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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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I would be pleasantly surprised if they went with a coaster over a waterpark addition next year. Maybe they'll both so they can recycle that "one wet, one wild" thing they used to do back in the day.

If they go with the family coaster hopefully it's something with decent capacity. The last two family coasters added have been mouse and spinning mouse. A straddle coaster at SFNE would have a throughout of about 18 riders per hour.


Edit: Randomly checked queue times for no reason and...I hope everyone in line now enjoys riding Batman on Thursday!



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I know there was a town planning meeting scheduled -- is this site confirmed for new stuff? Anyone know? I've been sincerely hoping for them to do something along the trees running from the former Kontiki through the former Fireball and using the former(?) Thomas the Tank Engine track and "land." That's a ton of linear space.

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I hope that people in the 3 day line for Batman can get off the ride in time to go to the town meeting. 😂

As to the rumor above, the last time that Six Flags worked with Intamin (outside of that disasterous free spin at Magic Mountain) was El Toro. So not sure if I buy it, but I guess we'll know more Thursday night or whenever that meeting is.

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1 hour ago, michaellynn4 said:

Plans have leaked, you can find them elsewhere on the internet. Not gonna post them here out of respect for the rules and the Alveys' park relationships.

Should I not have posted the tweet that I did with the speculated layout? Apologies if not and please delete, whoever the mods are around here. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Six Flags has announced Quantum Accelerator, a new Intamin family coaster, will debut at Six Flags New England in 2025!



Launching through space and time in 2025 is Quantum Accelerator, New England’s first dual-launch straddle coaster. Quantum Accelerator is a family-friendly thrill ride with two exciting launches, twists and turns, 11 moments of airtime, and speeds up to 45 miles per hour.

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I'm kind of terrified of the capacity of this thing especially considering the park it's in. The Darkoaster line crawls at BGW, in all likelihood the ops here will be even slower, and hourly throughout with 18 passenger trains will probably be 300-400 per hour. Pandemonium and Thunderbolt often have the longest lines in the park for coasters due to their family nature and poor capacity. This thing will probably be incredibly popular and that is frightening to me.

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Hit the park for a few hours this afternoon to set up my season Flash Pass which came in handy as the park was pretty busy by Tuesday standards. Weather was gorgeous in the upper 60s and it's definitely starting to feel fall-like! 

If I had no Flash Pass today I would've just lapped Superman as it was a walk on the whole afternoon. Everything else I rode (Pandemonium, Skyscreamer, Harley Quinn, Riddler, Joker, Batman) had waits of 30 mins to 1 hour. Everything that could was running two trains but the dispatches on most of the rides we're definitely on the slow side. Skyscreamer was rotating about 270 degrees at the top with a pretty solid breeze! Meanwhile, on one of my rides on Superman they were dispatching us just as the next train was hitting the 2nd helix and that crew was flying the whole night. 

Wicked Cyclone had some breakdown problems as I encountered the line being dumped two separate times as I walked up. 3rd time I finally got on in row 2. Usually ride this in the back, so it was nice to get a different perspective. Always a great time, but when the train got back to the brakes they hadn't even opened the air gates for the next train. Kind of marched right back to Superman after seeing those kind of operations. 

Checked out that new (maybe? I honestly have no f*cking idea if it's actually new) bar under the Superman lift hill which had a really good selection of beers and I settled on a Del's Summer Shandy which is probably coming up on the end of its season. 



It was nice to actually spend some time in the park as my last few trips have been very brief. Good to see them running pretty much at 100% (other than Scream only running 1 tower) with nothing closed as far as I could tell (except some stuff in the waterpark apparently).

Nothing new happening in the Quantum spot yet, hopefully they get going on time and don't follow the Great Adventure construction schedule!

Also...how long have the M&M ads on the steps been gone?


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1 minute ago, prozach626 said:

Seeing that dude wearing a hooded sweatshirt is depressing to me. I'm not ready to give up the high summer temperatures.

I mean I see people with hooded sweatshirts at parks when it's in the 90s but I see your point ..

Honestly the summer heat doesn't really bother me that much anymore but I still can't stand those stretches when it won't go below 75 at night. Glad to have these 45 degree mornings back and humidity gone (for a few days anyway). I love fall.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Stopped in for closing day last night. Park was surprisingly busy considering the temperatures. 

Rode Wicked Cyclone in row 2 and in back. I'm fairly certain that these were my first ever pure "steel wheel" rides. The feel of the ride and the sound it made were unlike anything I've ever experienced before on it, and it literally felt like the train had rocket boosters attached. It almost gave the AF1 airtime a run for its money.

Skyscreamer still running backwards which was nice with the cold weather. Such a beautiful view this time of year with the leaves down and the picnic grove all lit up.

Batman a hoot in the back row as always. Bit of a headbang in the last corkscrew but that's nothing new.

I went down to lap Superman for the last hour but they kind of just roped it off shortly before 8 and closed the ride by 8:20 so for the second year in a row I got shut out on some Superman rides to end the year. Some folks were commenting that they've heard once it dips below 40 the cycle times become concerning and they don't want it to valley. Would be a shame if that was true as I've ridden it well down into the 20s. 

Finished up with Supergirl and Thunderbolt but definitely disappointed to leave with no Superman. If 40 degrees is the new limit (and there was absolutely no wind last night) then I can't help but think there's some Cedar Fair influence going on there. But the rest of the coasters were still running so who knows. They better not pull this BS with Nitro in December!

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  • 3 months later...


If this hill is taken with at least a decent amount of speed, this will be a fun element!

Picture from SFNE Facebook page.

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8 hours ago, Zand said:


If this hill is taken with at least a decent amount of speed, this will be a fun element!

Picture from SFNE Facebook page.

Quantum Accelerator is looking to be a fun addition for Six Flags New England! The park has done a great job with the updates! 🙂

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Haven't been at the park since 2018 and thinking about making a trip on Tuesday April 22nd. Park is open 11 am to 6 pm and it's spring break week. Wondering what I should expect crowd wise? On one hand it's a weekday early in the year but on the other hand it's Spring break. Not sure if flash pass would be needed/worth it. Would appreciate any info!

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19 minutes ago, jramo14 said:

Haven't been at the park since 2018 and thinking about making a trip on Tuesday April 22nd. Park is open 11 am to 6 pm and it's spring break week. Wondering what I should expect crowd wise? On one hand it's a weekday early in the year but on the other hand it's Spring break. Not sure if flash pass would be needed/worth it. Would appreciate any info!

Totally weather dependant. More often than not when I've gone during that week it's dead mainly because it's usually in the 40s or 50s and grey and dreary. If there's a chance of rain at all make sure you keep an eye on socials to make sure they're not closed because they know the park will be dead.

There are the occasional days that get sunny and shoot into the 70s and it is usually a mobscene, and with college and high school workers not really available yet a busy day during spring break can really get ugly with lots of rides at minimal capacity and lots of food places closed.

I love the dead dreary days but you need to go in with the expectation that they will close a few hours early on those days.

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