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TPR's Scandinavia 2009 Trip!

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Great update and video Robb. That was a fun morning!


The tandem kart Lou and I was great for driving, we didn't spin out, and she even got her own set of peddles and a free spinning wheel!


When I moved to the single kart though it was scary how much speed these things had and how easy it was to spin out.


Having our hotel room look out on the first turn and watching people race made Power Park is an amazing place.


Can we go back to Finland yet??

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Great update and video!


The TPR grand prix was such a blast - yet another standout highlight of an already phenomenal trip. (Seriously, could Scandinavia possibly have been any cooler? The entire trip kicked so much @$$ on so many levels!) I think this was my first ever go-kart race. (I spun out three times in the qualifying heat - Wowch!) So much fun - I totally wanna go back to Finland and do this again.


Congrats again to Tom, Ivan and Rich!

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That was so cool to do. So cool.


Great park, great hotel, great restaurant, great miniprix raceway....


What more could we ask for?


One of The Big Hits of the tour for sure, thanks Elissa & Robb!


T-PRix! T-PRix!

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Robb...that video was intense! Looked like everyone was really getting after it out there...the spin out into the grass was insane...those karts really were moving!


All the TRP trip reports from everyone gets me more and more excited about finally going on a TPR trip next year!



I think a "TPR Racing Team" or "TPR Pit Crew" shirt may be called for...haha!

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Great video! If the Wide World of Sports was still on, this would have been the featured event.


I can hear Jim McKay's voice... "Today on ABCs Wide World of Sports: Boxing, lumberjacks chopping wood, and coaster geeks driving go-carts"


Then there would be interviews with Robb, with him talking about track supports on Intamin Lites, etc. And of course, Big Mike would have to get himself on camera somehow, lol.

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Wow, that was such an amazing day! How cool was it go-karting on a real race track just under the Arctic Circle?


For anyone that has been to a track in your car, that was the real deal! It was really scary not being cocooned in the safety of a car with air bags but instead being in these insane karts straddling a tank of fuel!


Awesome update Robb!


Andrew: You and Lou in that tandem car were too funny, like an older couple out on a leisurely Sunday drive

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  rollin said:
Andrew: You and Lou in that tandem car were too funny, like an older couple out on a leisurely Sunday drive


And here is more proof!






(My Scandi Tour pix TR coming soon...)


Just an old fashioned drive out on the raceway... Hi Lou and Andrew!

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