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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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^ I really like Six Flags Great America. I do not speak on behalf of the chain, however. Great America has a solid coaster collection, ONE of the best water parks in the country, some decent shows and tons of atmosphere, especially at night. While Great America isn't my single favorite theme park period, it is definitely ONE of my favorites!

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Great America really needed and deserved this in my opinion, and it looks like a great coaster. It's great to see the B&M take on the 4D design (albeit without the seat rotation; it appears as if they are using the track to create the same types of sensations) catching on so well. Seeing this layout, it would not surprise me in the least if some other parks in the Six Flags chain receive their own version of this over the next few years. A solid and smart addition to one of the best of the parks in the chain!

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FINALLY, all of us near SFGam have been waiting for a decent roller coaster since Superman: Ultimate Flight in 2003. Not only is this a newer ride concept, but the layout is well-done and not ridiculously short (sometimes the case with new ride technologies).

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I'm just gonna give myself a big ole' pat on the back for figuring this out:


How is this different than any other post you make?


This ride looks AWESOME! Six Flags has really outdone themselves in 2012, and here's to hoping SFMM gets an X-Wing coaster (perhaps the tallest and fastest) sometime in the future to replace Deja Vu. B&M really hit the nail on the head with these new style of coasters, it's amazing how well they're working out for them!

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WOW! Six Flags has really stepped up the thrills this year and even though this was pretty much what we expected this to be I am very excited to finally have a wing coaster close to home. SFGAm is my favorite park in the chain and they really deserved this ride after the past few additions were lackluster.


So glad I'm about six hours from Gurnee.

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