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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Good stuff. That one at Siam Park just looks absolutely gorgeous.


It looks like it will have a nice open flume after the Tornado Wave part, which means decent speed and probably some good spinning.

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I definitely wanna try and visit Christmas Town this year, haven't been since it's first year so I really like to see how much it's improved. I remember Italy being closed off that year as well. I also wouldn't mind getting a few rides on Verbolten and if I'm lucky enough Mach Tower.

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Water Country was due for a new slide.


Next up, Christmas Town. Who's planning to go? It starts in about two weeks.


Your timing is great, as I was planning to come in here to ask for any helpful hints or can't miss attractions for Christmas Town!


We're hitting the road early on Black Friday, but it's not to go shopping! We're making our first ever trip to BG's holiday event, and we're all excited to check it out!! We booked a package for a great rate for 2 nights, and it includes a pass good the length of our stay. We'll be heading to the park on Friday and Saturday. The pictures we've seen and the video we watched looked wonderful.


I'm also excited that this will easily be the latest in the year that I've ridden a coaster (hopefully the weather cooperates), and a new credit to boot! Our lone trip to BGW was the year before Mach Tower opened, so Verbolten is a perfect choice to have open for me!


A couple questions off the top of my head that hopefully some of you (especially Chuck) might be able to answer:


-- They list Verbolten as open. If weather would end up unseasonably warmer, do they ever possibly open up a 2nd coaster for the event? Just curious on that one.

-- Mach Tower is also open. Is it in normal drop tower mode for the event? Or is it more like an observation tower to see all the lights? (I don't even know if Mach Tower can do that, but I know some towers can go into a maintenance/observation mode)

-- Any can't miss shows in the lineup? They all look pretty good, to be honest.

-- We loved the park's food when we went before. Any good food choices specific to the Christmas Town event?

-- My wife and I are giant kids at heart and we love Christmas. We both said that "Santa's Workshop" looked pretty cool. Do they allow adults to walk through there and "see Santa"? Or is it a kids only thing? (I always enjoy those things since I play Santa myself for our children's holiday party here at my work! )


Looking forward to our trip! Any insight is welcomed and appreciated!! Thanks!

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I doubt they would open any other coasters as it's more of a staffing issue than a weather issue. Mach Tower will operate in "observation mode" (no drop) as Nacht Tower. The show in the Festhaus is like one of those "holiday TV specials," with more "secular" songs, while the other two shows (particularly the one in Ireland) are more "religious." They serve a good prime-rib sandwich in the Festhaus during Christmas Town, and I'm rather fond of the gingerbread cheesecake. You can also get a tasty smoked-sausage sandwich at the grill outside the Smokehouse. You can dine with Santa in Ireland, too (but I think you need to reserve this at the front of the park).


It will be mobbed the weekend you're there (right after Thanksgiving), so expect crowds. I also recommend waiting no longer than ten minutes for the penguin exhibit in France.


The park looks absolutely beautiful during Christmas Town; my favorite spot is "Holiday Hills" in Festa Italia becuase of the cool "retro" decorations they use there. Have fun!

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^^^Looks like a fun ride and I have never been to Water Country before so even more motivation to add that to our bucket list of water parks to visit.


Anyone know if there will be an elevator lift for the clover-shaped tubes? Kinda hard to tell in that video, but it didn't look like it.


I know that trying to haul one of those giant 3-4 person tubes up 100 feet of staircase is definitely not much fun (and totally awkward) for the over 40 crowd, so the one's with the tube elevator lifts are most appreciated.


Michael and I thought we were going to die hauling the giant tube up the side of the hill (quite steep w/steps to boot) to ride the one at Michigan's Adventure. Definitely a one and done because of that even though the slide itself was tons of fun!

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OK, who wants to see penguins flying on Southwest from San Antonio to Norfolk so they can make it to Christmas Town in Williamsburg?



At least a limo picked them up in Norfolk--that Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel traffic can be a pain.

