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Photo TR: Off-Season Aerial Shots over Cedar Point!

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Hey everyone, I'll keep this short! I just got back from an plane ride over Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. I would like to thank my buddy for giving me the opportunity to go flying with him, he did a wonderful job piloting the plane! Enjoy the photos, and hang in there... The off-season blues are almost over!



Here is most of the shots on my Flickr account. Check them out! Fill sized Images available!



Also.... DIGG IT!


(Vanishes into the distance)


Goodbye! See you in a few weeks!


Almost time to leave :(


My favorite shot of the trip


One more wider angle


Look at all them coaster thingies


Raptor overhead


Great shot towards the back of the park


Poor Twister...


There's them coaster trains in storage


Another view of the center of the park


Center of the park.... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I got most of the park in this shot, to bad the sun is in the wrong place...


Crappy ride, but a beauty to look at. I spot the re-tracking in progress... Hope its a smoother ride this year!


Looking towards the front of the park


One of my favorite shots from the photo shoot


Best drop in the world in my books


View of most of the peninsula


Mantis, my home last year (I was a ride host here). The most underrated ride in the park. I loves it!


Pretty sure this is a duplicate angle, but oh well... Pretty Reflection :D


A better view of B&M Goodness


Great view


Close-up of failure...


Truly an Intamin EPIC FAIL.... But I still love the ride.


Time to go around again! Sorry if there are duplicate angles...


My favorite Steel coaster, perhaps in the world? So far...


I see triangle hills in the distance...


Like a toy model, one I wish I could bring home with me.


A great collection of rides you have there


Great view of the middle of the park where you know what stands tall and proud. Oh wait, that's just Top Thrill Dragster... Never mind.


My favorite B&M Invert looking fine as always...


A crane and a piece of track missing? This cant be good...


Something seemed a bit weird about Wicked Twister today...


Sun was just coming out, lucky for us! Looks like it was going to be a great day for photos.


Starting on our first pass around the park... Look at those curves..


Here we are!

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I have only ever been to this park twice in my life, but what is wrong with wicked twister? Both times I have been, the ride was running and running great too. I don't know the story behind this ride I guess, besides they put those little support beams at the top of the support tower to hold up the track.

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I don't see why people don't like Mean Streak so much. I rode it 3 times in 3 different seats and thought it was a semi-enjoyable ride. I mean yeah it's not like Hades or Renegade or Shivering Timbers or anything, but still it's good. I mean yeah it's a waste of wood, but still it's better than SOB.

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If you look at the 2009 park map http://www.cedarpoint.com/_upload/pdf/2009_large_group_catering_guide.pdf (The map is somewhere in there) many of the bush looking things have been removed along with several buildings throughout the park. The map also has many other changes like MF's lift, TTD's train, and WT's train which makes the map much more accurate. So maybe the tree removal is for 2010 (I can hope, can't I).

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I could have sworn when I saw the description "Intamin Fail" that maverick had vallied.


Great Pics! I absolutely love seeing Cedar Point from the air, and I actually did in person once, back in 2004 when on a commercial flight from Denver to Philadelphia. I think that was the only year since 2002 I haven’t had a trip there.


It's so refreshing to see pics like this, because from the ground at cedar point you feel like an ant compared to the rides around you. It’s truly a unique perspective to look at the rides from way above for once, and it gives you so many fanboyish ideas for where the next coaster could go!

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It looks like part of Twister's queue is also gone.

I would assume a crane of that magnitude would need room to sprawl out. There really isn't a sturdy base anywhere near the tower except that area. Must be a heck of a repair job none the less.



beautiful pics! in some shots, Millennium Force really dwarfs the other coasters.


how long was the flight and was it specifically to take pics?

It was specifically to fly over Cedar Point... Of course pictures are a must on any plane adventure! It was a great time, hooray for turbulence air time!



I don't see why people don't like Mean Streak so much. I rode it 3 times in 3 different seats and thought it was a semi-enjoyable ride. I mean yeah it's not like Hades or Renegade or Shivering Timbers or anything, but still it's good. I mean yeah it's a waste of wood, but still it's better than SOB.

We just like to give it a hard time... It has gotten better over the past two years in my opinion, which is a good thing. Its just more of a Sunday stroll then a thrilling ride, which some people like. I do enjoy front seat rides on Mean Streak, but that's it.



I could have sworn when I saw the description "Intamin Fail" that maverick had vallied.


Great Pics! I absolutely love seeing Cedar Point from the air, and I actually did in person once, back in 2004 when on a commercial flight from Denver to Philadelphia. I think that was the only year since 2002 I haven’t had a trip there.


It's so refreshing to see pics like this, because from the ground at cedar point you feel like an ant compared to the rides around you. It’s truly a unique perspective to look at the rides from way above for once, and it gives you so many fanboyish ideas for where the next coaster could go!

Totally agree... Seeing a park you go to often from a new perspective makes it even more enjoyable and breathtaking. I also could never find a good bunch of "good" aerial shots of the park and thought I would change that. I think I have succeeded, don't you? We just lucked out that the sun came out and had an overall great day for picture taking.

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