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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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How's the reputation been for Kentucky Kingdom recently? Are they planning having two trains on T3 next year? I'm contemplating adding Kentucky Kingdom onto my Midwest trip in June, and Storm Chaser (along with Lightning Run) really makes me want to visit the park for a day.

T3 is slated to have a second train. It had apparently already arrived during the previous season, but it wasn't certified to run in time.

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How's the reputation been for Kentucky Kingdom recently? Are they planning having two trains on T3 next year? I'm contemplating adding Kentucky Kingdom onto my Midwest trip in June, and Storm Chaser (along with Lightning Run) really makes me want to visit the park for a day.

T3 is slated to have a second train. It had apparently already arrived during the previous season, but it wasn't certified to run in time.

Hopefully they have two trains for Storm Chaser - it would be criminal not to given how much marketing has already been put into that coaster - and it's not even December.

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How's the reputation been for Kentucky Kingdom recently? Are they planning having two trains on T3 next year? I'm contemplating adding Kentucky Kingdom onto my Midwest trip in June, and Storm Chaser (along with Lightning Run) really makes me want to visit the park for a day.

T3 is slated to have a second train. It had apparently already arrived during the previous season, but it wasn't certified to run in time.

Hopefully they have two trains for Storm Chaser - it would be criminal not to given how much marketing has already been put into that coaster - and it's not even December.

I haven't seen one ad for this coaster? I've only seen an artist rendering on their website. The announcement on their Facebook too, if that counts.

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How's the reputation been for Kentucky Kingdom recently? Are they planning having two trains on T3 next year? I'm contemplating adding Kentucky Kingdom onto my Midwest trip in June, and Storm Chaser (along with Lightning Run) really makes me want to visit the park for a day.

T3 is slated to have a second train. It had apparently already arrived during the previous season, but it wasn't certified to run in time.

Hopefully they have two trains for Storm Chaser - it would be criminal not to given how much marketing has already been put into that coaster - and it's not even December.


I highly doubt they would only have one train. So, far all of the new investments at Kentucky Kingdom have definitely been quality investments with no corners cut.


I LOVE seeing the Iron Horse track on a metal structure! It's a nice change of pace from the hybrid wood-structure-with-metal-iron-horse-track that we've been seeing since the beginning. The layout also looks even more impressive than in the rendering, but is anyone really surprised by this? When doesn't RMC keep the industry on its toes?

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How's the reputation been for Kentucky Kingdom recently? Are they planning having two trains on T3 next year? I'm contemplating adding Kentucky Kingdom onto my Midwest trip in June, and Storm Chaser (along with Lightning Run) really makes me want to visit the park for a day.

T3 is slated to have a second train. It had apparently already arrived during the previous season, but it wasn't certified to run in time.

Hopefully they have two trains for Storm Chaser - it would be criminal not to given how much marketing has already been put into that coaster - and it's not even December.

I haven't seen one ad for this coaster? I've only seen an artist rendering on their website. The announcement on their Facebook too, if that counts.


Here you go!

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^anything would be better than the Wizard of Oz, it was bad.


Did they just show clips of the original movie, or edit the original into a shortened version or was it a shortened remake?

They edited the movie into a shortened version with the barebones plot. It wasn't as bad as people are saying it was but I do agree that there is room for improvement. The motion effects were jarring when you were basically watching a movie from the 30's.

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^anything would be better than the Wizard of Oz, it was bad.


Did they just show clips of the original movie, or edit the original into a shortened version or was it a shortened remake?

They edited the movie into a shortened version with the barebones plot. It wasn't as bad as people are saying it was but I do agree that there is room for improvement. The motion effects were jarring when you were basically watching a movie from the 30's.


My four year old daughter loved it. We had to watch it every single time we were in the park...It was not that bad but the Rio movie from 2014 made much better use of the motion seats and effects of the theater.

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Looks like there will be some nice laterals before the lift hill like with New Texas Giant!

OR...like every other coaster with an unbanked turn after the station. Seriously, this isn't a new thing.

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Looks like there will be some nice laterals before the lift hill like with New Texas Giant!

OR...like every other coaster with an unbanked turn after the station. Seriously, this isn't a new thing.

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Looks like there will be some nice laterals before the lift hill like with New Texas Giant!

OR...like every other coaster with an unbanked turn after the station. Seriously, this isn't a new thing.


But.............. It's an unbanked turn by RMC... it's going to BLOW MINDS!!!


I kid, I kid.

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