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About bhartley

  • Birthday April 24

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  1. You do realize that wearing a mask and social distancing is not going to get rid of the virus. It might help slow it down but it will never be gone. A vaccine will help but until all people are exposed to the virus and build up anti bodies to it the virus it is here to stay. Infected cases go up everyday but the death toll also drops everyday. The media only wants us to believe the doom and gloom. If you are not comfortable being around people without masks on then stay at home. If I get it then I get it. I'm not going to hide in my house from it or wear gloves and masks if I have to go out any wear. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion on whats best for them. Lets all be happy the park is still open so we can all keep enjoying.
  2. I really liked this ride when it was at Six Flags over Georgia. I lived a 1/2 a mile from the park so I was there every day riding it.
  3. I live 10 miles from the parks and have season passes to all of them. hit me up when you are here and I will go with you if I can. Bill
  4. The only cr## I take to the park is my wife. Ha Ha. and lip balm
  5. This is where the entire issue lies, and I'm sorry but I don't buy it. If there are conditions where the lap bar can fail, and we KNOW this is true because it's happened on other rides in the past, then there should have been seat belts. If they didn't want to install them because they reduce capacity, then the designers and the park created an unsafe ride in the name of increased profit margins, no more, no less, and they should be held accountable. As an aside, I've never ridden a ride with shin bars. Now that I see what they actually look like, I must say they don't look comfortable at all. Though I guess I'd prefer them to OTSR. No, you're making a distinction here. The issue is not the lap bar failing, because it's statistically impossible. I also want to point out that you're putting words in my mouth about the seat belts. I never claimed the manufacturer intentionally left them out against safety protocol just for rider capacity gains. I don't have access to all the safety studies and mechanical testing they performed, but most if not all hydraulic restraints do not have seat belts. And that is across multiple manufacturers. The real issue here is that apparently there is not a one-size-fits-all restraint that can fit all body types at the programmed minimum restraint angle, and that's something I can't speculate about because I haven't seen the data. I think you it the nail on the head.
  6. I miss the Bat at Kings Island. I also miss the Hana Barbara Land at Kings Island. It was a bad ride but I also miss Z Force at Six Flags over Georgia.
  7. Well, whatever you read, they are wrong. I'm telling you, as an Orlando local, and someone who goes to the parks ALL THE TIME, the parks have been busy consistently! While this may be a "busy week", it's certainly NOT the "single busiest week of the year." You probably hit the lightest time during your visit, but I can tell you with great confidence that so far, in Dec, Jan, Feb, during Christmas, New Years, Marathon Week, President's Day Weekend, Brazilian Tour Group Season, etc, the parks have varied from being just as crowded, to even MORE crowded, to slightly less crowded as what I experienced in my visit. Yes, there have been days where the parks have been light, but there were also days where the parks were insane, like my visit yesterday. You should have been here over Marathon week. That was crazy! And that was just 4 weeks ago. Remember, I **LIVE** in Orlando! I am at the theme parks ALL THE TIME! My point about showing the crowds was that, there used to be a time, where Jan - Easter was ALWAYS DEAD... like REALLY DEAD EMPTY. And now, with the economy doing better, seasonal events that happen, and tourism blooming from other countries (Hi, Brazil, I'm looking at you), that's just not the case anymore. This wasn't an invitation to "Tell Robb about his local parks and how crowds work..." because I know. Thanks. --Robb "Kinda get frustrated when someone who visits for one week in ten years tells me what my local parks are like!" Alvey I agree with Robb. I live here and visit every week and the parks are really busy for this ime of year.
  8. Robb could you send me this info again. I had to go into my profile and change to a new email address. My old one was from my old job. Thank's Bill
  9. The wife and I live about 15 miles from Disney. I have Friday,Saturday and Sunday off every week if someone wants to meet up sometime. We moved down here about 7 months ago. We have passes to all the parks around here. Let us know if you want to do something. Bill & Tricia
  10. I live about 15 miles from Disney . We have only been here 6 months and this will be a great way to meet some new friends.
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