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*** THE BEBES *** Rainbow Magicland ITALY TR

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I was bored with insomnia and was re reading stuff(yes, nerdiness and insomnia combined,lol) and am still very amused by tons of your TRs. I want to say you guys, chuck, big mike, and of course Robb have the best photo TR threads on tpr and are caption masters. So glad you guys are back, love reading everything you come out with!

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That means so much to us!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Compliments like that make The Bebes blush from ear to ear. We are so lucky to have the loyal readers that we do. We really have Robb, Big Mike and Chuck to thank for giving us inspiration. I must also add ILoveRides (David) onto that list, he cracks us up!! (Check it out if you haven't already: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=54658)


Now, if only we could get off our asses and post the rest of our TRs...

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  • 2 weeks later...

MONDAY May 29, 2010

New Zealand

Rainbow’s End


In 2008, Lady Bebe’s Mommy passed away. She had been to New Zealand and had always talked of returning some day and bungee jumping off the Auckland Harbour Bridge.


So, in 2010, the Bebes planned a trip to the land of rainbows to honor Mommy by taking her ashes with us and spreading them into the harbour while bungee jumping.


Mr. Bebe plugged his nose, as if he were jumping into a swimming pool.


We also did a lot of other neat things, such as a trip to a Maori Village (native Polynesian New Zealanders) for a history lesson and a feast.


We took a journey down to the city of Rotorua and the Wai-O-Tapu Geo-thermal preserve, an area of incredible volcanic activity.


We went underground cave tubing through the Glow Worm caves of Waitomo. After negotiating the cave to the lair of the glow worm, we shut off our headlamps and calmly floated along the underground passage enjoying the light show on the cavern ceiling. INCREDIBLE!


We took a trip to the West Coast and went Canyoning. We trekked about a mile into a rain forest and followed a small river, jumping off falls into pools below, and rappelling down 100ft waterfalls.


We visited Rangitoto, New Zealands largest dormant Volcanic Island, and climbed to the summit. We also visited the Zoo, Aukland Museum, Goat Island Marine Preserve, and Tiri Tiri Matangi Island, an open bird sanctuary housing 12 species of bird and three reptiles that cannot be found anywhere else in the world!!!!


And, of course, what kind of TPR people would we be if we traveled all the way to the Southern Hemisphere and didn’t visit New Zealands ONLY theme park (and three rare credits)! So, we grabbed a bus and headed to Manikau City Center (quite a ride from Downtown Auckland).


What’s that off in the distance???!!!!! A drop ride!!!!! We must be close!!!!


Rainbow’s End. That way!


Right next to…… The Cemetery????!!!!!


Whatever! We made it to our first Theme Park ever in the Southern Hemisphere!!!


We went in and purchased our all-day ride wristbands.


Park Map. Relatively small park, with some decent theming and an OK crop of rides.


Since it was a very slow day, they were operating with an unusual schedule where half the rides would operate at a time, for about 45 minutes, and then the other half. Alternating throughout the day. This forced us to consider our route, to ensure we got the three credits we came for!!!


Sooooooo, which way do we go? Which way do we go?


We hit their newest ride, Invader. Good fun on these things, but I think the smaller versions actually provide a better ride.


Smack dab in the center of Power Surge were plastic bins for personal items. I don’t know how safe it is to have these here, but it was nice to not be charged for fluffy fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo.


Then it was on to the big coaster at Rainbow’s End! The aptly named: ROLLERCOASTER


There has long been debate on the color Indigo in the Rainbow, and I believe it was removed from the colours of the rainbow in the 80’s. But Rainbow’s End chose to remove the Green Car and keep Indigo. Those Kiwi’s are such rebels!!!!


The Rollercoaster has a loop….


…And a corkscrew.


No Trip Report would be complete without a Lady Bebe pee-break.


There was a nice looking log flume, but we passed on it, since it was a little bit chilly out.

FYI: Late May in New Zealand is similar to Halloween in San Francisco, 60ish during the day and 50ish at night.


We saw this Knott’s flyer on the back side of a western themed building! WTF! Does anybody know anything about this???


Credit #2 was Goldrush, a nicely themed indoor runaway mine-train ride. We rode it three times. Nice Ride!!! With theming!!!!


What’s that?! We totally have to get some of those sweet looking fries!!!


