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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Any guesses about when Goliath gets out of rehab?


Oh I forgot to mention that the small rails on the grass in the photo might be from the station in order to take off the train. I read this on reddit though so take it with a grain of salt.

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Wicked Cyclone has been down most of today. They took the blue train off to glue padding back on the front seat. Now they're cycling orange but its throwing up some error code that the mechanics are trying to figure out. This is going to be my first coaster of the season, I'm not giving up! They're going to drag me out of here kicking and screaming if I don't get my ride on this!!


* edited train colors.

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Read that WC was having issues today but we got on relatively painlessly around 2:30ish.....both trains were running and the only problem really was that people with “priority” boarding passes from the exit lane kept taking front row seats....that’s annoying AF - especially when you’re paying a premium to have the flash pass....had to wait three trains.....anyway the ride was flying....anybody know the actual issue today that I’ve read about on here?


Got on Supe today also and man that thing seems like it’s flying already this early season....that ride is amazing really....I know folks hate the restraints but it’s really not a thing.....I never rode it when it had the T-bar.....saw on here that they’re using these new wheels - yellow instead of blue - and maybe that’s helping.....so far this early season we’ve had great rides on that thing.....such an awesome ride.....


Joker is slowly growing on me.....rose it maybe 5 or 6 times now and it’s definitely good and I like how you never get the same ride....you can always count on a hair raiser inversion at least once.....where you’d totally fall out if not for the restraint.....


Also we went on Houdini today for the first time since we had passes in 2015.....can someone go over that ridiculous ride....how do they do that? You never upside down so the outer shell must be rotating also....thatbrode is weird AF....


And Goliath is still down.....lol....poor Goliath though....

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Also we went on Houdini today for the first time since we had passes in 2015.....can someone go over that ridiculous ride....how do they do that? You never upside down so the outer shell must be rotating also....thatbrode is weird AF...


You've basically got the idea.



Madhouses are often extensively themed during the ride sequence, and usually in the queue line. Several Madhouses feature pre-shows explaining a story behind the ride. Once in the ride, lapbars are lowered onto the riders, before they gradually experience an odd sense of movement. This is achieved through two mechanisms - the separate floor can move in a controlled swing from side-to-side by up to 15/30 degrees in each direction, but the surroundings of the room can rotate through a full 360 degrees. The pivot mechanism for the floor is hidden by two large objects at the end of the room, which are themed to match the ride.


At this point, both the floor and the room are slowly moving in unison. As the ride continues, the floor starts a separate movement from the rotating drum which gradually gives the impression that the room is rotating backwards and forwards further each time. Vekoma offers theme parks the option of programming their own sequence of how the room and floor move. In many Madhouses, the lighting subtly changes from moment to moment to add to the disorientation. Eventually, the drum mechanism turns through a full rotation and, by careful synchronisation with the sensation of the swinging floor mechanism, the riders are fooled into feeling as if they themselves are being repeatedly turned upside down.

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Read that WC was having issues today but we got on relatively painlessly around 2:30ish.....both trains were running and the only problem really was that people with “priority” boarding passes from the exit lane kept taking front row seats....that’s annoying AF - especially when you’re paying a premium to have the flash pass....had to wait three trains.....anyway the ride was flying....anybody know the actual issue today that I’ve read about on here?


Oh my gosh yes! Those flipping priority pass people were everywhere!! If I hadn't payed for the Platinum Flash Pass I would have been crazy annoyed with all the priority pass vultures!


As for the issue with WC, the lapbars on the orange train were throwing some weird sensor issues. When it came back in the station the ops would have to pull all the bars up and the computer was throwing an error code that the mechanic didn't know (I'm assuming) because he had to take a photo of the control panel and go research the solution.


So the blue train was taken off to glue padding on the front seat, then the orange train was throwing a tantrum and by the time they figured out the orange train, the glue had set on blue so they put it back on the track.


It took about an hour all together, it just sucks as it happened just as I was next in line for front row first ride of the year. So I was shaking like a junkie looking for his next fix of RMC goodness and the downtime just added to the insanity of my withdrawal symptoms!


Then just as the mechanic was finishing on WC he got a call that Flashback was down. Which is a funny story because for the past decade, every time I would go to the park Flashback would close and stay closed all day. Usually this would happen as I was in line for it or walking toward it (no lie)! Flashback was the only credit in the park I had yet to get and it did the same thing on me yesterday! So I was bummed thinking it was gonna stay closed for the rest of the day, then just as I was leaving the park and my final ride on WC, Flashback opened and I FINALLY jumped on it and was thoroughly disappointed as I knew I would be!

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Also we went on Houdini today for the first time since we had passes in 2015.....can someone go over that ridiculous ride....how do they do that? You never upside down so the outer shell must be rotating also....thatbrode is weird AF....


You’re welcome.

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Also we went on Houdini today for the first time since we had passes in 2015.....can someone go over that ridiculous ride....how do they do that? You never upside down so the outer shell must be rotating also....thatbrode is weird AF....


You’re welcome.


Honestly would have never known the ride has its own category....lol....seemed hokey AF.....IDK....

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Read that WC was having issues today but we got on relatively painlessly around 2:30ish.....both trains were running and the only problem really was that people with “priority” boarding passes from the exit lane kept taking front row seats....that’s annoying AF - especially when you’re paying a premium to have the flash pass....had to wait three trains.....anyway the ride was flying....anybody know the actual issue today that I’ve read about on here?


