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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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^^ Awesome! Thank you for the picture and clarification! I wonder if KK has plans to add another family oriented Coaster like Road Runner Express in the future?


Why? You don't like THE ROLLER SKATER???


Okay, okay, it was just a little joke, so you can put the rope away. Seriously, I would be in favor of another family oriented coaster for Kentucky Kingdom, and that spot where the old dragster once stood would be the perfect spot for a mad mouse or spinning coaster or even a spinning mouse coaster. I'm also in favor of them adding the Scrambler in that old area where the Zeppelins used to fly ( who knows - maybe they will after they get Storm Chaser up and running).





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Went by the park today and I will say. The added height to Storm Chaser is making the skyline look epic already!!!!! It actually looks taller than 100 ft


Did you by chance snap any pics?

Nah was in a rush, but I'll get some today or tomorrow.

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Maybe Deep Water Dive helped raise the height a little further in its area?


^^ Awesome! Thank you for the picture and clarification! I wonder if KK has plans to add another family oriented Coaster like Road Runner Express in the future?

I'd be all for it, especially considering that they'll now have 3 super-intense steelies. Thunder Run does fulfill that soft-thrill spot perfect for families, but another wouldn't hurt. That, or a new large flat-ride (which I bet is what they're planning).

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I thought that Twisted Twins exceeded the current height requirement? It was just grandfathered in, so how are they adding structure to it to make it taller?


I haven't been over to Crittenden to see the construction, but I assume the structure that is being added is above the inverted drop. The height restriction is for the highest point the ride reaches, which in it's original construction would be where the trains travel. Structure could be built up from it's current location to fill that space left by the trains being under the track at that point.

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I thought that Twisted Twins exceeded the current height requirement? It was just grandfathered in, so how are they adding structure to it to make it taller?


I haven't been over to Crittenden to see the construction, but I assume the structure that is being added is above the inverted drop. The height restriction is for the highest point the ride reaches, which in it's original construction would be where the trains travel. Structure could be built up from it's current location to fill that space left by the trains being under the track at that point.


No sir..... They definitely added to the lift hill plus keep in mind the airport did make changes to that runway.

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does KK have lot's of space for future expansion? i'm just curious as i have never seen it in person. might get up there next year though.

I'm not 100% sure but I believe KK (or the fair board idk which) owns all the land behind deep water dive, T3, and Raging Rapids, which includes the vacant parking lot between the hotels and the waterpark. Again, I'm not 100% sure but I do believe they own all that

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^ i hope so, i really like what their doing so far," don't want them to be burdened by lack of land". i'm about 90% sure this is the park i'm gonna visit next year. not a big coaster count, but for some reason Lightnig Run has truly intrigued me. " throw in the inverting RMC, that's all i need to book a trip."

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does KK have lot's of space for future expansion? i'm just curious as i have never seen it in person. might get up there next year though.

I'm not 100% sure but I believe KK (or the fair board idk which) owns all the land behind deep water dive, T3, and Raging Rapids, which includes the vacant parking lot between the hotels and the waterpark. Again, I'm not 100% sure but I do believe they own all that

All the recent momentum with the professional soccer team may be an interesting wrinkle for the Fair Board - Old Cardinal Stadium is probably too far gone to save, but the Fair Board could replace the stadium with something more soccer-friendly (9000-10000 seats, grass field, etc. - the drainage system is still in place) with the condition they get to use it during the State Fair for concerts. They may be willing to sell some land to Kentucky Kingdom to raise some cash. A smaller stadium would still allow the Fair Board to construct their storage building that they want to build upon demolishing the current stadium.


Kentucky Kingdom doesn't really appear to be using its amphitheater, so removing that could free up some space as well. I went to a couple of concerts there during the Six Flags era, so there could still be some plans for it for 2016 or beyond.


When it's time for Broadbent Arena to come down, that will be time for Kentucky Kingdom to literally move the front gate closer to Freedom Hall - a new arena could always be be built elsewhere on the property if it's needed, and it opens up space for the theme park further away from the airport.

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^ that sounds all well and good, but i recently took a trip to Carowinds, and that park is extremely close to the charlotte airport. they just built a 325ft tall machine of happiness, and no one at that airport isn't complaining. pilots and politicians should not be the authority of amusement park law. if they are flying that low " unless directly lined up with a runway " there would already be a major problem in the first place, the surrounding area should play no part in a properly functioning airport. airports exist in cities where the on property hotels are taller than any coaster ever built, " so i don't wanna hear that nonsense "!

