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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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I'm hoping that Darien Lake builds a clone of the Kennywood Skyrocket like I suggested earlier on this thread. It would not be the first time a suggestion on this thread became reality (Brain Drain). Thoughts?


I'm hoping for Darien Lake to build either a clone of Superman: Ultimate Flight/Tempesto or a legitimate family coaster that kids under 48" can ride with an adult.

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^Hehe it would be a total catastrophe.


I was surprised last year when my thought came true about speed slides next to Tornado. But my suggestion was down to Earth. The complex was relatively cheap and didn't take many resources to plan. Some people want the park to build a giant coaster at the snap of their fingers without thinking how much goes into the process. A coaster will come when the time is right. We just have to wait over this ownership controversy.

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While new rides are always a plus, I find it absolutely respectable that the park is taking the time and money to invest in their existing attractions with new trains, new paint and ride refurbishments. That's a gift not all regional parks are lucky enough to get.

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Yes, very much agreed on both fronts. Keeping up the existing rides is just as important as adding new ones. Most of the previouos owners/managers did little for existing ride upkeep.


If they continue to add new rides and upkeep on existing rides, things will be good. They just must make ROS a priority for the 2017 season. I hope they paint it a color that does not fade as much as red. Maybe a green or blue...

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Once the time comes for a repaint on RoS, I agree that they should change the color scheme. The park already has a red coaster with Mind Eraser, plus red fades quicker than all other colors. The paint test on the track done just a few years ago had already faded to the rest of the track pretty much.


Generally, colors fade according to the length of their waves. Red has the shortest wavelength, therefore fades quickest. The scale of wavelengths goes ROYGBIV. Although bright colors pop the most, they also don't last long. A green or blue would last longer. Viper went nearly 20 years with green, and always looked good. I think it even looked good when faded. Sorry to drop science there, I just nerd out when it comes to physics.

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Sorry SbSteveZ, I have no information I can give at this time.


I am excited about the upcoming season though. Lots of good work is being done by all departments right now.


I really wish everyone had an opportunity to see how hard our full time employees work. I think that it would put a lot of things in perspective for everyone.

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Sorry SbSteveZ, I have no information I can give at this time.


I am excited about the upcoming season though. Lots of good work is being done by all departments right now.


I really wish everyone had an opportunity to see how hard our full time employees work. I think that it would put a lot of things in perspective for everyone.

So a lot is going on, huh? Is a new ride somehow involved in thier work?

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Sorry SbSteveZ, I have no information I can give at this time.


I am excited about the upcoming season though. Lots of good work is being done by all departments right now.


I really wish everyone had an opportunity to see how hard our full time employees work. I think that it would put a lot of things in perspective for everyone.

So a lot is going on, huh? Is a new ride somehow involved in their work?


I wonder if the bathrooms are getting a remodel?

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