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Robb Alvey's 30 Pounds in 30 Days - 2008!


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I'm glad your feeling better about your progress on WiiFit! Sorry you got that sickness! I've had it before and it is not fun at all!!


Well, I'm back from Phoenix and the Coldplay Concert was Amazing! However........ I ate too much, at In & Out alone, I think I gained 4 pounds!


So I don't know how my next weigh in will be! I'll have to work extra hard to get back on track! It's all good, I'll take it day by day!!


Great Job Robb!!


Thanks for your support Jayson!

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Day 20 -


So I've been kind of sick the past few days and my weight has been totally up and down like crazy!


After my day of BFT I actually did try to eat pretty "normal" the next couple of days to try to get something in my stomach and I was able to keep food down again (yay!) but then I started getting more fluish type of sickness.


Anyway, WiiFit weighed me in 4 pounds heavier today but honestly, I think as much as I was pleased witht he weight loss due to my BFT, my body is also telling me "you're doing it wrong!" and I think I'm almost on track with where I was last year.


Anyway, here's today's report...

Starting weigh in - 260

Today's weigh in - 248

Total weight loss - 12 pounds in 20 Days


Today's update...not as good as it was a couple of days ago, but understandable!


*sigh* even WiiFit is yelling at me!

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I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and that your weight loss is going so well. Ever since I returned from my trip it has been nothing but weight gain for me. I hit the gym 3 or 4 times per week, but I can't stop eating all of the great food that I missed while traveling. IT MUST STOP SOON! Keep it up!

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Day 21 -


Who would have thought that house cleaning is the best exercise I've done yet!?!?


Last night I steam cleaned our carpets and today I've been working on the garage. And so far I've lost two more pounds because of it!


Today's update is a little late tonight because I've been working all day. Normally my body seems to weigh a bit heavier in the evening so here's hoping to an even better weigh in tomorrow!


Anyway, here's today's report...

Starting weigh in - 260

Today's weigh in - 246

Total weight loss - 14 pounds in 21 Days


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Day 23 -


So I didn't have time to work out again yesterday. Crazy amount of stuff happening at both work and home. But I also didn't have much time to eat either, which worked well for my weigh in today!


I'm a little worried about this weekend...it's our Alvey family Christmas party on Saturday and I'm making my wings so that means I'm going to have to eat a ton of them!


I'll have to make sure and "pace myself" and have that be pretty much the only thing I eat all day (if not all weekend!)


We leave for the cruise on the 12th so we're only 8 days away. I think overall I'm happy with my progress even though I'd really like to hit the full 30 pounds I do realize that's a tough and almost unrealistic goal! But in a way I'm one of those people who work harder if there is a goal like that in front of me.


If it's an easy goal, I'll slack off, but if I feel like I have to work harder to reach it, I'll feel better getting as close as I can, especially knowing I've set an unreachable goal.


Does this make sense?


I'm also one of those people who set my bedroom clock forward about 20 minutes so that when the alarm goes off, I've really got about 20 minutes before I really HAVE to get up. Instead of just setting my alarm 20 minutes earlier, it forces me to get up quicker seeing that I may be "late" for something even though I know full well that's not the right time.


Anyway, enough about my random quirkiness!


Anyway, here's today's report...

Starting weigh in - 260

Today's weigh in - 243

Total weight loss - 17 pounds in 23 Days


Today's weigh in.


Yes, thank you for reminding me...I'm WELL aware of this!

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I'm also one of those people who set my bedroom clock forward about 20 minutes so that when the alarm goes off, I've really got about 20 minutes before I really HAVE to get up. Instead of just setting my alarm 20 minutes earlier, it forces me to get up quicker seeing that I may be "late" for something even though I know full well that's not the right time.


I actually do the same thing, although mine's only 5 minutes fast. It really helps me to get to class on time. 5 minutes may not seem like a whole lot of time, but it's 5 more minutes I have to get out the door. I might just push it up to 10 minutes, though, as I've been slacking off recently and using that extra 5 for more sleep.

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I'm also one of those people who set my bedroom clock forward about 20 minutes so that when the alarm goes off, I've really got about 20 minutes before I really HAVE to get up. Instead of just setting my alarm 20 minutes earlier, it forces me to get up quicker seeing that I may be "late" for something even though I know full well that's not the right time.



I do the same thing...Mine is set for 15min. If I didn't then the hubby would always be late for work..

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Robb, wouldn't you think that your wings would make you have explosive diarrhea therefore you should lose more weight the more wings you have?


Jimmy "I'm just giving you an excuse to have more wings" Bo


At first I thought this idea was funny. Now...I'm thinking it's a great idea! Go for it Robb. See what happens.

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Day 26 -


Well, this weekend I basically broke my diet. I know, I know, bad timing in the final week and everything. But it was our Christmas party and I probably ate more this weekend than I have in the past 26 days...SERIOUSLY!


Anyway, I won't go into it too much other than saying that I'm glad I didn't gain too much, but then again I didn't lose anything either. *sigh*


I've only got a few days left and I want to try to kick ass as much as possible!


Anyway, here's today's report...

Starting weigh in - 260

Today's weigh in - 243

Total weight loss - 17 pounds in 26 Days


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Ok So I've had time to be online today at work....


I know exactly what you mean Robb!! I completely broke my diet.

I did so well before the Thanksgiving Holiday break. It was a breakthrough for me, but then I couldn't resist the Tempatation of pie, burgers, and pizza. Not good!!


Anyway, I was at 146 two weeks ago now I'm at 151! Five pounds more!

Boo, Boo, Boo!


Well It's been difficult to get out and excercise with us having very cold tempatures here. I'm really hoping after these couple weeks of school I'll be able to get some excerise in.


Congrats on not gaining any poundage!!! Keep it up!!

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Day 28 -


A couple of days of not doing a whole lot of excersize, but yet not eating much at all. Dropped a couple more pounds but pretty much think I'm about where I'm going to be for this round of weightloss.


I'm down 20 pounds, which honestly I'm happy about. That's still a good place to be before heading out for this next vacation.


I know my big mistake was last year not bringing this back after vacation which I'm not going to let happen again.


We get back from our trip on January 5th and that means January 6th I'll be right back on Wii Fit dropping any weight that I put on during the trip! I promise!!!


Anyway, here's today's report...

Starting weigh in - 260

Today's weigh in - 240

Total weight loss - 20 pounds in 28 Days


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