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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Wow, I guess I didn't realize I'm not allowed to change my OPINIONS about a roller coaster more than a MONTH later when a new and improved track design comes out that really uses the train design to its full potential. Not to mention it looks better than all the ones previously created.


Did I miss when Thorpe Park put out the track design for The Swarm? Because I'm still waiting for that layout. And by "all the ones previously created", you mean Raptor, right?

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Did I miss when Thorpe Park put out the track design for The Swarm? Because I'm still waiting for that layout. And by "all the ones previously created", you mean Raptor, right?


Raptor and Swarm. Here's your swarm layout below. I believe the park released a part-POV/part-Off-Ride video of Swarm as well. Essentially what I meant is Raptor and Swarm have extremely short layouts that I think neglected to take advantage of the new style cars, however X-Flight has a longer layout, more inversions, and more tight turns and features which look like they will really up the thrill factor for this ride.


So sure, I still don't really "get" the cars, but I do find X Flight to be the best of the 3 so far. And with the way parks are buying these coasters, B&M really did hit the nail on the head with this ride design because they seem to be quite popular with the parks, and it is working out really well so kudos to B&M.


I just don't get this philosophy where if you don't "get" the cars you're not allowed to like the coaster? I mean some people don't "get" stand-up trains on roller coasters but still like riding Riddlers Revenge, right? Especially now that a new wing-rider coaster came out incorporating elements that hadn't been done before on these style of cars. For the first 2 I wasn't really impressed with what B&M did, it seemed almost like a waste of a new wing-rider car, but now it looks like they're really starting to take full advantage of these new cars and I'm really starting to like what I see.


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^I think you will find Thorpe Park opted for the shorter layout as they are very restricted in the amount of land they have. To install The Swarm (and Saw: The Ride) they had to do a hell of alot of lake infilling over many years. I think with Raptor and Swarm they are going for something that interacts with the land and theming more then inversions and length.



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^^Wow, and I thought X-Flight was short, that is practically nothing. Does that picture show the whole layout and I hope it doesn't.


Though, let's go on topic now because this isn't the Europa Park Discussion Thread.


That's the whole thing. There's a No Limits rendering of it on YouTube.

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Here's something interesting pointed out on SFGAMWorld.




Look at the right side of the building, there appears to be a glass wall, a path and then a fence. Perhaps the queue will go through there? That'd be an awesome way to build up excitement!


Edit: Not sure if this has been said in here before, but also take note that DDD is not in the animation.

Edited by deathbydinn
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Here's something interesting pointed out on SFGAMWorld.




Look at the right side of the building, there appears to be a glass wall, a path and then a fence. Perhaps the queue will go through there? That'd be an awesome way to build up excitement!


Yeah, I thought that was a great find. That would be awesome!

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Oh wow!




This is the first time I have been beside myself in being excited with a new addition to Six Flags Great America in a long, long time.


My wife gets me a season pass for my birthday every year.......I think I will be there once a week next year for this one!


But just to stir the pot, what do you think is going in the old Iron Wolf area------it won't take place next year, but for 2013/2014 do you think it will be a WindSeeker, ZacSpin, or the Premier ride that Six Flags Discovery Kingdom is building which is a lauch shuttle with the steep dive and the barrell roll?


I'm guessing a 2 train high intensity, 3000' GCI wood with millenium flyers. It would fit great if they move the entrance to Yukon Territory.

Edited by blade1
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Here's something interesting pointed out on SFGAMWorld.




Look at the right side of the building, there appears to be a glass wall, a path and then a fence. Perhaps the queue will go through there? That'd be an awesome way to build up excitement!


B&M's first true "Fly-By??" Love the idea......hope it actually happens.

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Here's something interesting pointed out on SFGAMWorld.




Look at the right side of the building, there appears to be a glass wall, a path and then a fence. Perhaps the queue will go through there? That'd be an awesome way to build up excitement!


B&M's first true "Fly-By??" Love the idea......hope it actually happens.


If they wanted a fly-by, they could've put a zero-g roll over the station, that would be insane. Flight Deck @ CGA has a bit of a station fly-by before you enter the corkscrew.

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Here's something interesting pointed out on SFGAMWorld.




Look at the right side of the building, there appears to be a glass wall, a path and then a fence. Perhaps the queue will go through there? That'd be an awesome way to build up excitement!


B&M's first true "Fly-By??" Love the idea......hope it actually happens.


If they wanted a fly-by, they could've put a zero-g roll over the station, that would be insane. Flight Deck @ CGA has a bit of a station fly-by before you enter the corkscrew.


But didn't anybody recognise that in the layout, that building is before the immelman and not before the heartline roll like in the video.

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Fearful Frights


Primal Scream

In the deepest forests, an ancient beast stalks the night, worshiped by a primitive tribe and feared by the modern world. Many have entered the darkness, none have returned. Join the final attempt to rescue the victims of a missionary expedition gone wrong.


Mausoleum of Terror

Humans may think they destroyed all of the zombies five years ago, but they are greatly mistaken and those who are left are still hungry for brains.


Studio 13

Take a self-guided tour of the abandoned movie studio lot that was once the site of the worst murder in Hollywood history.


Massacre Medical Center

Enjoy a nighttime tour of the Asylum – originally known for its innovative methods and techniques but now remembered for the night a lobotomy turned deadly — for everyone at the hospital.




Face to Face

Food Court Stage in County Fair



Food Court Stage in County Fair


Zombie Jamboree Day Parade

Parade Route in Sector 7, Carousel Plaza, Bayou de Vaudou, Burn ‘em and Buried Circus


Full Moon Rocksplosion

Sector 7 (Formerly Hometown Square) Train Station Stage



Bizzare, frightening and sadistic…we’re pleased to have the the Fantome Circus return to Six Flags for one of the greatest song and dance sideshow in the world!


