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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Obviously hinting at the bridge/drop. Don't get the gnomes though...


Sigh... poor Gnomes.


Gnomes, like Trolls and Dwarfs have mystical, magical powers to confound and confuse those who don't understand the power of them. Many times, said Gnomes in statue format inhabit the gardens, lawns and front stoops of houses throughout Europe. Often, in this format, they protect the owners of their domicile, as well as giving a warm and friendly greeting.


(Busch GARDENS has GNOMES in it- on a strange and magical Journey through the black forest. Makes perfect sense to me.)]


And thanks for posting the video, too!

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Verbolten is shaping up to be one very interesting attraction.


"Interesting" seems to be the word I'd use to describe it up to this point also. It sure will be the most heavily themed coaster around, but as far as the actual ride goes, hopefully it will be enjoyable and atleast be on par with BBW (which wasn't that good in my opinion).

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^You know that they were there before, right? BBW required those footers because of the stresses that a one-ton swinging train puts on them. Rather than pour new footers and up the price of Verbolten from the piles of millions it's already costing, BGW and Zierer are working to reuse the old footers that were already in place for BBW's river run.

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Am I the only one that thinks the gigantic footers around the bridge drop look ridiculous? They are HUGE compared to the supports that will be going in there.

They stand out now because the rest of the area is barren. Give it a couple of years, when the supports, and track are all up as well as the greenery returning to the area. The footers won't draw any attention at all with everything else around them.

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Yeah those footers look ridiculously huge, however I can understand these are built to take on more stress. Also, being obvious, I thought they would try to advertise the bridge a bit, since after all they are working on getting that part done right now. Maybe they are releasing videos based on what they are working on at the moment??? Oh and the bridge will be finished in no time they way they are going. I swear they put up another huge chunk of it up over night.

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Am I the only one that thinks the gigantic footers around the bridge drop look ridiculous? They are HUGE compared to the supports that will be going in there.

They stand out now because the rest of the area is barren. Give it a couple of years, when the supports, and track are all up as well as the greenery returning to the area.

Whoa...Its gonna take them that long to finish this coaster!!! lol

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Is it confirmed as a fact that there will be an actual bridge that you drop off of? I know it was seen in the early leaked concept art, but has there been any other times where that element has been mentioned?


It may just be my half hallucinating sleep deprived mind but...


Yes there will be a rickety bridge that you head into and drop out of. It was hinted at in one of the concept drawings and shown in the blueprints that were leaked a few months ago.

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Gnomes. Why did it have to be gnomes?


I like what I'm seeing from the park so far. Verbolten is shaping up to be one very interesting attraction.

What's wrong with gnomes?


Present company excepted, of course.

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Gnomes, like Trolls and Dwarfs have mystical, magical powers to confound and confuse those who don't understand the power of them. Many times, said Gnomes in statue format inhabit the gardens, lawns and front stoops of houses throughout Europe. Often, in this format, they protect the owners of their domicile, as well as giving a warm and friendly greeting.



And here I thought they just stole your underpants.

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I believe from leaked blueprints, there will be a tree similar to the one in the video? I think they are hinting at not only the drop, but also a few other elements that will play a vital role in this ride. It seems to be one of the most intense family coasters. This sure is a big step from Sesame Street. It is a shame it will only go 50 mph. It seems like it should go faster.


Also, a bridge was also in some leaked blueprints. I think that the bridge/drop will be completed by New Years at the rate they are going with good weather *knocks on wood*. Then we should expect some major marketing via Facebook and Twitter, I hope. It appears they have most or at least half the track put together. From what I have heard, there is already 1 train on site. I know in the employee parking lot there are two storage units that have built-in locks and everything, perhaps they have two trains already and are keeping them super secret for now?


Can anyone indicate on a map exactly what land/buildings the park actually owns. I am curious to know for sure if that warehouse directly next to the overflow lots with the train tracks is owned by the park? Driving down the road one day, I though I saw a pick-up truck coming out of there, like the ones the park uses to tow stuff around the park when closed and such.


UPDATE ---- 3:07 AM ----


Reading up on some of Zierer's coasters. It appears they have a patented restraint system that does not require over the should restraints even if you are going upside down? Since I don't know much about coasters, I think that is very different. Would this mean that Verbolten could travel upside down without over the should restraints? I know it won't happen, but could it happen, if desired? In the pictures it looks like they have restraints around your ankles and completely covering your lap and keeping you snug as a bug. Never seen or heard of anything like it before. By the way, that is for their Tower Launch Coaster. Verbolten happens to be an Elevated Seating Coaster and Groover's Alpine Express is a Force Coaster. Since we already have two of the three types, do you think we could expect another coaster from them anytime within the next 5 or so years being a Tower Launch? Sure would be different.

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^ Sky Rocket at Kennywood (by Premiere) has lap / shin restraints and goes upside-down. In fact, there's inverted airtime... which is awesome! You're not going anywhere in those restraints. There are also similar restraints on the Flight of Fear coasters. Maybe this could be something similar from Zierer.

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I believe from leaked blueprints, there will be a tree similar to the one in the video? I think they are hinting at not only the drop, but also a few other elements that will play a vital role in this ride. It seems to be one of the most intense family coasters. This sure is a big step from Sesame Street. It is a shame it will only go 50 mph. It seems like it should go faster.



I don't think the speed is a big issue here. If the ride contains a number of special effects, which I hope Verbolten will, it would be a bit difficult to appreciate them if you whiz by at ridiculous speeds. Cheetah Hunt packs plenty of punch, and its maximum speed is 60 mph--you're actually supposed to appreciate the surroundings as you cruise by.


Verbolten is meant for a "family" audience, too.

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If anything, the tight turns inside the event building will probably be forceful even at a "lower" speed.


I forget how tight the spiral is inside Expedition Everest, but it doesn't go particularly fast through that and it's pretty intense.

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