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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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It's a possibility, I just think it's highly unlikely. We already know Georgia is eating up a lot of capital and when you consider the fact that this chain generally tries to spread things out more than Cedar Fair (where larger percentages of overall CAPEX being devoted to specific parks is a more common practice) it seems like a stretch. It's possible I guess, but personally I'd have more modest expectations.


They've stated on many occasions that their current CAPEX strategy is working for them and they have no reason to change that.

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I think it'll be a wooden coaster...


Per their corporate Q4 conference call, Six Flags wants to reduce their Capex spending even more. I would say this is highly unlikely given their recent strategy.


SF wants to long term decrease the % of Capex below 9% of revenue. So as revenue increases they are going to hold Capex amount in dollars, currently around 75M, which will lower the %. As, they said they are happy with what they have been bale to do with the money they spend. This hold at around 75M as gross revenue increases will just balloon the EBIDTA even more.

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I think it'll be a wooden coaster...


Per their corporate Q4 conference call, Six Flags wants to reduce their Capex spending even more. I would say this is highly unlikely given their recent strategy.


If the ~10M pricetag for the JL rides is true, a mid-size GCI is certainly a realistic possibility.


Mystic Timbers at KI was 15M. A good GCI is not really cheap.

Edited by eltoro
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It's a possibility, I just think it's highly unlikely. We already know Georgia is eating up a lot of capital and when you consider the fact that this chain generally tries to spread things out more than Cedar Fair (where larger percentages of overall CAPEX being devoted to specific parks is a more common practice) it seems like a stretch. It's possible I guess, but personally I'd have more modest expectations.


They've stated on many occasions that their current CAPEX strategy is working for them and they have no reason to change that.


People are speculating OG will eat up a lot of capital in a RMC conversion. They could just GCI retrack with new trains and a change in layout slightly, hence the footer markings It wasn't the classic orange markings of RMC, so until it's announced officially who knows.

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I think it'll be a wooden coaster...


Per their corporate Q4 conference call, Six Flags wants to reduce their Capex spending even more. I would say this is highly unlikely given their recent strategy.


If the ~10M pricetag for the JL rides is true, a mid-size GCI is certainly a realistic possibility.


Mystic Timbers at KI coast 15M. A good GCI is not really cheap.


American Thunder cost less than $10M. Apocalypse cost $10M. A small-midsize GCI can definitely be had for the price SF was spending on JL rides.

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People are speculating OG will eat up a lot of capital in a RMC conversion. They could just GCI retrack with new trains and a change in layout slightly, hence the footer markings It wasn't the classic orange markings of RMC, so until it's announced officially who knows.


I highly doubt that this is anything other than an RMC conversion. I don't think they would tell everyone the ride is closing if they were just re-tracking it. I honestly have no doubt in my mind that we're looking at an RMC here.


PS: I'm like 90% sure this is chammonds96 / eugene / whatever given the writing style and sign up date but in the event that I'm wrong I'll bite. TPR just had a Facebook live video that got them a ton of exposure so you never know.


American Thunder cost less than $10M. Apocalypse cost $10M. A small-midsize GCI can definitely be had for the price SF was spending on JL rides.


Those rides both opened about a decade ago. We really shouldn't lose sight of that fact.

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People are speculating OG will eat up a lot of capital in a RMC conversion. They could just GCI retrack with new trains and a change in layout slightly, hence the footer markings It wasn't the classic orange markings of RMC, so until it's announced officially who knows.


I highly doubt that this is anything other than an RMC conversion. I don't think they would tell everyone the ride is closing if they were just re-tracking it. I honestly have no doubt in my mind that we're looking at an RMC here.


PS: I'm like 90% sure this is chammonds96 / eugene / whatever given the writing style and sign up date but in the event that I'm wrong I'll bite. TPR just had a Facebook live video that got them a ton of exposure so you never know.


American Thunder cost less than $10M. Apocalypse cost $10M. A small-midsize GCI can definitely be had for the price SF was spending on JL rides.


Those rides both opened about a decade ago. We really shouldn't lose sight of that fact.


Heide The Ride opened this year and cost 7M Euros, which is about 8.5M USD. I didn't lose sight of when those rides were built but RCDB doesn't have cost information for most of the recent GCI's.

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Obviously the park doesn't have a wooden coaster, but do the GP really miss the idea of one? I'd bet majority of the GP doesn't realize Rattler isn't wooden coaster. I don't see it for SFFT, I'm thinking Raptor track, Mack Powersplash, or maybe a small dive coaster.

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I wonder if we will see one of those never before seen S&S Dive coaster concept. Would be kinda cool diving off that quarry wall................


Someone also mentioned in the Texas Thrill Seekers facebook page, apparently there was GCI plans leaked for the park a while back?

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Obviously the park doesn't have a wooden coaster, but do the GP really miss the idea of one? I'd bet majority of the GP doesn't realize Rattler isn't wooden coaster. I don't see it for SFFT, I'm thinking Raptor track, Mack Powersplash, or maybe a small dive coaster.


A GCI woody would be a family friendly coaster. Not having 1 wood coaster is not about GP's, it's more about park management. Well rounded parks have wood coasters in the line up.

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A GCI woody would be a family friendly coaster. Not having 1 wood coaster is not about GP's, it's more about park management. Well rounded parks have wood coasters in the line up.


I'll call every Universal and Disney park on earth and let them know.

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A GCI woody would be a family friendly coaster. Not having 1 wood coaster is not about GP's, it's more about park management. Well rounded parks have wood coasters in the line up.


I'll call every Universal and Disney park on earth and let them know.


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A GCI woody would be a family friendly coaster. Not having 1 wood coaster is not about GP's, it's more about park management. Well rounded parks have wood coasters in the line up.


I'll call every Universal and Disney park on earth and let them know.


Right b/c people go to Disney for the coasters...NOT!!!!!!

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Someone also mentioned in the Texas Thrill Seekers facebook page, apparently there was GCI plans leaked for the park a while back?


Several years ago they posted an animation that was a recreation of the Rye Airplane coaster and it used SFFT as the background.


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I'm in SA for work and thinking about venturing to the park for a few hours with the hubby. I was hoping to go around 1/2pm and leave by 4. Do you think tomorrow is going to be insanely busy with the triple digit temperature? We were hoping to hit the new water ride, Iron Rattler, Superman, Pandemonium, and Scream. Is the park generally more crowded in the heat of the day or the evening around 7? We can be flexible with the time. The morning isn't an option unfortunately. We haven't been in 2 years so it will be nice to visit again!



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That's 5 rides in two hours. That's less than 30 minutes for each attraction coming and going. I don't think it's possible. The line for the water coaster alone is gonna take a chunk of that time.

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I'm in SA for work and thinking about venturing to the park for a few hours with the hubby. I was hoping to go around 1/2pm and leave by 4. Do you think tomorrow is going to be insanely busy with the triple digit temperature? We were hoping to hit the new water ride, Iron Rattler, Superman, Pandemonium, and Scream. Is the park generally more crowded in the heat of the day or the evening around 7? We can be flexible with the time. The morning isn't an option unfortunately. We haven't been in 2 years so it will be nice to visit again!




I was there literally two weeks ago on 7/6. The dry side of the park was dead. The longest we waited was about 45 minutes for the new water slide. Iron Rattler was about a 30 minutes wait due to waiting for the front row. Superman was about 15 minutes due to waiting for the front/back rows. Pandemonium, Goliath, and Poltergeist were about 10 minutes. Boomerang was a walk on. Didn't ride Scream because I don't like S&S towers but it looked about 10 minutes. You could at least ride all of the coasters in that amount of time easily.

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