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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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Just came back from the mountain. The crowds weren't too terrible. I got 3 more rides on Terminator. I'm up to 33 now. We got on the second train of the day and I had to remind them to turn on the audio because it was turned off for us. Ohh well...


The preshow was different for us in the morning and the afternoon. In the morning the second preshow or the hallway wasn't playing the video. The video screens were just showing "stand by." The video then continued in the last room. In the afternoon we were in a big group and not everyone could fit to see the second and third part of the preshow. I'm guessing they are still trying to tweak the sequencing to see what works best and is most efficient.


I love this ride the more and more I ride it!

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^ Or go to a TPR event and enjoy next to no line at all.

Yes I will, cant wait for the next one haha, BTW for the angry people about the preloader, the line would be way longer if you got to sit where you wanted so be grateful they do that, and another good thing about preloading that it's like a trading card, you like the brand and keep going back to see what row you get, call row 1 or row 12 the limited edition card haha(I think it has 12 rows maybe 10 4got only went on once) gives you a reason to go back to the ride to try to get that better row, was lucky 2 get the last row first ride, enjoyable!

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^^ Totaly go to Terminator first. I did and I am glad I did because it was just amazing. I would have been mad if I went to X2 first, because I was able to get 2 rides on Terminator. If I went to X2 first I would have only gotten one ride on Terminator. Go there first you will not be sorry!

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1) The ride itself is not very big, I found myself thinking that it was not very impressive looking

2) The themeing up to the point where you enter the first pre show is very poor in my opinion. (See Riddlers Revenge, for a ride that looks great throughout the queve)

3) I found myself thinking; had I not just sat through the pre-shows I could have been on the ride 10 minutes sooner.

4) The coaster feels fast! The drop does not appear very big, but it sure does pick up speed from "out of no where"

5) The ride maintains the speed throughout

6) Still think the name "Terminator" doesn't fit a woodie


I have to say that this ride was awesome. I am not the type of person who will hype a ride just because it's new and I don't want to see it fail. This is a genuinely fun ride that SFMM obviously put a lot of thought into.


I also saw what looked like machine guns from a robot laying on the floor near the end of the ride. It appeared that they had not been put in themeing yet. My guess is that the ride will be getting many more additions over the months. I really liked the speakers, however I'm betting the kids/a holes will touch them and mess them up constantly.

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^Terminator!!!! New credit, and more enjoyable for me, but don't forget to add Tatsu to that list of bad lines


What would you say the plan would be if every coaster's a new credit there? I've been researching this question lately for our trip coming up on June 12 and 13 (First time to SFMM!) but with Terminator there now, I have no idea what I should try and get done 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

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^ Honestly, I'd still try and get X2, Tatsu and Deja Vu done pretty quickly and then Terminator.


If your going to get Flashpass, skip Tatsu and come back to it later since you can use the Flashpass there.


No Flashpass:



Deja Vu





Deja Vu



In both scenarios, getting the rest of the park done shouldn't be a problem once you get those done.


Although, since you are going to be at the park 2 days, you may just want to save X2 for the last ride on day one.

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^ Interesting thing---they had FlashPass going on Terminator yesterday and last night, though it didn't look like a lot of people were using it. Most likely, it varies from day to day, though. Best to ask when inquiring about renting one (or check the sign for which rides are using it that day).



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3) I found myself thinking; had I not just sat through the pre-shows I could have been on the ride 10 minutes sooner.


Except for the first rides of the day and when there is absolutely no wait, the idea of the preshow is that it takes up time you'd be spending waiting in line anyway. Whether or not this is exactly the case is up to the park to figure out and, from what Robb and others have said, this is what they're tweaking.


If there wasn't a preshow, you'd still have the same amount of people in front of you in line. It just wouldn't be as entertaining.

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Rboarded, I would like you to elaborate on how Riddler's Revenge's theming outside is 'good throughout,' yet Terminator's is not. Better yet, please let me know what Riddler's Revenge's theme IS throughout the queue. Thank you.



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3) I found myself thinking; had I not just sat through the pre-shows I could have been on the ride 10 minutes sooner.


Except for the first rides of the day and when there is absolutely no wait, the idea of the preshow is that it takes up time you'd be spending waiting in line anyway. Whether or not this is exactly the case is up to the park to figure out and, from what Robb and others have said, this is what they're tweaking.


If there wasn't a preshow, you'd still have the same amount of people in front of you in line. It just wouldn't be as entertaining.

Exactly. Something that many people don't seem to understand is that the pre-show isn't stopping you from riding, it's keeping you more entertained while you wait in line.


Otherwise you'd just be in another sea of switchbacks. I'd much rather have something to look at or watch while I'm waiting.



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^Yeah, I too am wondering what he thinks is so elaborate about Riddler's Revenge. My favorite queue lines at the park are 1. Terminator, 2. Batman, 3. X2 (I know it's not really theme, but I love watching video of people getting hurt) 4. Goliath.


