge to nowhere, and also Darien Lake really needs a new family water playground to replace Hook's Lagoon and maybe drop the pirate theming all together for that area of the water park.

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I have to say that this is an excellent addition to the waterpark. I expect it to go over between brain drain and ROS and expand out that way.


I would love to see a new flat inside the park as well, but the second train for ROS along with the possibility of a second train on other coasters and new paint, those are pretty decent additions. Plus the waterpark needs a high capacity ride as the lines are long. Obviously the waterpark attracts visitors, so this should be a good addition

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Well, according to the Buffalo News, the plan has been approved by the Genesee Planning Board, but there is a surprise:


Genesee planners OK new water slide for Darien Lake

By Mike Pettinella


Darien Lake intends to put in place by summer a new six-lane, 298-foot-long water slide.


Amusement park officials confirmed the new water slide is in the works for the 2016 season, but did not provide additional details. Genesee County planners OK’d the project Thursday.


The slide will cost around $1.5 million to build and will replace the out-of-service Barracuda Bay and Flood Gate Falls attractions in the “Splashtown” area of the park, according to documents submitted to the Planning Board. The new slide is known as a KrakenRACER, manufactured by ProSlide Technology, Inc., of Ottawa, Canada.


Information on the company’s website describes the ride as the “newest benchmark for mat racers worldwide (as) guests speed through the dark in braided, twisting tunnels before shooting into the open, multi-bump racing lanes.” It received a couple of industry awards in 2011.


Planners approved the site plan contingent upon Darien Lake’s submission of a revised, “professionally prepared” plan showing the location of the proposed slide, queue areas, pathways and relocated fence, and other structures and equipment.


Planners also recommended that the Town of Darien consult with the Darien Fire Department to ascertain any revisions in access points to the park


So, the surprise is that the slides seem to be going in over the old Barracuda Bay hill. While I don't necessarily have a problem with it, I thought that the plan for that site was future expansion of the dry park. I can see there being a problem in the long run with people not wanting to cross the bridge. I can see if it was determined that it would be too much work to level the ground for an expansion, but I just hope that Premier will have the appropriate land in the future for a big investment like a coaster. There are always other spaces, but the central location of that just seemed to good of an option.

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Sorry for the double post, but it seems as though the water slide will be going over the former Splastown gate as expected. The slide will not go over the path way, but it will end right next to Hook's Lagoon. Here are the planning board's documents:




Looking good! Cant wait to try it out.

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^From the look of the slide picture the ProSlide Kracken slide that Darien Lake is getting might have the same colors as the late 'Cuda Falls.


I got some name speculations for it.


.Hydro Force 2

.Riptide Racers

.Return to Rainbow Mountain

.Sliding Snake Falls

.Dragon Falls

.Torpedo Rapids

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Yes if you look at the post from the news, it says it is replcing cuda falls and floodgate falls. It does not say it is going in that space though. I think putting something like this by the old splashtown gate is just about perfect. It is visible to all at entrance, and will keep the lines down due to high capacity.

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^From the look of the slide picture the ProSlide Kracken slide that Darien Lake is getting might have the same colors as the late 'Cuda Falls.


I got some name speculations for it.


.Hydro Force 2

.Riptide Racers

.Return to Rainbow Mountain

.Sliding Snake Falls

.Dragon Falls

.Torpedo Rapids


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Unless something truly disturbs the area or causes a safety issue, I've come to the realization that the planning board should just about approve of any new attractions for the park. They realize how important Darien Lake is to the area, and the revenue that it brings. Even if something large were built that would cause larger attendance, it wouldn't cause a safety issue on the roads which were built to handle the traffic.


As I've said many times before, Premier is doing a wonderful job, and I don't think that it will be too long before they start building bigger.

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'Cuda Falls.


What did my liver ever do to you? It did nothing to deserve this.


Word. I was excited when reading the Buffalo News this morning where they said that this would replace Cuda Falls (drink) as I was thinking that this would finally put any speculation to bed.


As far as the new slides go, how do these ride? I have ridden the basic mat racing slides and the ones at Soak City at CP although they don't have that "braided effect".


I'm all for it as long as they don't ride like this God-Awful one at Kings Island.


I call this one 'Skin Stripper'

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