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Louisville Intl' Airport is a lot closer to KK than what you'll find at Carowinds; there is a runway right across the expressway from DWD & T3. KK and the airport do try and work together when it comes to the limits though. Slingshot, which was around 200ft, was allowed to be installed and operated for a season (or two). The capsule "ball" launching past the towers showed up on radar every time it launched so the ride ended up being removed and sent to another SF park.


If/when any significant expansion of the park is made, it will be in the area with the highest height limits. The KSFB has that land "set aside" for the park and any new permanent development of the fairgrounds will not utilize that space unless the park is no more.

Edited by mudvayneimn
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^ that sounds all well and good, but i recently took a trip to Carowinds, and that park is extremely close to the charlotte airport. they just built a 325ft tall machine of happiness, and no one at that airport isn't complaining. pilots and politicians should not be the authority of amusement park law. if they are flying that low " unless directly lined up with a runway " there would already be a major problem in the first place, the surrounding area should play no part in a properly functioning airport. airports exist in cities where the on property hotels are taller than any coaster ever built, " so i don't wanna hear that nonsense "!



Maybe using maps before you make a response would benefit you.


Carowinds To Charlotte international is 15.3 miles. Kentucky Kingdom to Louisville International is about 2000 feet.

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^ that sounds all well and good, but i recently took a trip to Carowinds, and that park is extremely close to the charlotte airport. they just built a 325ft tall machine of happiness, and no one at that airport isn't complaining. pilots and politicians should not be the authority of amusement park law. if they are flying that low " unless directly lined up with a runway " there would already be a major problem in the first place, the surrounding area should play no part in a properly functioning airport. airports exist in cities where the on property hotels are taller than any coaster ever built, " so i don't wanna hear that nonsense "!



Maybe using maps before you make a response would benefit you.


Carowinds To Charlotte international is 15.3 miles. Kentucky Kingdom to Louisville International is about 2000 feet.

You are The Real MVP lol

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The only thing keeping folks from being able to walk between park and airport is that there aren't any legal paths directly connecting the two, otherwise it would be an incredibly easy walk. Being at the top of Deep Water Dive and seeing a Boeing commercial airliner hover downwards and land on the 17R runway is an experience.

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does KK have lot's of space for future expansion? i'm just curious as i have never seen it in person. might get up there next year though.

I'm not 100% sure but I believe KK (or the fair board idk which) owns all the land behind deep water dive, T3, and Raging Rapids, which includes the vacant parking lot between the hotels and the waterpark. Again, I'm not 100% sure but I do believe they own all that

All the recent momentum with the professional soccer team may be an interesting wrinkle for the Fair Board - Old Cardinal Stadium is probably too far gone to save, but the Fair Board could replace the stadium with something more soccer-friendly (9000-10000 seats, grass field, etc. - the drainage system is still in place) with the condition they get to use it during the State Fair for concerts. They may be willing to sell some land to Kentucky Kingdom to raise some cash. A smaller stadium would still allow the Fair Board to construct their storage building that they want to build upon demolishing the current stadium.


Kentucky Kingdom doesn't really appear to be using its amphitheater, so removing that could free up some space as well. I went to a couple of concerts there during the Six Flags era, so there could still be some plans for it for 2016 or beyond.


When it's time for Broadbent Arena to come down, that will be time for Kentucky Kingdom to literally move the front gate closer to Freedom Hall - a new arena could always be be built elsewhere on the property if it's needed, and it opens up space for the theme park further away from the airport.


You could say Old Cardinal Stadium is too far gone... It was completely demolished last winter. I wouldn't anticipate a soccer stadium coming to the Fairgrounds. The Fair Board is notoriously difficult to deal with and after the difficulties had with the Bats organization, LCFC will not be building at the Fairgrounds.


I think what KK needs to do is get rid of the Motion theater (something that will never happen) and continue construction back into the parking lot to the northwest. The park is already very disjointed, and adding rides behind T3 and the waterpark would only contribute to that. Adding in the front section of the park would put more dry rides in a location that has some semblance of "flow."

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