DarienLaker Posted September 19, 2015 Share Posted September 19, 2015 Those "Full Tilt" rides are kind of similar to the Huss Ranger rides, but they don't go upside down. I think something like a Music Express would be a good replacement for Sleigh Ride! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geauga Dog Posted September 19, 2015 Share Posted September 19, 2015 A Music Express would be a great addition, they are very popular yet I don't understand why Darien never had one in the first place, but with Martins just adding one this year wouldn't it seem like DL is copying them and Seabreeze? BTW Screamscape is reporting that Martin's has put their Chance Giant Gondola Wheel up for sale on the ITAL used rides site. With the log flume and Over the Falls rides gone this could open up a nice chunk of land for something eye catching along I-190. The Crazy Mouse could be easily relocated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterkid124 Posted September 19, 2015 Share Posted September 19, 2015 Maybe a new coaster for them soon? I could see it happening with them opening up all of this land. There was a lot of land to expand on there even when the log flume was still standing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarienLaker Posted September 19, 2015 Share Posted September 19, 2015 Maybe a new coaster for them soon? I could see it happening with them opening up all of this land. There was a lot of land to expand on there even when the log flume was still standing. I think Darien Lake should sell Mind Eraser to Martin's Fantasy Island! (Just kidding) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matman-TheRide Posted September 19, 2015 Share Posted September 19, 2015 Does anyone know if there is an announcement date for the 2016 changes/new rides? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarienLaker Posted September 19, 2015 Share Posted September 19, 2015 Does anyone know if there is an announcement date for the 2016 changes/new rides? Probably new ownership once Darien Lake is sold to a company who can run the park better than CNL did! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SbSteveZ Posted September 20, 2015 Share Posted September 20, 2015 Fantasy Island removing their Ferris Wheel makes for the most exciting news I've heard on here in over a month... Darien could easily be getting some free publicity by digging a few holes in the ground or putting up some survey markers. They could've even had a "Say Goodbye to Ranger!" Type thing before it closed. Although with the signage down, and it being SBNO for about two years now, it's just a matter of time before it's gone. New trains on RoS would be awesome, but in the end would it attract more people? I mean, a re paint would defiantly catch people's attention, but mainly just the people who visit the park on a regular basis. I have to give them credit though. Since Six Flags left they've repainted Boomerang, Viper and have been working on Mind Eraser. If they paint RoS, that would mean in 6 years they've painted all 4 applicable major roller coasters! That in itself is pretty spectacular. For the future they probably will eventually focus on the hydraulics issue on Boomerang, the put put monstrosity under Viper, the hydraulics on Twister (if they are as bad as people on here have been saying), and maybe if we're lucky they'll start to do away with some of that Asphalt soon? Good things can happen. But patience is a virtue as well that us DL fans don't all have.. Myself included Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ajfelice Posted September 21, 2015 Share Posted September 21, 2015 Fantasy Island removing their Ferris Wheel makes for the most exciting news I've heard on here in over a month... Darien could easily be getting some free publicity by digging a few holes in the ground or putting up some survey markers. They could've even had a "Say Goodbye to Ranger!" Type thing before it closed. Although with the signage down, and it being SBNO for about two years now, it's just a matter of time before it's gone. New trains on RoS would be awesome, but in the end would it attract more people? I mean, a re paint would defiantly catch people's attention, but mainly just the people who visit the park on a regular basis. I have to give them credit though. Since Six Flags left they've repainted Boomerang, Viper and have been working on Mind Eraser. If they paint RoS, that would mean in 6 years they've painted all 4 applicable major roller coasters! That in itself is pretty spectacular. 1. Digging holes and survey markers are fuel for enthusiasts more so than GP. Unless there are official hints being dropped from the park to suggest a new attraction, survey markers and holes in the ground mean zilch to guests. 2. A Say Goodbye to Ranger campaign would have been great if the park knew when Ranger closed down (most likely mechanical reasons) that it would never have re-opened. Hindsight is 20-20 on that issue. Besides, saying goodbye to a flat is a lot different than a coaster that has been a staple in the park for decades. 3. New trains would be likely added to RoS for mechanical reasons, as no park in the right mind would replace trains that currently still provide a decent ride. The shin guards on the current train(s) aren't the greatest, but far from a massive issue that would make them switch trains to save the ride's appeal. I suspect the new train talk is a result of mechanical necessity. The chassis on each car on those trains are a original prototype and likely an NDT nightmare. 4. New paint looks pretty but it is not always a dramatic result in the ROI. For many parks, paint is considered as first a protector against rust, and second as a cosmetic. So I would expect a new train or trains for ROS before a new paint job as the current one is faded but not rusty. