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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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^BGW's Howl-o-Scream isn't on the same level as Tampa's (the latter is an upcharge, the former isn't), even though I do enjoy it. I think it all depends on what you're looking for. The atmosphere at Christmas Town is probably a bit better, but not as many attractions are open; however, they do offer some very good food options (better than what you see at HOS).

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As a fan of Haunt events, I personally prefer HOS over Christmas Town. There's much more stuff to do and most of the park is decked out fairly well.


Christmas Town is nice because the park is slower outside of the typical busy days. Sure food options are better, but there isn't much to do outside of the two special attractions and shows. The flats are open during both and HOS has both the haunt mazes and the roller coasters.

Edited by netdvn
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The park is a ghost town on slow days. Walk ons for everything. Shows playing to empty houses. Fridays and Sundays are pretty reasonable along with the week before the schools let out for Christmas break. Come Christmas week, the park is slammed outside of Christmas and New Years eve.

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The park is a ghost town on slow days. Walk ons for everything. Shows playing to empty houses. Fridays and Sundays are pretty reasonable along with the week before the schools let out for Christmas break. Come Christmas week, the park is slammed outside of Christmas and New Years eve.



Every park is a Ghost Town on Slow Days. Is the park like a Dollywood where people go for shows more than rides?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe it's near the Country of Cheese.


As long as Greece and it's fried cheese are still there, I'll probably make a trip during their F&W festival!


I'm not riding Grover this time.


I'm sorry but all guests from Iowa who wish to participate in BGW's Food and Wine Festival must ride Grover.


Rules, you know.

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This Park is on my bucket list, and my enthusiasm to visit grows more and more as time goes by! I would love to be able to make it in the next few years! Maybe by the time I get to visit another credit will be added! Hopefully a GCI, but that's probably just wishful thinking...

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