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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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Something else I noticed at Thursday's event...they have a "firewatch" person down by the big propane tank for the fire effect. Right now theres just a bunch of cones around the tank, but I assume they'll want to better enclose it and eliminate that position?

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Hello everyone! I visited Magic Mountain for the first half of today, and spent a portion of that time photographing Terminator Salvation: The Ride. Instead of taking all the cliché shots that we'll see a thousand times over the next few days, I went for something a little more unique. Check out the photos below:














The rest of the Terminator photos can be found at the beginning of the Magic Mountain gallery at http://coastercapture.com/parks/six_flags_magic_mountain



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  robbalvey said:
^^ I'm not sure I get what you're going for, but whatever floats your boat!


--Robb "It's one thing to be different...it's one thing to be different to be different." Alvey

I take photos like this of most rides. I like to appreciate the structure as well as the people riding it - enough photographers capture that already.


So I guess that's what I'm going for. Calling attention to something that many people look past.

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Fifty percent of the membership of this site is based in Southern California, seriously, by the end of this weekend you will have seen enough generic Terminator pictures to last a life time.


Thanks for the unique view at this great looking attraction!

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One thing about the ride that I couldnt tell was if the audio box was themed or not. It looked kind of odd, but it didnt really resemble anything. I also thought that I noticed the back of it light up but that may have just been a reflection. Anyone wanna answer my dumb question and answer if it was themed or not?


EDIT: I just looked through BizarROS's media day thread and saw the same thing

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  robbalvey said:
^^ I'm not sure I get what you're going for, but whatever floats your boat!


--Robb "It's one thing to be different...it's another thing to be different just to be different." Alvey


I'm gonna have to disagree with Robb (uh oh... 14 posts in and I'm already disagreeing with the head honcho ). Anyhow... I think those pics are great, especially some of the ones on your site that you didn't post. Great work.

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  ILoveRides said:
  robbalvey said:
^^ I'm not sure I get what you're going for, but whatever floats your boat!


--Robb "It's one thing to be different...it's another thing to be different just to be different." Alvey


I'm gonna have to disagree with Robb (uh oh... 14 posts in and I'm already disagreeing with the head honcho ). Anyhow... I think those pics are great, especially some of the ones on your site that you didn't post. Great work.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I encourage everyone to post them. It was not nessesary to single me out that you had a different opinion than mine. A simple "Thanks for posting those photos, I personally liked them" would have actually been sufficient.


I said quite clearly "whatever floats your boat" meaning I completely understand that some people will be into those photos, but to me, I don't understand the point.


Focus on YOUR opinions of the coaster, the photos, etc, not focus on MY opinion of them.


--Robb "It's fine to have a different opinion, but you don't have to be an ass about it." Alvey

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  robbalvey said:
  ILoveRides said:
  robbalvey said:
^^ I'm not sure I get what you're going for, but whatever floats your boat!


--Robb "It's one thing to be different...it's another thing to be different just to be different." Alvey


I'm gonna have to disagree with Robb (uh oh... 14 posts in and I'm already disagreeing with the head honcho ). Anyhow... I think those pics are great, especially some of the ones on your site that you didn't post. Great work.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I encourage everyone to post them. It was not nessesary to single me out that you had a different opinion than mine. A simple "Thanks for posting those photos, I personally liked them" would have actually been sufficient.


I said quite clearly "whatever floats your boat" meaning I completely understand that some people will be into those photos, but to me, I don't understand the point.


Focus on YOUR opinions of the coaster, the photos, etc, not focus on MY opinion of them.




Sorry, I was trying to be funny and failed haha. Point taken.

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personally...I feel shots like those are cool when the coaster is under construction to give a view of what goes into it but after a coaster is constructed I dont wanna see nuts and bolts I wanna see the coaster in action!


To be honest those pictures look quite random and not focused on a subject. Just zoomed on the structure...


jarvis "but I did like the 2 chicks holding on for dear life" morant!

