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Summer '09 Blockbuster Poll


Which Summer '09 Blockbuster are you most excited to see?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Summer '09 Blockbuster are you most excited to see?

    • X-Men Origins: Wolverine - May 1st
    • Star Trek - May 8th
    • Angefluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo & Demons - May 15th
    • Terminator Salvation - May 22nd
    • Up - May 29th
    • Transformers 2 - June 26th
    • Ice Age 3 - July 1st
    • 2012 - July 10th
    • Harry Potter 6 - July 17th

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I voted for Terminator: Salvation. I was sort of over the Terminator franchise after the third one, but I really like the series on Fox and how the story has evolved beyond the "cat and mouse" format that the first movies mostly followed. I think that the post-apocalyptic war will be a really fresh start for a franchise that got sort of repetitive in my opinion.

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I'm most excited about HP6, but I'll also watch Angels and Demons, which is after my 2nd favourite book ever, lol, the Ice Age, Transformers and X-Men...


That's from the ones above, but from all of them, I'm the most excited about Amulet of Samarkand...

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I'll probably end up seeing X-Men, Star Trek, Angels & Demons, Terminator, Transformers 2, 2012, and Harry Potter. What can I say, I like going to the movies. Though I'm not sure any these will be as good as The Dark Knight, IronMan, or Wanted. ...I guess we'll see next summer.

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Where's GI Joe: Rise of Cobra?????


I was wanting to see that, then I saw Marlon Wayans was going to be Ripcord and Brendan Fraser is going to be Gung-Ho. Plus Cobra Commander is the kis who played the lead in 10 Things I hate About You. I really think they did a horrible job casting this movie.

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Not sure if IMDB is 100% reliable, but it has him on there. I don't have my G.I. Joe comics anymore, but I do still have the cartoon DVD's. I'll more than likely see it with low expectations since I was such a huge fan and I just saw that the guy who directed Van Helsing directed this. *GASP*

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I made the poll to get the results I wanted! And I have. Including "none of the above" would have done no good for me as I wasn't trying to figure out if anyone doesn't want to see any of the movies but rather which one they would choose if they had to.


And G.I. Joe looks horrible (its a Sommers film! LOL) and won't be anywhere close to being one of the top-grossing films next summer. Sorry, Matt!


Thanks for voting to those that have...And to everyone else...keep voting!

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I voted for Harry Potter although this wasn't supposed to be a Summer '09 blockbuster, thanks Universal!


I am also looking forward to Angels and Demons. I am not crazy about Tom Hanks in this role, but I always felt that this would make the better transition to a movie than Da Vinci Code.

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