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Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 149 - Tiana's Bayou Adventure opening on June 28th!

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New Fantasyland and Little Mermaid soft opened today! Here's a few pics and a ride-through of Little Mermaid!



Shrub walls have just been moved to let guests into #NewFantasyland



Little Mermaid is SOFT OPEN for business!



Wait time for Little Mermaid



Entrance to Little Mermaid, soft open NOW!



In the queue for Little Mermaid now OPEN!



n the queue at Little Mermaid



Another look at Little Mermaid queue



More views of Little Mermaid queue.



Ariel has a message for her guests!



Indoor queue area for Little Mermaid.



Little Mermaid Loading area and ride vehicles.



Scuttle animatronic in Little Mermaid queue!



More shots of the Little Mermaid ride now OPEN



Another look at Little Mermaid unload area.



Yay! Gaston's Tavern is also open!



In Gaston's Tavern you can get LeFou's Brew in a cool mug!



LeFou's Brew is sweet and YUMMY!



A look inside Gaston's Tavern.



Enchanted Tales With Belle also OPEN!



Walls haves moved and #NewFantasyland officially soft opened today!



Entrance to Be Our Guest restaurant looks incredible!



Little Mermaid line got a bit longer by the time I got out!



Bridge to Be Our Guest restaurant. Amazing detail!



Another look at Little Mermaid exterior. Amazing work!



Awesome projections used in Little Mermaid queue!



Menu items in Gaston's Tavern.



Gaston is greeting people in front of his tavern!



Ariel's controversial hair!



Ariel and Prince Eric - Smooch!



Here's an update on the Snow White roller coaster.



The details in #NewFantasyland are incredible!

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Very nice work here and with the new circus area in Fantasyland. It's good to see this section of the park getting such a great upgrade, and I'm looking forward to checking it out for myself (particularly the new coaster and Be Our Guest restaurant).

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The whole area looks great! While the ride certainly takes liberties with cramming the Little Mermaid story into a dark ride, it is most definitely a solid B/C ticket ride that will be a great addition to the park.

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^ & ^^ I honestly don't understand the bitching about this ride. There is NOTHING wrong with it. It's a dark ride. Maybe it's because it appeals to girls more, I dunno, but when all the idiot SoCal Disneyland fanboys bitched about it because they weren't getting a "Tokyo Pooh" ride or whatever, I was the one going "Um, it's The Little Mermaid...it's FINE! It tells the story, it has the music, and kids LOVE it. Why all the complaining??!?!"


It's certainly a million times better than California's abysmal Pooh ride or their even worse Nemo subs, and a vast improvement over the old-and-busted Snow White ride that was removed at MK.


--Robb "I don't get all the complaining about this ride...seriously...WTF???" Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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Wow, this is all very very cool.


Thanks for getting the vid and

sharing it and all the pix you

took there, Robb!


I can't wait to see this all

in person....some year, lol.


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^^Florida's Little Mermaid has a moch nicer setting than California's, too. The building at DCA is very nice and goes well with the Paradise Pier area, but I like that Disney has given the ride a much grander facade in Florida's Fantasyland.

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Robb, I totally agree with you. I absolutely love the DCA ride. But I also love the Monsters Inc. ride so ...


I've said it before but Mermaid was EXACTLY the ride that DCA needed and EXACTLY the ride that MK needs. An air conditioned people-eating ride with no Fastpass. (The MK one doesn't have FP correct?)


Is it the best ride ever, no, but as Robb said, it's immensely better than Pooh, Disneyland's Nemo and the overrated Peter Pan.


I love the Facade for MK's, DCA's is ok, it fits in with Paradise Pier and honestly they never have to use the outside queue so no issue there.

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When they started constructing new Fantasyland way back in 2011 (the last time I saw it in person), I wasn't sold on the extreme forced perspective of Beast's Castle at the Be Our Guest restaurant, probably because of it still being, well, under construction. But after I saw this shot I was completely floored. They really did a fantastic job on the exterior.

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I've said it before but Mermaid was EXACTLY the ride that DCA needed and EXACTLY the ride that MK needs. An air conditioned people-eating ride with no Fastpass. (The MK one doesn't have FP correct?)

It does... (or at least it will)


Edited by robbalvey
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It looks really great. There doesn't look like much or anything to complain about the ride, it tells the story and gets the point across in a very interactive, beautiful way. I'm fine with it. I never do figure out how people find ways to complain about things, I can never see what's wrong with. I guess it could just be me.


I can't wait to see this New Fantasyland complete when all the rest of the areas open. (Especially the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train)

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