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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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And for any one going to opening day, be warned when I asked how long of a wait they were expecting, they said 8-9 hours. Although I doubt it will get that long, just be prepared. Get there early and have fun on this AWESOME woodie!


Id call 3 1/2 hours a stretch, 8 hours is a home run to Canada. I could definitley see the line getting 2+ hours typically in the summer though. This ride reminds me a lot of Maverick, small coaster in the back of the park dwarfed by bigger coasters in front of it but one of, if not the best, ride in the park.


Also Terminator IMO looks like the most complete SF addition since BTR. Cant wait to go on it Wednesday!

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There's definitely a FlashPass queue. It joins the regular queue before the preshow. I don't know if it will be available this weekend, if that's what people were referring to when they said it isn't available.


Also, the station is the same size as every other ride we do (except Gwazi and Lightning Racer, obviously).


There are ten spots with floater airtime. I verified in both the front and back.

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8 to 9 hours?! woooow do you think making it the first ride of the day will make it shorter? then again i'm sure everyone at the front of the park will head that way right away haha. any stradegy to a shorter wait? short cuts to the ride or stuff? anyone even up right now?! lol

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There is no way the ride is going to have "8-9 Hour Waits". Whoever told you that is very dumb.


I do believe you will see three hours today.


And yes, you can tell the queue is setup for Flashpass, but I doubt they're going to use it Opening/Holiday Weekend. (Unless perhaps they offer an X2 type of upgrade for it)

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heading off, hopefully it's not a 8-9 wait but agree with u ^ its a regular style ride shouldn't be to slow loading which makes line tone down a bit, but havent seen the actual rides loading procedures, I will today, no more talk time for action!

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I'm typing this from the Best Western across the freeway from SFMM. My friends and I are planning to get to the park around 9:30 and then we're going to rush right for Terminator so that we can hopefully get in line before it gets too long.


We're planning to wait as long as we have to in order to get on Terminator at least once today. Hopefully Terminator will take some of the lines away from Tatsu and X2, we didn't get on Tatsu yesterday...

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^If everyone is rushing Terminator, I would be heading to X2!


Finished my review of the ride!




Awesome stuff, although sorry Sarah wasn't feeling great. I think I saw you sitting at the eatery across from Gold Rusher when we went to ride Batman, but I wasn't sure. Still should have said hi.


Here is my review and pics from the ride.



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^^ Funny I'm typing from the HGI at the bottom of the hill leading to Terminator. I hope to ride Terminator once than enjoy the rest of the park. Hope to see anyone there, I will be in a yellow X2 shirt.

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posting from the gate, front of the line, standing room only once past the metal dectors, i am here with rawrtotheargh, and coasterkings908 we have a group of 10, 34 mins til the park opens, will post once off the ride.

barely slept last night


see you soon

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TS:TR was great. coaster floated thru the track, almost like a swing piviting around your shoulders as you bob and weave thru the track, i've never ridden any thing like it. granted i have not been to any parks other than SFMM, knott's, and disneyland, afew coaster @ state line and las vegas.


robb, well let you know the insanity of the line soon

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