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  tanthonyam said:
That pre-show seems a bit too long. I felt like I was at Universal Studios. How did SF get the rights for this?


1. I agree, but they're trying and will still test and adjust a bit.


2. Isn't that a good thing? Most 'amusement parks' would love to hear their new ride is up to Universal Standards!


3. Money.

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All right, I'm gonna weigh in with my (inexpert) review...


I thought the ride felt super fast, smooth and exhilarating, like a GCI ought to be. I was immediately conscious of the fact that this ride is HEAD AND SHOULDERS above all other California woodies. The sensation of "good wood" was especially refreshing, having ridden Ghost Rider last weekend. I almost thought I was on the East Coast or something for a minute.


I loved the tunnel (excuse me, THE TUNNEL!), loved the first drop, and I did get some air in the back row. Nothing insane, just a nice pull.


Theming was awesome...BUT. The onboard audio is deafeningly loud. I mean like irresponsibly loud. Hearing-damage-loud. Maybe some people are into that, but for me, it was actually more distracting than immersive.


Overall, I think this coaster is a much-needed addition to the park and an important ride for Cali. And yes, the theming and show are probably the best I've ever seen in a Six Flags park.

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In regards to those photos, I love them! They are pictures that you normaly wouldn't see and I think it's great to see different angles and views of a ride that aren't the norm!


As far as Six Flags getting the rights, I think it's cause the terminator franchise was sold to warner brothers ( please correct me if Im wrong!) And isn't Six Flags affiliated with warner bros some way?

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Ok just got back to the hotel from a good day at the Mountain. First off the shortcut through Revolution's exit works! I got a good head start on the people that went through X2. I was one of the first riders of the day on Terminator and I thought it was a solid, fun ride. The preshow was good in my opinion but got old the second time I watched it.

The highlight of the preshow was a host that really got into character. I'm guessing the ride broke down while I was in Preshow 1 and he came in saying stuff like, "Recruits the Harvester is stealing our trains power so stay while we fight him off" and other stuff that was really funny. overall Terminator got a 9 out of 10 in my book and is my number 2 ride in the park. One thing that suprised me was that Terminator was available for an upcharge on the Qbot on opening day. I got two rides on Terminator (One thanks to the Qbot) and the two were very enjoyable. Overall a good day at SFMM and I'll be heading out tomorrow for another day at Six Flags so I'll try to get on Terminator again.


Also a bit off subject Terminator didn't mae other lines shorter actually increased lines. Tatsu was 3 hours at a point in time today and X2 was 2 1/2 hours. Every ride in the Park seemed to have a line. (Even Scream!) Terminator's Line got to the Cold Stone entrance so just for you guys to picture that. I'm hoping th line will be shorter tomorrow so I can ride Terminator tomorrow.

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"And isn't Six Flags affiliated with warner bros some way?" (ethans_dad06)


At one time, Six Flags was owned by Time Warner, but I think that was back in the '80s/'90s.


^ I watched both the front seat and back seat POVs. Terminator looks like it really packs a punch regardless of where you sit!



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^^^ In response to terminator not shortening lines: If a park opens up a new ride and it makes other lines shorter, that means they fail. The whole point of a new ride is to drive a bunch of people into the park, but of course all of the people that go aren't gonna stand in line for Termy all day, in theory on slow days lines might be shorter due to another place for guests to go, but a Memorial day weekend with a new ride opening up is just a disaster for anyone who's trying to avoid lines

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Got my 36th Credit on Terminator today!

Had to wait about 2 hours..

When I was in the first preshow room, after the TV thing was over, a worker came in and said "the harvester's got the train pretty bad, it won't be back up and running for a while" so we had to wait in that room for about 20-30 minutes.

The whole preshow was pretty interested however and very well done.


The ride itself was great! I haven't gotten of a ride that excited in a long time! Tons of airtime!


This ride completely exceeded my expectations.

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