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterkid124 Posted September 21, 2015 Share Posted September 21, 2015 The new train rumors are most likely because of previous maintenance of the trains, rather than because they were prototypes. Remember that Millennium Force runs the exact same trains, and to this day still rides like new because of their maintenance. Cedar Point actually goes through everything during the offseason when they tear down the trains. Whereas DL has been doing the bear minimum to keep 1 running. The trains have been getting in worse condition over the last few years. They have developed a big rattle during some parts of the ride, and many other parts have been beginning to wear. A few examples are the brake fins becoming loose and slapping against the brakes, the seats and restraints are worn, the chassis is beginning to rust in spots, and the plates on the bottom of the trains have been chewing up the drive tires quicker. Not only has this prevented the park from running 2 trains (which is badly needed), but the ride has become rougher as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarienLaker Posted September 21, 2015 Share Posted September 21, 2015 ^Ride of Steel becoming rough? I don't believe this, every time I've rode Ride of Steel, it was always a smooth ride! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterkid124 Posted September 21, 2015 Share Posted September 21, 2015 I noticed it has been getting worse over the years, but I don't complain about roughness. The front is much smoother than the back, which is actually common on Intamins. I don't let roughness ruin the ride for me like some other people do. It's like the end of the world for them if their favorite coaster gets a slight rattle. The helixes are where it is noticed the most, the rest of the ride is still smooth. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ajfelice Posted September 21, 2015 Share Posted September 21, 2015 The new train rumors are most likely because of previous maintenance of the trains, rather than because they were prototypes. Remember that Millennium Force runs the exact same trains, and to this day still rides like new because of their maintenance. Cedar Point actually goes through everything during the offseason when they tear down the trains. Whereas DL has been doing the bear minimum to keep 1 running. The trains have been getting in worse condition over the last few years. They have developed a big rattle during some parts of the ride, and many other parts have been beginning to wear. A few examples are the brake fins becoming loose and slapping against the brakes, the seats and restraints are worn, the chassis is beginning to rust in spots, and the plates on the bottom of the trains have been chewing up the drive tires quicker. Not only has this prevented the park from running 2 trains (which is badly needed), but the ride has become rougher as well. They may be the same model of trains, but being a year apart where the DL trains were the prototypes, I'm sure changes were made in the engineering. These aren't PTCs that have matured in design and been fairly constant in design for years. Second, maintenance does not determine their budget to determine how many trains to have available for each season. Third, saying that Cedar Point "actually" goes through everything in the off-season is insulting to Darien Lake's maintenance team unless somehow you are there in the shop in the off-season to witness them not going through the trains as thoroughly as they should. Perhaps DL might not have the budget that Cedar Point has to do all of the cosmetic things such as replacing every worn-looking seat and restraint. As for those alleged loose brake fins and plates, are you certified in ride maintenance to determine if a real problem exists? I am not saying that Darien Lake is perfect, but I do not think they are deserving of all of the speculation-driven criticism they receive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterkid124 Posted September 21, 2015 Share Posted September 21, 2015 Yes, as a matter of fact I am certified in maintenance and used to work at the park before getting my engineering degree. Things of course have changed through the years, and have gotten a lot better, but maintenance during the late SF years and early PARC years was not up to par with other parks' procedures. Yes, the trains were thoroughly inspected for safety and repair needs but a lot of the little things went untouched. The bare minimum was done just to keep costs down and make sure the ride could run for a whole season. Now am I saying every little part down to the nuts and bolts has to look like new? No, absolutely not. But the chassis of the ride shouldn't have uncoated metal and there shouldn't be tape holding padding and restraints together either. As for the brake fins, the ride has magnetic braking, meaning there should be no contact whatsoever between the train and the plates. Every time the train rolls through the brake run the fins loudly slap against the plates. Either something isn't aligned right or one of the fins is loose. Repeated contact like that could ruin the train or even cause injury to a guest waiting in line. I'm not trying to "insult" maintenance because I myself used to work there and still know a lot of guys who still work there. It's just sad that CNL isn't giving them the budget they need to upkeep things to the point where they have to make makeshift repairs to run a single train. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sk610 Posted September 21, 2015 Share Posted September 21, 2015 ^ and I think I speak for most of us here in saying this is why we are all hping for new complete ownership with no management group that will invest in these things. Also, next weekend is the last operating weekend for the park. If a sale has already been completed, announcements could come soon after. Last year, i think we knew before halloween that HFE was not going to manage the park any longer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterkid124 Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 Darien Lake announced on Facebook that they will not be hosting Fright Fest next year either. Sounds to me like management is set for 2016, and it seems like Premier will still be in charge. While of course nothing is official, just some food for thought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarienLaker Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 ^My guess is that Darien Lake is going to close forever, maybe that's why there's not going to be anymore Fright Fest at Darien Lake or maybe CNL is going to sell the park to owners who don't think Halloween is important to park operations. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterkid124 Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 I'm sorry I even posted that.... Time to drown my sorrows with some Jack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sk610 Posted September 24, 2015 Share Posted September 24, 2015 I may be the only one who thinks this, but I would be OK with Premier owning the park. They have good additions and tend to have a few things just like this year with a water slide and flat ride. As long as they had full ownership and not under a management company holding the purse strings. Don't get me wrong, I would prefer HFE, but am OK with Premier fully owning the park. In a few years we would have a great selection of cookie cutter coasters like a eurofighter and one of those new Premier launched coasters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geauga Dog Posted September 24, 2015 Share Posted September 24, 2015 I may be the only one who thinks this, but I would be OK with Premier owning the park. They have good additions and tend to have a few things just like this year with a water slide and flat ride. As long as they had full ownership and not under a management company holding the purse strings. I'd be fine with a them as well as long as they continue investing in the park. Their two new additions this year was a step in the right direction. The important thing is getting the park a full-time owner, not one that is just leased out by an outside management company. Don't get me wrong, I would prefer HFE, but am OK with Premier fully owning the park. In a few years we would have a great selection of cookie cutter coasters like a eurofighter and one of those new Premier launched coasters. At least a Eurofighter or a Premier Skyrocket II would still be unique if you think about it even if they are cookie cutters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tackleberry Posted September 24, 2015 Share Posted September 24, 2015 ^My guess is that Darien Lake is going to close forever, maybe that's why there's not going to be anymore Fright Fest at Darien Lake or maybe CNL is going to sell the park to owners who don't think Halloween is important to park operations. 1. Why would a lack of Fright Fest mean theyre closing forever? Theres absolutely zero indication of that happening. 2. Halloween is not important to park ops. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SaraAB87 Posted September 24, 2015 Share Posted September 24, 2015 They are probably cutting halloween because its expensive to produce and most importantly the weather in this area can be very unpredictable in October, whats the use of having a Halloween event if it rains every weekend or its too cold for the rides to run. The halloween events have been poorly run in the past with most of the park being closed for the event plus if you get a nice weekend weather wise the park will be horribly crowded which makes for a horrible time especially with a good part of the park closed which makes lines even longer. I dont see other parks closing half of the park for a Halloween event, the waterpark is obvious to close but not major rides. They also probably cant get the staff to put on the event since the kids are back in school. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SbSteveZ Posted September 24, 2015 Share Posted September 24, 2015 ^My guess is that Darien Lake is going to close forever, maybe that's why there's not going to be anymore Fright Fest at Darien Lake or maybe CNL is going to sell the park to owners who don't think Halloween is important to park operations. ...did... Did I really just read that..? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterkid124 Posted September 24, 2015 Share Posted September 24, 2015 DarienLaker has mentioned the park closing probably around a handful of times now. Either he's just being a troll, or he's taking out revenge on the park for removing the "beloved" Cuda Falls. I have no problem with them not having Fright Fest. It was a very small event compared to other parks, and the attractions they did were sort of half-assed. I also have no problem with Premier sticking around a bit longer. They seem committed to rebuilding the older ride collection. I do wish we would get some teasers or an announcement range from the park. It would be interesting to see what their next move is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tackleberry Posted September 24, 2015 Share Posted September 24, 2015 DarienLaker has mentioned the park closing probably around a handful of times now. Either he's just being a troll, or he's taking out revenge on the park for removing the "beloved" Cuda Falls. I have no problem with them not having Fright Fest. It was a very small event compared to other parks, and the attractions they did were sort of half-assed. I also have no problem with Premier sticking around a bit longer. They seem committed to rebuilding the older ride collection. I do wish we would get some teasers or an announcement range from the park. It would be interesting to see what their next move is. *she For what its worth, it seemed to me that the park ran better and looked cleaner this season more than ever. Just my two cents though. Ill probably be there on Sunday and on the lookout for any changes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr.Peabody Posted September 24, 2015 Share Posted September 24, 2015 I too will be there on Sunday to hear the Frankfurters play. I can see why they wouldn't want to put on the Halloween event, especially if the park is under new ownership at this point. Marty told me that Fantasy Island lost money every year they put on Haunted Fantasy Island. For the amount of work they have to put in to make it halfway decent, the return for smaller parks just isn't worth the time and money expenditures. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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