Susan Rosen: Mistress of Mesmerism

Pictorium – Get a first hand view of amazing mentalist / comic hypnotist, Susan Rosen. The demented man will be putting the bravest audience members under his wicked spell before your very eyes.


Dead Man’s Party

Party with the undead in the biggest musical bash this side of the grave. Zombies and Ghouls come to life with this live musical concert. Bring your friends and get ready for the party of the year. Just keep an eye out for Melissa.


Love at First Fright

Grand Music Hall – Winner of the 2005, 2007, and 2008 IAAPA Big E! Award.


Spine-Chilling Adventures


Reactor Core

Formerly The Hometown Fun Machine



Formerly The Whizzer – A secret toxic dump right behind Superman Ultimate Flight is producing animals that crave human flesh. Rare. A bowl of shiny eyeballs to pop in their throats, like olives. Soup made from the blood and fluids of thrill-seekers.


Snakes on a Train

Right below the entrance of the Viper a porthole descends to another dimension. What crawls out in the night is stinky, sinewy, and awfully fond of human flesh.



Formerly Ricochet


The Black Widow

Formerly The American Eagle – The Black Widow has become home to millions of man-eating insects who have a particular craving for young flesh. Young skin – once smooth – bubbles, crusts and erupts with sores that itch, ooze, and contaminate.


The Pit and the Pendulum

Formerly The Revolution


Fiddler’s Flung

Formerly Fiddler’s Fling


The East River Kraken

Formerly East River Crawler – Leeches such your blood. Snakes lick your eyes. And bats will fight each other for an unpunctured bit of your flesh.


The Dying Trapeze

A failed park lab experiment has resulted in thousands of cuddly white rats developing an insatiable taste for human flesh (especially teens).


Rue Le Morgue

Beneath Rue Le Morgue rests an ancient zombie burial ground. Inert until recently, the thousand year old zombies seek to expand their ranks while enjoying a feast of young brains.


The Birds of the Bayou

Formerly The Condor – It may seem like the safest place at the park, but it isn’t. Condor is the home of the Sirens, beautiful, captivating creatures who quickly and painfully suck your brains out.


Terror Twister 2

Formerly Chubascco



Formerly Turn of the Century – Demon may be one of the most celebrated roller coasters in the world, but it is also the premier residence in the park for angry, disillusioned spirits whose only joy in death is tormenting riders in the most painful ways imaginable.


Sector 7

Formerly Hometown Square – A terrible industrial accident resulted in all of the residents turning into zombies who now appear to be attacking and eat park guests.


Tinsletown Terror

Formerly Southwest Territory – Visit this long abandoned movie studio back lot possessed by the deadliest stars of movie history. The movies have never been so “reel.” Will you survive your Horror Screen Test?



The Demon Area in County Fair – The first Demon arrived in 1980 transforming the Turn of the Century ride, since then he has recruited other demons to watch over the ride when he is unable to satisfy his appetite.


Port Dread

Formerly Yankee Harbor – Port Dread is the Sea Side docking station for some of the most notorious and evil the sea has to offer.


The Last Stop: Burn ‘em and Burried Circus

Formerly Mardi Gras – A troupe of circus performers where on their way back home from their summer performances in 1973 when fate had a different plan.


Bayou Du Vaudou

Formerly Orleans Place – The gypsies have been practicing voodoo for years and ruining the lives of anyone who dare cross them. Make sure to avoid the Voodoo priestess and her spirits as you travel through the horror transformed Bayou.



Formerly the Picnic Grove – A zombie infection has taken over the city of Necropolis. Blood-thirsty members of the undead and other evil creatures lurk throughout the city with several scouring the area for their next meal. Dare to enter Necropolis but proceed with caution.




Sounds like a good amount of new stuff. Can't wait!


EDIT: The rest of this site is amazing. I love it.


To check park operating hours call us at (666) 666-6666. Demons are standing by.

If you get lost we will eat you.

Review the park map. You may think you know where everything is but you don’t. We rearranged everything since your last visit. Just to confuse make it more fun for you.

Edited by deathbydinn
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It's weird, but I continue to picture X-flight as the Vekoma flyer from GL. A part of me wishes this ride had that paint job instead of this reddish color, and also more apocalyptic theming, (Six Flags' new favorite theme) but I can't wait to see the theming interactions happen, because those were the most fascinating part to me about Raptor.

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Glad Terror Twister II will be returning for Fright Fest! The tea cups is the best ride there with all the lights and fog!


I've seen videos of Terror Twister II and it looks amazing with all the effects and music. Do they overhaul any other rides like that at SFGAm (I mean, not just a change of mode but a total new experience)? Do other Six Flags do this to their teacup rides?

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Glad Terror Twister II will be returning for Fright Fest! The tea cups is the best ride there with all the lights and fog!


I've seen videos of Terror Twister II and it looks amazing with all the effects and music. Do they overhaul any other rides like that at SFGAm (I mean, not just a change of mode but a total new experience)? Do other Six Flags do this to their teacup rides?


As far as I know, this is the only Six Flags that does it, because our tea cups are already indoors, so it doesn't take much to enclose it and add lights and fog. I remember one Fright Fest, they colored the rapids ride's water red, and themed it to "Blood River." Other than that, they add fog on many of the rides and theming all around the park.


Also, since the dumper cars are already indoors, what they do to Terror Twister, they also do to the cars. Neon lights, heavy fog, loud music, etc.

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