Hunger’s End (aptly named) has them!!!! EXCELLENT!!! But they are closed. BOGUS!!! Hunger continues…


… But not for long. We went to a different, nearby eatery for some bacon cheese fries. The bacon in New Zealand is more like ham, and the cheese is always white. MMMMmmmmmmm.


Use some Kiwi Style Tomato Sauce if you’d like. In the States we call it Ketchup.

FYI - Kiwi has three meanings: a) slang for the People of New Zealand. b) an endangered bird of the ostrich family only found on the islands of New Zealand. c) A sub-tropical fruit native to New Zealand. So, if you ever say you want to “eat a Kiwi”, make sure everyone knows EXACLTY what you’re are talking about!


Mr. Bebe crams the cheesy bacon fries into his head.


Toooo much cheesy bacon fries!!!!


Off to Cadbury land (kiddie land). Cadbury is the most common brand of chocolate in New Zealand, with many varieties that we don’t see in the States.


Kid Tums approved??


Credit #3!!! Dragon’s Flight.


Doh! :-(


The Bebes have encountered this rule before, and Mr. Bebe employs his charm to persuade parents to let their children ride with the Bebes.


What’s Lady Bebe doing??? Did she find a kid to ride with her???


Yup. Mr. Bebe. The ride ops were very accommodating and told us that since it wasn’t busy, we could ride! SCORE!


Remember kids, keep a look-out while stealing from the cookie jar.


Lady Bebe loves ice cream!


On her face.


Mr. Bebe REALLY loves ice cream.


On his face.


Rainbow’s End is quite small, and doesn’t really have anything stand-out, but we managed to keep ourselves entertained. We finished up our icy treats and bid farewell to Rainbow’s End!!!


The Bebes LOVED New Zealand (North Island) and look forward to returning to visit the South Island!!!! Ka Ora!

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Hey guys - Nice trip report of our little local park. Glad you enjoyed the rest of the country too. Looks like you had a good look around the North Island. The South Island is even more spectacular but you might like to give it a while before you return (at least until all the earthquakes peter out...).



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I love The Bebes!!


Very interesting trip report, and I too LOVE the last picture!


Feels like just yesterday I had my arms around Lady Bebe!


I actually liked this so much that I am now going to get out a map and figure out where New Zealand is lol. (Big Mike is not the smartest)



Cant wait to see you guys again at WCB!



Love Big Mike


Oh yes!!!!


Best Friends!

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I was in New Zealand for 5 weeks in 2001 .. This a beautiful place and I would love to go back. I did almost all of the things you did. I covered the whole north island. Some of my pictures are of the same places as yours.



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SEPTEMBER 17-19, 2010

The SECRET Trip 2010



Ever year Mr. Bebe and Lady Bebe alternate turns taking each other on SECRET trips. Sometimes the trip is completely random and unknown, such as the year that Mr. Bebe woke up Lady Bebe, blindfolded her, put her in the car, and drove to Las Vegas. Sometimes the dates are planned, but the details are unknown, such as the 2007 secret trip Lady Bebe took Mr. Bebe on to New Orleans. This was one of those such trips. We had already spent a large amount of money and took a trip to New Zealand, so a small secret trip was in order this year. We already had tickets to Uproar Fest in San Diego, so Mr. Bebe planned a few extra activities around the event that Lady Bebe didn’t know about.


Mr. Bebe woke up Lady Bebe early Friday morning. “Let’s Go, Bebe! It’s secret trip time!” First, Mr. Bebe drove to the Burbank Airport, then veered off and kept driving to our First surprise: Chick-fil-A in Upland. Nom Nom Nom.


Mr. Bebe then proceeded to drive to the Ontario Airport, then veered off and stopped at our second surprise: Scandia Park. This would be our first time at this small local park.


We purchased our all-day pass and went inside, traveling through the arcade and directly to our first new credit: The Scandia Screamer.


While climbing into the awkward seats, The Screamer bit Mr. Bebe.


Lady Bebe thought it was funny.


There’s the culprit. As for the ride, it wasn’t much to write about, but it was scary in the way that it might fall apart at any moment.


Next up, Little Dipper. After these kids were done, The Bebes took three uninterrupted laps. We then rode their drop ride, Gravitron, and had a 10 minute uninterrupted spin on the Tilt-a-whirl.


Mr. Bebe has blue balls.


But that didn’t stop him from winning the first game of miniature golf by ONE point.