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I always look forward to Christmastown at BG....I hope this season is great for them.

In an unrelated news event, Blackstone looking to sell majority interest in Sea World. This is going to get very interesting for the park chain..




related article: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/business/blog/tourism-central/os-blackstone-to-sell-more-seaworld-shares-giving-up-its-majority-20131120,0,6365903.post

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And speaking of Christmas Town . . .


Ah, the weekend of November 22-24! Such a magical time of the year. One anticipates the sound of sleigh bells, the smell of roast turkey, and the enchanting buzz of everyday beverages infused with a little something "extra." Yes, who doesn't look forward to this wonderful weekend?


Well, Walmart, Target, and other retailers have been looking forward to it since before Halloween, but that's besides the point--for this is the opening weekend of Christmas Town at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, and the park invited those of us who "blog" about parks to check out this year's version on opening day.


So, what's new with Christmas Town this year? Perhaps the largest aesthetic change took place in France, which was themed to the "Twelve Days of Christmas"--a different Christmas tree for each lyric in the carol. Food offerings are very similar to last year, but the Swedish meatballs and Schnitzelwich from the Food and Wine Festival are now offered at Christmas Town, along with a larger assortment of adult beverages,such as Butterscotch Egg Nog (made with schnapps) and a Cranberry Hot Toddy (I'm definitely going to try this one--well, and probably the egg nog, too). The park keeps upping the ante on Christmas lights each season, too. Six million lights were installed on the park's buildings, paths, and trees, and 85 percent of those are LEDs (that's a lotta lights hooked up to about 25 miles of cable). Many of those lights adorn the park's 1,500 fresh-cut Christmas trees--you can really smell the fresh pine as you walk around.


The only coaster operating is Verbolten; the Forest of Fun, DarKastle, and the water rides are closed, but the skyway (as "Flight of Lights") and all the park's flat rides are running. And, yes, the penguins are back, as are the three shows from last year: "Gloria" (Ireland), "Miracles" (Italy), and "Deck the Halls" (Festhaus).


The park treated us to a "Collies and Clydesdale" tour, which isn't offered during Christmas Town, followed by Santa's Fireside Feast in Castle O'Sullivan in Ireland. This is the first time I've ever tried the feast, and it's a nice event for families. The buffet is quite good (particularly the roast turkey and stuffing). Mrs. Claus works the room until Santa himself comes out for photos, followed by a story--"A Visit from St. Nicholas," or "Twas the Night Before Christmas," by Clement Clarke Moore. Then Mrs. Claus comes out with cookies, and Santa encourages you to eat them all--now there's something a group of coaster enthusiasts can support.


My thanks to the park, and Koy Grant in particular, for inviting me to participate in this event for Theme Park Review. It's a great way to kickoff the holiday season. Well, our bellies are full. Shall we walk off dinner by checking out the rest of Christmas Town?


Looks like I'm in the right place. That's very important.


The tree with the big balls is back!


Happy Christmas, England.


And now, an old British yuletide tradition: The Official "London Rocks" Tree. I'm pretty sure Charles Dickens popularized this in the 19th century, probably in "A Christmas Carol 2: Gaslight Boogaloo."


First stop: Highland Stables to check out some animals.


"I wanna herd the hell outta them sheep so bad right now."


"Ya got food? Huh? Do ya! DO YA?"


Dakota is one big horse.


This will give you an idea how big.


Yes, even the Clydesdales, border collies, and highland sheep like to decorate for Christmas.


Hmm--not quite feast time yet.


I think I'll head for France via Ireland.


Hmm--interesting. I bumped into Larry Giles, the park's head of operations, and asked him about this. He professed "ignorance."


I like the candles on the Abbeystone Theatre--nice touch.


Each country has its own Christmas Town color scheme. Ireland's is green. Go figure. ;)


It's a surprisingly short walk from Ireland to France. I thought you had to take a ferry, or something.


Hmm--quite a change from Demon Street at Howl-o-Scream. At least they finally got those "hell fires" put out.


