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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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^ Hi Steve. There honestly is no rhyme or reason other than that I now have time to make social media a priority.


Things were pretty busy last off-season and this season, so it was harder for me to create content on top of my other responsibilities at the park.


This off season, one of my goals is to grow our following, as well as develop and schedule a base layer of content for next operating season.


We'd really appreciate it if everyone followed and interacted with us on our social platforms. We're going to try to be more responsive, and answer questions when we can.


Twitter: @darienlake

Vine (will be ramping up content on this platform soon): @darienlake

Instagram: @darienlake

Facebook: /darienlake

YouTube: /DarienLakeResort


We're also trying to develop some Snapchat filters for next season. So look for them in May!

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^ Hi Steve. There honestly is no rhyme or reason other than that I now have time to make social media a priority.


Things were pretty busy last off-season and this season, so it was harder for me to create content on top of my other responsibilities at the park.


This off season, one of my goals is to grow our following, as well as develop and schedule a base layer of content for next operating season.


We'd really appreciate it if everyone followed and interacted with us on our social platforms. We're going to try to be more responsive, and answer questions when we can.


Twitter: @darienlake

Vine (will be ramping up content on this platform soon): @darienlake

Instagram: @darienlake

Facebook: /darienlake

YouTube: /DarienLakeResort


We're also trying to develop some Snapchat filters for next season. So look for them in May!


Any changes in management or ownership this year Doug?

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That information is typically not explicitly discussed at the park level, so there is really no way for me to know for certain. That being said, I have not been given any information that suggests another management change. We're going full-steam ahead with 2016 planning.

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It was captured by a company called 'Another Off The Wall Production,' based out of Houston Texas.


They are a great production company, and have years of experience in the industry.


The footage they captured will be used in next year's advertisements, so keep an eye out for those quad-copter shots!

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That information is typically not explicitly discussed at the park level, so there is really no way for me to know for certain. That being said, I have not been given any information that suggests another management change. We're going full-steam ahead with 2016 planning.

Could you give any details or at least hints about those 2016 plans?

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That information is typically not explicitly discussed at the park level, so there is really no way for me to know for certain. That being said, I have not been given any information that suggests another management change. We're going full-steam ahead with 2016 planning.

Could you give any details or at least hints about those 2016 plans?


Is new lights for Giant Wheel in the 2016 plans?

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Anywho, anyone notice that over the last few days or so, Darien Lake has been posting a lot more than usual on their social media pages?

I too have noticed the surprise surge in posts. It's great to see you guys now have the time to do so, and hope all goes well with 2016! I believe I'm following most of the park's social media accounts by now.

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That information is typically not explicitly discussed at the park level, so there is really no way for me to know for certain. That being said, I have not been given any information that suggests another management change. We're going full-steam ahead with 2016 planning.

Could you give any details or at least hints about those 2016 plans?


We are in the process of solidifying our 2016 plans now. I cannot give too many details, and I will not know too many details for items outside of the department I work in until they are set in stone.


Here is what I can confirm:

• Ride of Steel will be getting a new train (announced at ACE picnic).

• Construction has begun on a new archway/portal that will serve as a gateway between the park and the performing arts center. I will share construction photos and a rendering later this week.

• Second trains on more coasters, but not all.

• Repairs and improvements to the picnic pavilions for catered picnics.

• A visual redesign for DarienLake.com.


That's pretty much it for now. More substantial information will most likely come after the new year.

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^ To my knowledge, we'll be getting one train in 2016. I believe the intention is to order a second one for 2017. I believe they will have the same restraints as Bizzarro/Superman: The Ride at SFNE.

Oh wow, that's my home park. Enjoy those thigh bars, maybe they will be more similar to El Toro than Bizarro hopefully for your riders sake.

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I've heard mixed reviews about those type lap bars, but I'm definitely open to trying them. My problem now is how the side brackets dig into my legs, which seems to be eliminated by Bizarro: The Ride of Whatever's (lol) restraints. After marathoning Skyrush, I'm sure this won't faze me. If it means better maintenance and two train operations in the long run, I'm all for it.

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I didn't really like the restraints on Superman at SFA but I loved Millennium Force's restraints. Bizarro/S:TR's restraints are somewhere in the middle. They would be a lot better if the bar was smaller like what was originally planned.


Seems like a pretty bad idea to go with one train for a whole year. I doubt they would be able to run one of each.

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I doubt they would be able to run one of each.


Technically they could, but if the trains ran any differently, mainly in speed, it would throw off the computer. RoS is very touchy especially when it comes to timing. Sometimes even if the weather causes the trains to be slower it automatically shuts the ride down.

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