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Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 149 - Cars Frontierland expansion, new nighttime parade, and new Villains Land announced at D23!

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Just my thoughts here..



From a business standpoint it makes perfect sense that they are adding alcohol to the new "high end" restaurant.Serving wine at a french restaurant is like servings biscuits at a southern comfort food restaurant;It's almost expected. It arguably adds to the immersion of the experience for adults as that's what they would expect to be able to drink if this restaurant was actually in Europe.


From a family stand point- I don't see much changing here. It's still the magic kingdom. It's still one venue. It's still just expensive beer and wine. It's just another place to eat and another option to drink..


That being said- I full expect this to be the opening of the door for the Magic Kingdom to sell Limoncello at Tony's, Sam Adams at the Liberty Inn, and Space Shots at that restaurant with the weird singing alien (Sorry, I'm feeling too lazy to google).. Is this a bad thing? For me, it isn't. I look forward to drinking Small World Sangria (It sure will make the ride more interesting).


For me though, it's still just a strange turn of events.


I do expect the fanatical disney mom boards to be aghast with repulsion though in 3...2...1.



-chris "lets drink around the kingdom" con

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Let's hope this is a "test" for a venture to serve beer/wine throughout the park. Almost every theme park in the world serves and there is rarely a problem. Even Lego Land has beer. If I were the typical mid-westerner that saved 5 years for a Disney World vacation, I think I'd like a cocktail to enjoy while I celebrate my vacation and time off of work. One should feel like a child at WDW but not be treated like one.

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I'm all for it. I am a big fan of beer and I like to enjoy it at the parks. I do however like that the magic Kingdom is more family friendly in the booze aspect when it comes to my 3 year old. Trust me, I'll be getting the beer and hope they use this as a way toget more beer/wine into Magic Kingdom. I agree with their stance on no "to go"cups at MK. I can tolerate that as long as I can enjoy a beer in a place that's called a "Tavern.".


I know a lot of Disney hardcores out there who are all up in arms about it, but I bet they're also the ones with first day reservations and will be drinking the wine and beer at the new restaurant!


My only question is, will they let people without reservations come in for a beer somewhere since you can't take it outside the restaurant? I sure hope so. Also, I hope their beer menu gets better with Bavarian beers.

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I've been to a private event where they were serving beer and wine out in the walkways of Magic Kingdom, so it would appear that much if not all of the property is already licensed for sales of alcohol. Let's see some rum behind the counter at Aloha Isle!

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I do like that they're finally selling it, and that they're selling it with a theme - they aren't just throwing Coronas and Natty out of the windows on Main Street (though for a Grad Night that does sound worthy). I'd like to see them extend the offerings across the park, but still keeping with the area's themes as much as possible.

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I hate how our society perceives alcohol. When I studied in Germany, everyone drank a few brews out in the street, even served in it in the cafeteria.


Anywho, Im surprised they just started serving wine. It seems like something should have been doing for awhile now!



And nobody pays $100 for a ticket, to get drunk for $10 a drink. That's just not smart lol. For that amount to get drunk might as well get bottle service at a real club

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I don't really mind serving alcohol at the restaurant, just as long as they don't start spreading it around the park. Walt Disney did not want alcohol inside Magic Kingdom at all. This is going against his wishes, which is sad. That is my only problem with the idea is that Walt Disney would have hated it.

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Some Disney fan sites think serving wine at a high end restaurant means they're going to be selling body shots of princesses in a year or something. So silly how this is getting blown out of proportion.


If that happens, Im instantly buying an annual pass! Main street turns into Bourbon street! I like it!

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HLN (I know, not the best of news sources) put this on their Facebook page and people are all kinds of pissed off. They are equating beer at one meal in a table service restaurant to drunken mayhem and orgies throughout the park. Jeez lighten up and have a beer - Gaston would!!

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I'm still amused that what is arguably the most child-oriented part of the park is what finally inspired alcohol sales. It actually seems about right though.


I think it's crazy the number of people that are canceling their reservations in order to "Honor Walt's Wishes."


I doubt they actually are. They just want to make a stink online to sound righteous, yet will still gladly give Disney thousands of their hard earned dollars...

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I'm still amused that what is arguably the most child-oriented part of the park is what finally inspired alcohol sales. It actually seems about right though.


I think it's crazy the number of people that are canceling their reservations in order to "Honor Walt's Wishes."


For every one person that is actually stupid enough to cancel their reservation, there are hundreds fighting to get one. I think Disney will survive.



This is like all the Cedar Point ACEr fanboys that said they were going to boycott the park because of Fast Lane. I was at the park opening weekend, and I'll be the first to tell you that the fatty patch jacket population was still alive and well... standing the the stand-by line, of course.

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