100 Psycho Freaks from Waco, Texas??? I assumed they mean WACKO, but Waco was made famous in 1993 when cult leader David Koresh and his followers protected the Branch Davidian compound from ATF investigators. The siege lasted 50 days and ended with the compound being burned down and over 70 people left dead. So, maybe they are Psycho WACO freaks.


Game #2, Mr. Bebe takes a HUGE lead early


Lady Bebe doesn’t think it’s funny


She tosses the scorecard into the lake


Luckily, Mr Bebe was able to retrieve it with his club


And proceeded to win BIG!!!


Good-bye Scandia. We hit the road. Lady Bebe fell asleep in the car and woke up just as we pulled into the hotel. She assumed we were in San Diego. What she didn’t realize was that we were in Temecula.


Mr. Bebe had gotten tickets to the First Annual Temecula Valley Wine and Culinary Showcase at the Monte de Oro Winery. There were over 30 wineries and a dozen restaurants represented, serving food and wine samples for four hours. We ate a lot and got pretty tipsy by the end of the night. It was great fun and I’d recommend it to others!


The next morning we drove to San Diego and checked into our San Diego hotel. Exhausted, we took a nap. Upon waking up, we headed to the beach for Fish n Chips.


We went to the Tin Fish at the end of the Pier at Ocean Beach. Wayyyyyy up there at the end. After stuffing our faces with fish, we headed to the Uproar Fest.


We got there just before sunset, having missed the four day-time side stage acts. Halestorm (who?) was just about to take the main stage.


Calicoasters said he was going to be there in the general admission section. I looked, but couldn’t find him. Where are you, Cody?


Next up was Stone Sour, a decent side project of Slipknot front-man Corey Taylor.


Hetfield next to us didn’t seem to be having a very good time, though.


Co-headlining Uproar Fest was Avenged Sevenfold. At the time we bought our tickets, we were unfamiliar with Avenged Sevenfold. Mr. Bebe procured a set-list and all the songs that they would be playing. By the time the show was upon us, Mr. Bebe was a new fan of the band, maybe even more-so than headliners Disturbed, for whom we went to Uproar for. Avenged Sevenfold was pretty awesome, but so loud my ears were ringing for two days.


Rounding out the night was one of Mr. Bebe’s all-time favorite bands, Disturbed. The show was pretty good, but singer David Draiman’s vocals were weak. We headed back to our room and crashed hard.


The next morning we headed to Hash House-a-go-go for Sunday brunch. The wait was about an hour and a half. But they served us complimentary drinks such as this tasty watermelon-kiwi spritzer. Yum!


Mr. Bebe got the famous Sage Fried Chicken and Waffle Tower. Please allow extra time.


Lady Bebe got the Griddled French Toast. The portions were massive!


Food Coma. The Bebes were destroyed.


We left San Diego and took a detour to Bates Nut Farm, a general store type of outfit.


This is the kind of place where you can take photos of people in the outhouse!!!! Fun!!!


They also had a small petting zoo area.


And a giant pumpkin field.


We left the nut farm and hit the road, back to Los Angeles. But there was ONE MORE SURPRISE………


Castle Park in Riverside. Another local park that The Bebes have never been!


Park Map


Castle Park was actually a really cute little park with a pretty good arrangement of flat rides and three rollercoasters.


Our 3rd credit of the trip: Screamin’ Demon, a spinning mouse coaster. Fun!


Next up: The Cornerstone of Caste Park, Merlin’s Revenge rollercoaster. It’s a smaller family coaster, but it’s their big one! Also Fun!


The Bebes love the spider!


What’s this doing on the train tracks? I better move it so the train can get through.


Bebe, Noooooooooooooo!


Another Little Dipper kiddie coaster gave us our 5th new credit of the trip.


Lady Bebe was upset that the Tilt-a-Whirl was closed.


Mr. Bebe was upset that the Big Wheel was….. GONE???


We headed into the Arcade for the Ghost Blasters ride, a shoot-the-target dark ride where Lady Bebe always wins.


But not this time! Mr. Bebe WINS 1140 – 0!!!!


Lady Bebe is unimpressed. Sure, her laser gun was broken, but Mr Bebe still WON!


Eat your heart out, Big Mike!


Castle Park ROCKED! Uproar Fest ROCKED!!! And Secret Trip 2010 ROCKED!!!!!

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