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The Mega Dead Celebrity Thread

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Album art designer Storm Thorgerson died at the age of 69. You probably don't recognize the name, but you would recognize some of the covers he's designed. His work includes Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, Animals, and Wish You Were Here as well as Houses of the Holy (Led Zeppelin), Absolution (Muse), and Audioslave's self-titled album.








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Interesting...I never knew that the guy that did 'Wish you were here' also did 'Houses of the Holy'.


I always remember being somewhat creeped out by the album cover of 'Houses of the Holy' as a kid...it's just so bizarre.


Same way with Black Sabbath's 'Paranoid' & 'Black Sabbath' covers, although not the same artist - they still creeped me out!

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Wow...I never heard about this until today.


RIP Pat Summerall - one of sports most recognizable voices.



DALLAS -- Pat Summerall was the calm alongside John Madden's storm.


Over four decades, Summerall's deep, resonant voice described some of the biggest games in America. Simple, spare, he delivered the details on 16 Super Bowls, the Masters and the U.S. Open tennis tournament with a simple, understated style that was the perfect complement for the "boom!" and "bang!" of Madden, his partner for half of the NFL player-turned-broadcaster's career.


Summerall died Tuesday at age 82 of cardiac arrest, said University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center spokesman Jeff Carlton, speaking on behalf of Summerall's wife, Cheri.


"He was an extraordinary man and a wonderful father," said Susie Wiles, his daughter. "I know he will be greatly missed."

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Chrissy Amphlett from the Divinyls. Breast Cancer AND MS. What a crappy way to go.




I was coming here to post this.


all I can say is "damn it"


one of my favorite lead singers ever. . raspy, unique vocal sound, and a just an all around beautiful person (even if not a "beauty" in the general sense)


tho I always heard her referred to as "Christina". . so very odd to see all the news reporting her as "Chrissy"


way, way to young to be gone

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Wow...I never heard about this until today.


RIP Pat Summerall - one of sports most recognizable voices.



DALLAS -- Pat Summerall was the calm alongside John Madden's storm.


Over four decades, Summerall's deep, resonant voice described some of the biggest games in America. Simple, spare, he delivered the details on 16 Super Bowls, the Masters and the U.S. Open tennis tournament with a simple, understated style that was the perfect complement for the "boom!" and "bang!" of Madden, his partner for half of the NFL player-turned-broadcaster's career.


Summerall died Tuesday at age 82 of cardiac arrest, said University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center spokesman Jeff Carlton, speaking on behalf of Summerall's wife, Cheri.


"He was an extraordinary man and a wonderful father," said Susie Wiles, his daughter. "I know he will be greatly missed."


I missed this one. I'm definitely very familiar with his voice!

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Jeff Hanneman, from Slayer died today. It's a dark day for metal.


I went through the typical "Big 4 of Metal" phase early on in high school, but I outgrew it by about Junior year and never really went out of my way to keep up with this genre of music since. The lone exception to that was Slayer, which somehow has managed to find it's way into my cd or iPod rotation every so often consistently since I discovered them in 8th grade. It was a bummer to hear about this last night to say the least. I knew he went on an extended sick leave from 2011-present to deal with a rare & nasty skin infection (necrotizing fasciitis), but this came out of left field. I was stunned when I heard about this. RIP

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^^ Wow...that is wild. I never knew that he was even ill.


I'll never forget the only time I saw Slayer at the old Darien Lake amphitheatre with Megadeth, Alice In Chains and Anthrax. I was jostling down towards the front when Slayer was set to take the stage.


Unfortunately for me, when they started playing, the entire area I was in turned into a big mosh pit and I was getting thrown around like a 100 pound rag doll until I was dragged out and taken to the nurses station to clean the blood off my face after someone elbowed me in the nose. My Levi jean jacket was covered with blood and apparently I was a hero to some of my friends when they saw me after the show for daring to go into the mosh pit....like I even tried! I was just unlucky enough to be standing there when 200 pound tattooed drunken guys just started going off when Slayer took the stage and launched into 'Angel of Death.'


I should have known that it was going to get hostile when they booed Alice in Chains off the stage because A). No one had yet heard of them and B). They weren't heavy enough and most of the people were just there to see Slayer anyway.


Not one of my fonder memories of my younger days, but Slayer was definitely one of the heaviest, craziest bands of their genre and it was one of the most insane concerts I have ever attended.


'Reign in Blood' to me is still one of the most heaviest, craziest black metal records I have ever heard...just relentless from start to finish. And the front and back covers alone are enough to give kids nightmares for weeks...definitely some crazy sh%t!!


RIP Jeff.



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another great gone.


the man who absolutely defined the sound of the Doors has passed.


R.I.P. Ray Manzarek


Jim Morrison may have been the voice, but you were the driving engine behind him with those unique keyboards.

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