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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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So, I just realized. I had the old Darien Lake app for a few years and I noticed after a little while that the App was stuck on the 2013 season. I Looked into it and I saw that the app was taken off of the App Store all together, im not sure totally as to when... Since DarienLake.com is getting a revamp as Doug said... Is there any talk about creating a new app potentially?

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The old app was simply a mobile version of our site, but our current site is mobile friendly, and our new site will be even more mobile optimized.


If we do build a new app, it will most likely include new functions pertaining to season pass. Nothing has been green lit though.

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It's definitely a possibility. Fantasy Island usually makes purchases at IAAPA. So there's a good chance that somebody from DL/Premier is down there scouting. Besides the improvements we already know of, the park may have no idea what to add or if they want to add anything this year. If they see something there that they like, they could jump on it.

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Plus it could be a brand new ride concept, and give DL something unique to attract more visitors.


That would be cool if Darien Lake were get a new ride concept that no other park in the area has in 2016, but it would be even cooler if they didn't make the ride an extra charge ride!

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^ What extra charge attraction do they really need? They've got a skycoaster and a sling shot! Unless they get something like CP's Skyscraper, I think they're set in the up charge thrill ride attractions. Not to mention they have the paddle boats and those cool trikes. I heard people saying they'd like it if they had like a fountain or something in there but I could see that becoming an issue. I liked them. Really calm and relaxing. I loved being able to see the rides from that unique perspective. And to get so close to the RedHawk is pretty awesome too.


I'm assuming if they're getting something big it will be in the ole Cuda area. If it's a simple flat, or even if it's insanely awesome but smallish. We could see it either between twister and motocoaster, In rangers old spot, or there is some land between the mind eraser and grizzly. And let's not forget about the RoS dead end issue. I feel like that's a serious overhaul type of situation though - so I wouldn't expect much over there soon, in my opinion.


And with the love already being given to RoS with the new train. I'm almost wondering if that means they will add something across the park to kind of balance out the "New for 2016" goodness, or if they want to focus solely on RoS and the surrounding area. The next few years should be really interesting for park development!

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If I was dropping the $$$ on a new train you better bet I'd expect a rep from Intamin to fly in to oversee, adjust, update, and tune the ride system. As far as the ride's restraint system goes, the original restraints were the same as Millennium Force were they not? Millennium with 3 trains and a very efficient crew has given many more rides with no incident than ROS. Darien Lake has just had some pretty bad luck and unfortunate cases of human error.


Lastly, running only one train on ROS regardless of the day is unacceptable. It is the marquee attraction. You have an entire off-season to rehab your trains, get it done.

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Yeah, RoS was running horrendously last year. Not only was the one train operation a problem, but the crew was really slow. Most of the times I visited, the same group of people were running the ride. They seemed unmotivated to work and they took their sweet ass time checking restraints. Only a few workers really pushed and worked quickly, but then they would be slowed down by a slow worker, or a restraint not giving the green light.


But you have to remember, at Cedar Point, they have a lot more people working at Millennium Force. There are 5 people alone working in the loading station, and probably 2-4 in the unloading station. Darien has never had more than 3 working the station. I would like them to improve on quickness over the offseason. Even if it isn't feasible to have more operators checking restraints, they could at least work faster.


Viper's crew was amazing last year. Once the second train was put on, the operators were really pushing it. By the time the train hit the mid-course, they were dispatching again. This isn't something that has happened since the Six Flags days, and I was really impressed.

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As far as the ride's restraint system goes, the original restraints were the same as Millennium Force were they not? Millennium with 3 trains and a very efficient crew has given many more rides with no incident than ROS. Darien Lake has just had some pretty bad luck and unfortunate cases of human error.


Lastly, running only one train on ROS regardless of the day is unacceptable. It is the marquee attraction. You have an entire off-season to rehab your trains, get it done.


I agree about 1 train on ROS. I visited Darien Lake once last year knowing about 1 train only ops, but the only ride it really bothered me on was ROS. With the crowd levels that day Mind Eraser & Viper weren't even sending out full trains but ROS had a healthy line. If they just ran 2 trains on that I'd be happy.


Also yes, The Millennium Force trains & ROS trains are the same the only 2 differences are the t-bars have be modified on ROS after the accident, and what were originally all metal panels were replaced with fiberglass panels on the Millennium Force trains. So in simple terms they're exactly the same. I don't know why they want to purchase a new train, like you said the Millennium Force trains have logged way more hours and nobody is even thinking of replacing them.


Here's 2 picture I found on google of the difference between t-bars.


How Intamin T-Bars normally look.


Modified Darien Lake T-Bars

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A difference that I noticed between RoS and Millennium Force's trains was the quality of rides that they gave. By the end of the year, RoS generated a bad rattle and it gave the roughest rides I've ever had on it. Granted, it still was probably one of the smoothest coasters in the park, it never was in that bad of shape. MF still rides smooth as glass.


Due to the maintenance over the years, the park has found it hard even to parts both trains out to get one running right. I think that Premier/CNL is looking to the future for the ride in the decision for new trains. This will nearly guarantee two train operations for years to come, and less maintenance on it so that they can focus on other rides. Maybe then we will see something done with Predator and other rides in need of big time rehabs.

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^^ Sorry for the double post but that's a great find. I'm surprised that they just didn't scrap it, but maybe they're keeping it for the same reason that Batman is still here. It counts as an asset, it isn't taking up any space in the park, and it would be expensive to move.


And before DarienLaker even suggests it, no, they are not saving it to rebuild it. It was custom built for the hill it sat on, and that land is being used for future expansion.

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A difference that I noticed between RoS and Millennium Force's trains was the quality of rides that they gave. By the end of the year, RoS generated a bad rattle and it gave the roughest rides I've ever had on it. Granted, it still was probably one of the smoothest coasters in the park, it never was in that bad of shape. MF still rides smooth as glass.


Due to the maintenance over the years, the park has found it hard even to parts both trains out to get one running right. I think that Premier/CNL is looking to the future for the ride in the decision for new trains. This will nearly guarantee two train operations for years to come, and less maintenance on it so that they can focus on other rides. Maybe then we will see something done with Predator and other rides in need of big time rehabs.


That makes sense, I thought ROS was rattling quite a bit during my visit in 2014. I'll be a happy camper when ROS runs 2 trains again.

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In case anyone was wondering where Cuda Falls went...


Find Batman on Route 77 and go deeper off the road.


Thanks for showing me the final resting place of 'Cuda Falls, but still Darien Lake is not bringing back those slides even if they had all of the parts to rebuild it anywhere else in the world. Maybe Darien Lake is planing something for 2017 to go in where 'Cuda Falls and Floodgate Falls once stood, but I'm starting realize that Darien Lake is going leave the old Barracuda Bay area and Galaxy Theater empty until the cows come home.

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Man. I did not think they'd put those pieces THAT far back! They must know how much a certain TPR member loves the slides and wanted to be sure they wouldn't come and take the pieces or something!!



But on a more serious note, are those green rectangles the old fright night field trip busses? I'm surprised they'd just have them sitting there in the grass. That can't be good for the well being of those vehicles... Especially if they haven't been used in so long


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Lol 649 sounds familiar. I probably have stayed in one of those before. I wonder if they are planning on getting some new trailers, or building more cabins. I do like the cabins a lot, but they are really expensive. If they cost less, I would stay more often.


These are trailers that have already been replaced. If you satellite map the campground, youll see the graveyard. A lot of them look like theyve been parted out to active trailers.


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