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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Yay! I was right about the nighttime spectacular, though they probably won't do the skating leprechauns. Oh well.


I didn't see it explained anywhere, is the new simulator replacing Corkscrew Hill? If so, I don't know how I feel about that, I've gotten to like Corkscrew Hill.


EDIT* Never mind, it answers my question in the video. I didn't watch all of it.

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This definitely sounds like Soarin' but with a European flare...I think this will be a great addition to BGE's Ireland!


I thought Corkscrew Hill was okay, but it would have nothing on a simulator ride through Europe...especially over Neuschwanstein Castle.


I wondered what all those hang-gliders experienced when I saw them flying over the castle last October. Perhaps I will get to experience a similar trip without having to worry about plunging 2000 feet to my death!

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^ Is that the simulator that is Pirates 4-D that used to be R.L Stein's Haunted Lighthouse that used to be the Dolphin Theater back in the day?


While Leslie Nielson might have rocked in 'Airplane', by the time I experienced Pirates 4-D I was just about sick of attractions with 3-D glasses and getting wet with mist and water spray.


Bring on Soarin' over Africa hosted by David Puddy!

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So i've heard a lot of Soarin' comparisons. Will this attraction be a close copy to Soarin', or is it just a reference to it being a motion simulator? I'm just wondering if it's one of those simulators you find in an arcade (Looks like a small spaceship), a 3-D movie theater simulator (Like Days of thunder, or that old dinosaur 3-D at SFDK), or like Soarin'. I haven't been to that park for about 20 years so I have no clue.

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So i've heard a lot of Soarin' comparisons. Will this attraction be a close copy to Soarin', or is it just a reference to it being a motion simulator? I'm just wondering if it's one of those simulators you find in an arcade (Looks like a small spaceship), a 3-D movie theater simulator (Like Days of thunder, or that old dinosaur 3-D at SFDK), or like Soarin'. I haven't been to that park for about 20 years so I have no clue.


I would imagine the type of "Soarin'" attraction you are considering is a different concept that what will probably coming to BGW. Mostlike they will do minimal renovations to the original attractions and just play a new movie with updatedd affects. I wasn't surprised that this happened. Corkscrew was "unpopular."

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^ Is that the simulator that is Pirates 4-D that used to be R.L Stein's Haunted Lighthouse that used to be the Dolphin Theater back in the day?


While Leslie Nielson might have rocked in 'Airplane', by the time I experienced Pirates 4-D I was just about sick of attractions with 3-D glasses and getting wet with mist and water spray.


Bring on Soarin' over Africa hosted by David Puddy!


No I'm talking about the one by the Clydesdales that was Akbar, and used to be Questor. Now the only thing I think it's been used for lately was Howl o Scream mazes!

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^ Ahhhh...I see. I must have walked right by the area and didn't even give the building a second thought.


Most likely, I was either tripping over my tongue while in a trance looking straight ahead at Montu, or said "Ooooh look - the Crown Colony has a pub in it!"

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What, they're removing Corkscrew Hill? This is an outrage! Let's get some T-shirts printed up! Start an online petition! Save Corkscrew Hill! They're taking out a classic ride for some Soarin' Over Europe crap? That's not fair to the fans or to the children who will never get to experience this unique and wonderful attraction. Anheuser-Busch ran this park like a family for over 30 years, and now this big conglomorate thinks they can just come in and start changing things? The nerve. The nerve! Amusement parks should never, ever change. Period.


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What, they're removing Corkscrew Hill? This is an outrage! Let's get some T-shirts printed up! Start an online petition! Save Corkscrew Hill! They're taking out a classic ride for some Soarin' Over Europe crap? That's not fair to the fans or to the children who will never get to experience this unique and wonderful attraction. Anheuser-Busch ran this park like a family for over 30 years, and now this big conglomorate thinks they can just come in and start changing things? The nerve. The nerve! Amusement parks should never, ever change. Period.



^ If I cut and paste this, I could make it talk about the BBW

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What, they're removing Corkscrew Hill? This is an outrage! Let's get some T-shirts printed up! Start an online petition! Save Corkscrew Hill! They're taking out a classic ride for some Soarin' Over Europe crap? That's not fair to the fans or to the children who will never get to experience this unique and wonderful attraction. Anheuser-Busch ran this park like a family for over 30 years, and now this big conglomorate thinks they can just come in and start changing things? The nerve. The nerve! Amusement parks should never, ever change. Period.



They shouldn't... Than every park would be full of classic rides

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^Er, pretty much everyone who's posted so far.


What, they're removing Corkscrew Hill? This is an outrage! Let's get some T-shirts printed up! Start an online petition! Save Corkscrew Hill! They're taking out a classic ride for some Soarin' Over Europe crap? That's not fair to the fans or to the children who will never get to experience this unique and wonderful attraction. Anheuser-Busch ran this park like a family for over 30 years, and now this big conglomorate thinks they can just come in and start changing things? The nerve. The nerve! Amusement parks should never, ever change. Period.



Where were you when they removed King Arthur's Challenge? We could've saved it!

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^Oh man, I completely forgot about that one! Seriously though, I think this change is needed. I mean I love Corkscrew Hill and all, but it's become a little dated, and it's not particularly up to the "classic" status. If King Arthur had actually stuck around though, then there might have been a few more problems with this change.

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