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Bay Area Bash! Six Flags Discovery Kingdom!

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Kinda sucks that I bought a season pass but I'm still paying to get in.

I'm not sure you understand how it all works. You're paying for the "event" and the "event" includes admission.


There is no season pass/non season-pass rate. Everything is one price.


You have to remember there are a lot of costs that go into putting on an event like this and those costs cover things like:


- Food

- Drinks

- Other catering

- Operations costs for ERT

- Animal trainers to come in early

- Security, management, and guest services to come in early and stay late.

- Etc, etc, etc...


There are a lot of things that happen "behind the scenes" for an event like this, Termination Day, and West Coast Bash and all those things cost money and add up.


We were able to offer a season pass/non-season pass rate for Termination Day because it was only one ride and a limited amount of staff was needed. For this event, the admission is basically "given away" and if we offered a non-season pass price, there would be very little discount, if any.


For West Coast Bash, we did not offer that this year. Just like Bay Area Bash, everything was rolled into one cost.


I hope that makes a bit more sense.



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^ I'm actually not 100% sure yet, but I know they did mention something about wanting to feature the new Tiger exhibit to the group. I can just see it now...


"Ok, which of you wants to get in the cage with the Tigers?"




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^I have a few people I would nominate!


Are there any bird exhibits for Piers!?!?!


Thats not even funny, Im already thinking about not going on our sightseeing trip as the only pictures I have seen for Venice Beach look like out-takes from 'The Birds'.


That said though, trick me once Elissa, I wont let you trick me twice...

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But you should do the sight seeing, as the birds do not typically attack. That only happens at Sea World!


Um, we are going there also...


Oh dear...well...stay inside the cages when you eat then. (Yes, the eating area are "caged" in to keep the birds out, lol.)


Oh, and there are hundreds of ducks at Disneyland!

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You all need to get Tyler in the lorikeet aviary so he can face his fears of being crapped all over by the birds like during our takeover of BGE's lorikeet aviary last year!


Here's the picture.



I believe Robb also got crapped on as well.



Too bad I won't be back to northern California until the day after, because if I was around, I would totally go to this.

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^ I used my SFDK season pass with parking at TPR Termination day at SFMM. I don't see any reason we couldn't use them at SFDK for the Bay Area bash, but I can't say that I know for sure.

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Would it be wrong of me to say we could use our Six Flags Season Passes (with parking) to save that $15? Or will that not be allowed?

You should be able to use your parking pass that morning, yes.



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This is so exciting. My roommates and I will actually be in San Francisco attending a conference at this time and would love to come to our first event. We were actually trying to figure out how to make it to Six Flags using public transit, but it wasn't fitting into our schedule so well.


We will be in downtown San Francisco and would love it if someone local could pick us Kentucky bumpkins up. We will gladly pay for your parking and a snowcone. Please let me know soon, so we can register. I would greatly appreciate it.

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I recently purchased 4 tickets for the Bay Area Bash, and I was curious about how I'll be getting the tickets. I'm uncertain as to how this is going to work (if I have to go pick up the tickets somewhere, or if they are mailed to me, etc.) Thanks

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Well, I wasn't going to go because I need to be in LA the next day. But, I'll just have to wake up early and drive down. It should be a fun event. Plus, I have been meaning to get up there again. I look forward to the shenanigans.

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