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Parque Bicentenario Queretaro, New Mexican Park

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A new Amusement park opened last week at Queretaro México. The new park, is called "Parque Bicentenario México" and it´s located at Santa Rosa Jaureguí, about 20 minutes from the center of Queretaro City.


This park is operated by the goverment, and the total invesment was about 555 million pesos (37 million US dollars). The terrain of this park is 270 acres, and only a quartes is constructed.


The atracctions are:


-Loop, double corkscrew arrow coaster

-Kiddie wild mouse coaster

-Crazy worm coaster

-Pirate ship

-River rapids

-Bumper cars


-Antique Cars


-Water slides


-Skateboard, skates, bicycle, area.

-Kiddie Go Karts

-Rowing Boats


The park official opening was the last March 21, with special guests, and with a night show with a big band playing music from the Film "Star Wars", and with fireworks and laser show from an Island in the middle of the lake.


Here are some pictures of this new park.

















































































Álso. there´s You Tube Video of the coaster. No POV



I don´t know the origin of the coasters, bot they have a SBL sign.


Also, The name "Parque Bicentenario" is to celebrate the 200 years of Mexican independence the next year.

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^Well if it's not on RCDB it must NOT EXIST!!! That's right, this whole Photo TR is a LIE!!!!



Seriously though, this is what's great about having awesome TPR Members all over the world! There are parks like this everywhere that no one knows about until someone discovers them!

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^Well if it's not on RCDB it must NOT EXIST!!! That's right, this whole Photo TR is a LIE!!!!



Seriously though, this is what's great about having awesome TPR Members all over the world! There are parks like this everywhere that no one knows about until someone discovers them!

Haha I knowwwwwwwww, (I'm not that much of a noob) but it'd still be easier to find out who made it if it was on there *refrains from using X D because he knows what happens*

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Pretty sure all the coasters there are SBL (since the TR said there were SBL signs on all of them):

* Loop&cork Screw Coster (their spelling, not mine)

* Junior Coaster

* Crazy Mouse


On an unrelated but funny note, SBL also makes the American Adventure, where guests can shoot at Kangaroos, Cobras, Zebras, and other American wildlife.

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^The TR person said Arrow, but I've never seen those loop supports before, the trains look kind of different too, time to go to my good friend rcdb
I'd say it's one of those Chinese knock-off designers. Meisho?

This could really be a Chinese design.

Because the design of the loop and it's supports look like Schwarzkopf en the corkscrew supports look like arrow design.

And the trains are from the old Arrow/Vekoma design.

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I'd say it's one of those Chinese knock-off designers. Meisho?


Meisho isn't a Chinese knock off caster company. They are from Japan, have been around since the 60s so it is well established, and they have worked with various other coaster companies as builders and contractors. I believe there was/is some relation to Vekoma, but I don't remember what that relation is.




The park looks nice, but like has been said before, it needs a lot of shade. Hopefully it is successful, and if the park expands in to the available land, this could become a fairly good park.

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The loop structure looks very Meisho-ish, but I'm not sure about the track or trains.


The park looks sorta sparse though. Some parts of the park look really nice, but others look meh. But it is a government-run park after all.

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I'm fairly sure at least the Wild mouse is a Senyo Design, and it wouldnt suprise me if the the looper was too


The cars on this coaster at Pleasure Garden in Japan are the same




Of course it could just be a SBF knock off of the Senyo Design.. which would probably surprise me even less


I'm 100% sure the mouse is made by SBL. The giant "SBL" written on the side is a pretty big clue:


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Indeed that does suggest its SBL.


However as it is an exact clone (layout, cars and all) and as a quick glance at Pleasure Gardens site suggests its no longer there. could SBL have been contracted to move the Pleasure Garden version to mexico and just painted their logo on the side? perhaps after a rehab?


SBL do may make the fake SLC's but they are not exact clones, unlike the "Golden Horse" versions like Flame Meteor.

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