Oh my gosh yes! Those flipping priority pass people were everywhere!! If I hadn't payed for the Platinum Flash Pass I would have been crazy annoyed with all the priority pass vultures!


As for the issue with WC, the lapbars on the orange train were throwing some weird sensor issues. When it came back in the station the ops would have to pull all the bars up and the computer was throwing an error code that the mechanic didn't know (I'm assuming) because he had to take a photo of the control panel and go research the solution.


So the blue train was taken off to glue padding on the front seat, then the orange train was throwing a tantrum and by the time they figured out the orange train, the glue had set on blue so they put it back on the track.


It took about an hour all together, it just sucks as it happened just as I was next in line for front row first ride of the year. So I was shaking like a junkie looking for his next fix of RMC goodness and the downtime just added to the insanity of my withdrawal symptoms!


Then just as the mechanic was finishing on WC he got a call that Flashback was down. Which is a funny story because for the past decade, every time I would go to the park Flashback would close and stay closed all day. Usually this would happen as I was in line for it or walking toward it (no lie)! Flashback was the only credit in the park I had yet to get and it did the same thing on me yesterday! So I was bummed thinking it was gonna stay closed for the rest of the day, then just as I was leaving the park and my final ride on WC, Flashback opened and I FINALLY jumped on it and was thoroughly disappointed as I knew I would be!


Did Flashback get stuck on the second lift again?

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^lol....I don’t ride flashback anymore....I can’t stand those OTS restraints and honestly I feel like I’m gonna just fall out at any moment.....even on the lift hill lol....that combined with it’s valley history I’m just not getting on it....they need to get rid of that thing.....and Goliath....and then build something big....expand to the north where the property is still undeveloped.....

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“Priority Boarding” is the term we use for our access pass, which is used for medical reasons and/or disabilities. Not sure why they’re using them every train on the front row. They’re not supposed to be filling them in row 1, and should be alternating which train is being filled with the Acess Pass. Sorry about that everyone! Glad to hear you guys are enjoying Superman! That’s usually where I’m operating.

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^Also ya....we have the season platinum flash pass cuz I was weak and my 11 yr old daughter gave me that look when we upgraded last week but ya....even with those passes it’s really annoying waiting for the front or the back and getting bumped cuz of those priority boarding people showing up at the exit.....we got bumped three trains in a row waiting for row 1 and 2 on WC and were bumped once on Supe.....they need to make it so that only happens once or something....the platinum flash pass is just too expensive to have to deal with that....

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“Priority Boarding” is the term we use for our access pass, which is used for medical reasons and/or disabilities. Not sure why they’re using them every train on the front row. They’re not supposed to be filling them in row 1, and should be alternating which train is being filled with the Acess Pass. Sorry about that everyone! Glad to hear you guys are enjoying Superman! That’s usually where I’m operating.


Well at least on Saturday we got bumped out of row 1 three times in a row and the people were hardly having medical issues or disabled....it was so annoying....did hear from daughters friend that at least on Supe theory’s not supposed to let those folks board row 1 or back row but who knows....seems a good portion of ride ops aren’t real strict....case in point how they’ll let through say 2 people on a flash pass good for only 1.....seen that a lot

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Superman was enforcing the no front row priority pass rule last weekend. It was nice for people such as myself waiting for the front, but I can also understand if people with priority passes want to also be able to experience the best seats. Ultimately having to wait an extra train or two isn't the end of the world for me.

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“Priority Boarding” is the term we use for our access pass, which is used for medical reasons and/or disabilities. Not sure why they’re using them every train on the front row. They’re not supposed to be filling them in row 1, and should be alternating which train is being filled with the Acess Pass. Sorry about that everyone! Glad to hear you guys are enjoying Superman! That’s usually where I’m operating.


Well at least on Saturday we got bumped out of row 1 three times in a row and the people were hardly having medical issues or disabled....it was so annoying....did hear from daughters friend that at least on Supe theory’s not supposed to let those folks board row 1 or back row but who knows....seems a good portion of ride ops aren’t real strict....case in point how they’ll let through say 2 people on a flash pass good for only 1.....seen that a lot


Your comment is a little insensitive and ignorant. Disabilities are not always physical nor are medical needs. But, it is still the beginning of the season. All policies will become more consitent as we move into full time operations. And as always, if your dissatisfied with something during your visit, don’t hesitate to visit guest relations, or leave a comment on the parks “Contact Us” page!

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the people were hardly having medical issues or disabled....


Seriously? You have NO IDEA what these people go through. At Six Flags they require a Dr's note to prevent those trying to take advantage. Keep that in mind next time. They even have to wait in a virtual queue with the program. They are one of the strictess when it comes to this. I can think of several disabilities and diseases that wouldn't allow people to wait in a standard queue but still be able to go on rides.

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the people were hardly having medical issues or disabled....


Seriously? You have NO IDEA what these people go through. At Six Flags they require a Dr's note to prevent those trying to take advanthiage. Keep that in mind next time. They even have to wait in a virtual queue with the program. They are one of the strictess when it comes to this. I can think of several disabilities and diseases that wouldn't allow people to wait in a standard queue but still be able to go on rides.


Exactly, my son is one of them. He looks like a normal kid, but due to certain medical issues, he is unable to wait for long periods of time.

Beyond that ice1972, your arrogance offends me. You are already cutting in front of hundreds of people, but that's just not good enough for you I guess. Another "I'm entitled to everything" attitude. Unfortunately, this seems to be more common these days.

Edited by thrillrider
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