Yes, this spot was infested with demons and dragons a month ago.


But now, the "Twelve Days of Christmas" rule France.


Here you have your "ten lords a'leaping" . . .


. . . and your "six geese a'laying."


Bonjour, leaping lord and lady.


Here's a bad joke I can't fit in anywhere else: "I'm at my wit's end," shouted the king as he delivered a kick to his prone jester's backside.


Time for fireside feasting.


Here's the fireside . . .


. . . and here's the feast.


It was a nice spread, but the roast turkey was particularly good.


Thank you, Mrs. Claus. You cook a mean turkey.


"Ho, ho, ho! Go fetch Santa one of those Cranberry Toddies, would you? Then I'll really show you what 'Jolly' is all about."


"So, you want to hear Santa recite something? How about Molly Bloom's soliloquy from James Joyce's "Ulysses"? We are in Ireland, after all. No? How about some Yeats, then?"


"Away to the window, I flew like a flash, tripped on the carpet and busted by . . . oh, ho, ho, ho! Santa's not supposed to tell that version." (All kidding aside, the park has an excellent Santa.)


Cookie time--yay!


Even Christmas trees get blue sometimes.


At night, while you sleep, the Demon of the Blue Tree will come for you!


Like last year, the Flight of Lights is offering only one-way trips. I liked it better when you could take a full circuit. More to come.

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Still more Christmas Town--let's head to to 1940s America via Italy.


The Polar Pathway is probably the park's single biggest light display.


Oh, how very droll. They sell donuts with dipping sauces here during Christmas Town.


"All will kneel before Claus!"


The park has managed to make an empty water ride look great.


"Silver and gold/Silver and gold . . ." This photo would drive Yukon Cornelius crazy.


Shall we step back to a time when boys wanted a "Red Ryder carbine-action, two hundred shot Range Model air rifle with a compass in the stock" for Christmas?


My Mom like flocked Christmas trees. My Dad disliked paying for them.


Apollo's Chariot and the Roman Rapids are closed, but Festa Italia's flats have been given holiday overlays. This is the "Peppermint Twist" tea-cup ride.


"Kneel! Grovel! Doubt not my power!"


Another Christmas Town dining opportunity--I like the sign when it's lit up.


The brass band is a nice touch.


Be sure to score some Coke while in Holiday Hills.


"Behold as the tree behind me bursts into flames! Bow down, mortal fool!"


The displays in Italy are a bit more "reverent."


"Hi there! I'm Jesus. Enjoy 'ME'mas Town."


Let's head to Oktoberfest.


It is pretty peaceful on the Rhine tonight.


Nice work, Gunther! If you can't get that car to run, you may as well use it as a decoration.


The Feshaus is looking more festive than usual.


Personally, I like the prime rib sandwich on the lower right--but you really can't eat it like a "sandwich."


Even the Minions are festive today.


No DarKastle--but you can buy some of Ludwig's Cursed Crafts!


This joint was crawling with vampires a month ago--and they served tasty tri tip to their victims.


Now it has a goofy elf infestation.


All is peaceful and beautiful in Germany . . .


. . . until you bump into Chucky from the "Child's Play" movies.


Alepngiest is closed--but it's trying.


Canada. We're all about moose, eh?


The penguin exhibit is exactly the same as last year.


"I had to fly on Southwest from San Antonio to Norfolk to get here."


And the penguins weren't particularly active while I was there.


Time to head home.


What? Well played, Busch Gardens. Well played. ;)


The carolers in England serenade you as you enter and exit.


One last look at England.


And here's the tree with the big balls all lit up. Happy Holidays! Thanks for reading.

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Isn't the Corkscrew Hill sign physically attached to the post, and all the other signs they've put there have just been over top of it? Would it be too much to ask that CH returns next year? Unfortunately I'm thinking yes...


Anyway, here's a few pictures I took last night. I was rushed towards the end so I don't have too many, but I'll be back soon enough.


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