I hate being inside Riddler's station when the line is full. The song gets really annoying.

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Funny thing...today when Diana and I were at lunch (with the same friend who went with us to SFMM yesterday), he asked if they used clips from the actual movie for the preshows. I told him, "Yeah, sure, the real movie mentions Six Flags Magic Mountain in it."


The preshows are fine. Yesterday, the volume inside was just right.


One thing I noticed was that the steps leading to the station right out of Preshow 2 were the same kind of wood as the coaster itself. For some reason, it seems like the steps would have made of metal, but perhaps the wooden steps were part of a transition to the "wood" part of the ride.


I was told that SFMM was going to put the row numbers on the floor in front of each individual queue because guests were having trouble figuring out which "sector" they were waiting for due to the angle they were placed. Personally, I had no trouble figuring it out.



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Riddler's queue doesnt have much theming, but the station is rave themed!!!!!! That song will never get annoying to me, but figuring as this is the terminator thread: I also thought the wood steps seemed kinda weird, it was also kind of dark in that stair case so I had to watch my step pretty carefully

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3) I found myself thinking; had I not just sat through the pre-shows I could have been on the ride 10 minutes sooner.


Except for the first rides of the day and when there is absolutely no wait, the idea of the preshow is that it takes up time you'd be spending waiting in line anyway. Whether or not this is exactly the case is up to the park to figure out and, from what Robb and others have said, this is what they're tweaking.


If there wasn't a preshow, you'd still have the same amount of people in front of you in line. It just wouldn't be as entertaining.


I disagree slightly with that. The way the preshow is currently configured, I doubt they will be able to maintain an efficient operation. I heard they had a solid first weekend, but I'm more interested to see if they are able to maintain that for the entire summer. I personally believe that configuration will ultimately hamper capacity, since it seemed like things are too heavily dependent on every preshow having 22 people and everything being "in sync." Not only that, I wonder if the park is willing to make the commitment to keep it fully staffed. That's 3 extra positions for a park where I've yet to see any operations staff at "greeter" and always hear stories of people having to push breaks/lunches to maximum time allowed by the law due to staffing issues.


You might be able to answer this: are the preshows timed to match up with the dispatch intervals? So there's never too much waiting for guests between trains? By that I mean, once one group boards, do they have it in sync to where the 3rd preshow guests are heading up the stairs very soon after? Is it possible for the 3rd preshow to actually be slowing boarding down if they don't go up the stairs in time?


If they are able to work on tweaking that (I hear they are tossing around a bunch of ideas), the preshow won't bother me nearly as much. But as someone who was mainly there to ride the coaster, a 10-minute preshow that is "haunt quality" (which, again, is a giant step forward for the park) and not "OMFG wow" quality (like Dueling Dragons castle) just isn't my thing. How inefficiently I think its set up is only adds to that.

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For everyone that is wondering what ride to go to first at SFMM...I would definitely go with Terminator. The rides that I'd say get really bad are X2, Deja Vu, and now Terminator (Tatsu can seriously become a walk-on or 10 minutes in the evening). Going to Terminator first, you can ride that with little to no wait, and get Deja Vu outta the way early too. Also, even though Terminator is the "new" ride, I still think the gp will wander into the park and end up at something along the way, like X2, Tatsu, or even Viper and Revolution... .

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Terminator Update: Memorial Day


Here is just a couple of pictures I took today.


The video may be awhile, because the converter I downloaded and paid for isn't giving me sound, so I had to call and email support. I am trying to convert Quicktime MOV to WMV or AVI to use in my WIndows Movie Maker, to make a movie of most of my Terminator footage. I got some great shots. I could always make the video and just add music to it, but that takes away the excitement of the thundering sounds of the trains flying over that first overhead turn.


Enjoy the pictures.




The line was now longer than it was when I got in line, and that was like 11:30 a.m. or so, and this was now around after 1 p.m., and it was getting long.


I was standing on the exit platform, taking numerous pictures, and videos, and here's just one of alot of track!


Another train returns safely, escaping the terminators. I was next! Hell yeah!


The train begins to depart. Inside the Terminator station, yes! I was excited! Just moments away from getting on board!


Terminators! Terminators! Beware. Inside the pre-show!


The resistance security guy, he was collecting the boarding passes, and allowing a certain amount of people in, onto the first preshow, or the full preshow.


Just anotehr shot of the queue, after coming from the other side.


The queue crowd, it actually went by quick, not too bad to complain about. I got there before it really got crowded. You can see that in the last image.


The train heading back to the station.


The main entrance. You were given a boarding pass paper to use to enter before the first preshow.

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^ When Diana and I went on Sunday, the line started right there by the lockers. It was 90 minutes from that point.


Normally, the actual holiday of a three-day weekend is not as busy as the Sunday, but it looked like the park was pretty busy today.


Nice shots of Terminator. That really is a photogenic ride, which is why the way they set it up with the exit going over the track and out into the structure is cool.



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