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The Mega Dead Celebrity Thread

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I was actually surprised to learn she was still alive!


she actually went from film to serving the United States. . so the later half of her life tended to be out of the spotlight, even tho she was doing very impressive things:


she was a long-serving Ambassador (to both Ghana and Czechoslovakia). . appointed to positions by several Presidents.


from Wiki:

She was appointed Representative to the 24th United Nations General Assembly by President Richard M. Nixon (September – December 1969),[97][98] and was appointed United States Ambassador to Ghana (December 6, 1974 – July 13, 1976) by President Gerald R. Ford.[99] She was appointed first female Chief of Protocol of the United States (July 1, 1976 – January 21, 1977), and was in charge of arrangements for President Jimmy Carter's inauguration and inaugural ball.[99][100] She served as the United States Ambassador to Czechoslovakia (August 23, 1989 – July 12, 1992), having been appointed by President George H. W. Bush

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Boy, they're dropping like flies this week. Rest in Peace, Sid Ceasar.


Many of you probably remember Ceasar as the coach in the movie version of Grease, but he was a pioneer of TV sketch comedy in the 1950s in the highly satirical Your Show of Shows, which boasted a writing crew including Mel Brooks and Woody Allen. He was also in It's a Mad Mad Mad World.


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Boy, they're dropping like flies this week. Rest in Peace, Sid Ceasar.


Many of you probably remember Ceasar as the coach in the movie version of Grease, but he was a pioneer of TV sketch comedy in the 1950s in the highly satirical Your Show of Shows, which boasted a writing crew including Mel Brooks and Woody Allen. He was also in It's a Mad Mad Mad World.




I thought he was already dead, too. It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World is my second favorite movie.

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I, too, am pretty sure I thought Shirley Temple had already died. I remember being traumatized by Bright Eyes when the mom was struck and killed on the way to bring a cake to Shirley. I guess my mom didn't remember that or didn't know I would take it so seriously. I haven't watched many of her other films, but my grandma was a big fan.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So sad to hear about David Brenner.


My partner and I were just watching old Johnny Carson episodes on DVD a few weeks ago where he was his doing stand-up routine. Guy was freaking hilarious!


I agree about the Seinfeld comparison.

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