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Everything posted by Ethan!

  1. When I was down riding SOB, I told it to go to hell. IT WENT THERE!
  2. Aw............. I should have commented more, but aside from that, this thread was GREAT! It was funny and informative! (I used it as a guide for planning my rocky mountians trip) P.S. The rocky top bit was a great end to the (*epic*) thread...
  3. And all that could have been-Nine Inch Nails
  4. WHAT?! NO KI VORTEX?!?! (Yes that may have been a joke)
  5. Great Park! Its great that there is SO MUCH DETAIL! I could never make anything that advanced! (Not just because I can't download custom scenery)
  6. Angel with the scabbed wings Marilyn Manson
  7. Sweet report! (Haha Cadbury land get it? Never mind...) I've been in some rides (in Colorado)similar to the over the cliff one but none nearly as INSANE as that!!!!
  8. OMG I hope they treat this whole deal better than some of what cedar fair had done....
  9. This report is awesome for a number of reasons- The parks, candy, gore, great commentators ect. BUT, the best thing is the NIN shirt (or at least I think so)
  10. Wow, when I went to dollywood a few weeks ago, smoky mountian rampage was not open, and it had no water... I'm confused... (and the awesome tennesee tornado, blackwhite/color photo is now my desktop screensaver
  11. mmmm Dont think I'll be go-kartting with tpr anytime soon... OR EVER for that matter... (I want to LIVE!)
  12. "Raptor dude says, "Dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago, if your a godless athiest"." Our if you took basic biology Anyways, awesome tpr! (I wish I had discovered this thread earlier) I passed the wax museum but had other things to do...
  13. NO RATZENBERGER WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE THAT WAY?!?!?! #sob# (no not son of beast but sob as in crying)
  14. Wow! Thats looks really great. Even with the whole economy thing it still looks like they put a lot of time into that. #sigh# If only I hadn't been chased around by a clown in a chainsaw and been afraid of stuff like that ever since........
  15. Wow!; Thats a great story line! Thanks for posting it, If only I had a longer fall break..........
  16. Great photo t.r.! I have always wanted to go to that water park (I'm not even going to TRY to spell the name!) The downward spiral, nice............... [nin]
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