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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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  Superbatboy said:
not sure why they just wouldn't build a custom design with higher capacity (ala Fulll Throtttle).

Which still doesn't have a great capacity. Maybe if it had four cars per train (making room for 24 riders) it would make a difference.

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  rcjp said:
  Superbatboy said:
not sure why they just wouldn't build a custom design with higher capacity (ala Fulll Throtttle).

Which still doesn't have a great capacity. Maybe if it had four cars per train (making room for 24 riders) it would make a difference.


Or even still three (or more) but with an actual layout and a few blocks to separate them.

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Probably some 15 year old who thought it would be hilarious did it. Believe it or not, some idiot replied on Facebook that this was due to the park's bag search policies being shoddy. I really should learn not to read comments on news stories.

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^Most likely. All in all, the park handled it pretty well and was handing out comp tickets to guests who wanted them. They were pretty busy today, too, for a Sunday evening.

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I got there right after it happened. Guests kept asking me if I knew what was going on, and when I said I didn't they thought I was just trying to hide it from them. I could barely manage my team for those few hours, but I think we handled it well.

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^Anybody with a smart phone could've found out about the threat, yet I'm not surprised that many of the staff were in the dark about it, unless they worked in park security or in England. I found out when I posted a photo of some Food & Wine stuff on Facebook and one of my friends mentioned the bomb threat. Then I just googled the news.

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Visited the park for the first time this year yesterday. Had a good time, but it was sooo hot out. The longest line ended up being for the log flume. I also got to eat at trappers smokehouse for the first time, which was nice. A LOT of food. Also ended up seeing London rocks. Very cool show. Very high energy and well put on. Here are just a couple of photos I took.













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  rcjp said:
Nice shots.

I've always loved the way B&M's inverted zero-g rolls look from this angle. Can't really explain why but it just looks awesome to me!

I have to agree. Its just such a beuatiful shape! Cant wait until next week so i can ride this baby again! IMO best invert ever!

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  BrianGC said:
I'm going to the park on Tuesday. I'm pretty excited... It'll be my first time since 2003. Do you guys think the crowds will be decent?


Edit: also, any suggestions for discount tickets?


I was there a few tuesdays ago. everything was mostly a walk on except the flume and verbolten. I suggest getting there at opening and go straight to verbolten!

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  Schwarzillard said:
Mach tower was actually up last week!

I know, I was so happy about that! I got to ride it for the first time ever when I went on monday. I went to the park MANY times last year, but every time I went it was closed! (Although one time it was open, but it had like a 1.5 hour line, and I wasn't about to wait in that for a drop tower!) So I finally got to ride it. It was ok. The views were nice though! Perfect spot to observe the construction going on back by the drachen fire station. (I'm calling new train station btw)

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  CPSFMMCW said:
So I finally got to ride it. It was ok. The views were nice though! Perfect spot to observe the construction going on back by the drachen fire station. (I'm calling new train station btw)


Agree with the views, especially during Christmas Town, when it serves as an observation tower. It always has a long line, unlike Drop Zone at KD.

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