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Obama or McCain or Beemerboy?

Who do you favor in the election?  

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  1. 1. Who do you favor in the election?

    • Obama
    • McCain
    • Beemerboy

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^ I never said I was, nor did I say that it was a fact that he did that, thats why I was asking if it was true, I wasn't sure about it. And I'm not voting for him anymore for a complete different reason.


Could your reason for not voting be b/c you are 14??



Okay when I say "vote" I hypothetically mean if I was old enough to vote, then this would be my decision okay, get it?


I like to have a say in politics so thats how I'm portraying it....

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Think about it. Monorails can solve all the world's problems.


Oil crisis? If more cities had monorails, we wouldn't need as many cars, resulting in lower demand for oil, and as a result, lower prices.

Global warming? Monorails run on clean electricity

Noise pollution? No problem. Monorails are quiet and efficient

Traffic problems? Monorails fix that too.

Airlines in bankruptcy? Build a few maglevs and we don't NEED any airlines with their luggage fees and constant delays

Government budget? Unlike other public transit systems, Monorails can actually make a profit!

Plus, people don't need to give up land to build monorails, as they have a very small footprint.


Look at the number of cars an ALWEG based system can take off the road


Too bad I'm not eligible to vote in the US


Vote Beemerboy 2008!


(Pictures from www.monorails.org)

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While McCain sometimes seems to be merely a liberal in conservative's clothing, he's the lesser of two evils in my eyes. Still not yet sure if I'll vote for him this fall, but I don't like the idea of just throwing my vote away to a third party either.


But as for Obama, beyond his uber-liberal voting record, he just throws around feel-good words like "hope" and "change," using nothing but emotional appeal and charisma to warm the mindless, bleeding hearts of a America. Seriously, Mr. B.O., I'm too smart to be swayed by substance-lacking rhetoric.

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I was gonna write a novel to show you obama supporters that you're just voting for him because of what you've seen on TV and just how uninformed you are. "We need change" and stuff like that is just stupid. What are we gonna change to? I think that has already been brought up.


I will vote for McCain because he is not a socialist. He will not have socialized medicine and will not pull out of Iraq. I can understand why yall don't like us being in iraq but it would be a complete douchebag move on our part if we just left the country now. Isn't it much safer over there now tho? Maybe we're almost done there.


I would have loved for Huckabee to be on the presidential ballot.



well, i do want to bring up some things from the previous 13 pages...


One of the few things that is important to me right now is the rebuilding of the gulf coast

is it my job to pay for what happened 600 miles away?


I will most likely be voting for Obama. I liked McCain over Bush in 2000, but I think its time for a change…

I have no real reasoning or explanation but I'm voting for Obama. It's time for a change!!!


thank you joe for covering almost everything i was gonna touch on

Scott, good luck to you but i cannot vote for you because that would be basically a vote for Obama and i will not let that happen.

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Scott, I demand to be the Minister of Transportation.


Yes, that's right. Minister.


And with a demand like that, how can I say no? Matt, you shall be my Minister of Transportation. However, Will is definitely going to be appointed a high ranking position involving the new monorail network!


I'd again like to thank my fellow Americans for their support. We're gaining ground, and this PMW monorail isn't stopping until we reach 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!!

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I was gonna write a novel to show you obama supporters that you're just voting for him because of what you've seen on TV and just how uninformed you are.


How do you know all the reasons that every single Obama supporter is voting for him? Quite frankly you cannot. I do not get all these elitist mentalities that just because someone is not voting for who you think is better must mean that they are somehow misinformed.


As far a this whole Obama is a socialist, have you actually read Mccain's policy?

While still having the option of employer-based coverage, every family will receive a direct refundable tax credit - effectively cash - of $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families to offset the cost of insurance.


Isn't giving everyone money to buy their own insurance pretty damn socialist?

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the new monorail network!


Scott, I would like to request a no bid exclusive contract to design the Northeast Corridor of the Monorail Network. I swear my design fee will be within a factor of ten or twenty from what it would have been had there been competition.




Jon - a monorail beam is just like one really long bridge- Azevedo

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What are we gonna change to?


He will not have socialized medicine and will not pull out of Iraq.


Kind of answered your own question there.


I would have loved for Huckabee to be on the presidential ballot. FAIR TAX


Like socialized medicine, that won't happen. The government likes getting interest-free loans from most people that they don't have to pay back until next year as a tax "refund".

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Just a little observation from a foreigner, but I'm surprised about the number of Americans who are against universal health care and subsidised medicines as a policy...as if its a bad thing?


Surely it couldn't be that bad to implement it? Just 'copy and paste' (for lack of a better description) the way every other wealthy nation does it.


I'm guessing people will cite the cost of universal healthcare as a reason not to do it, which seems silly to me, because it has to be paid for somehow, and at least if the Government is running it there isn't a portion of money that just disappears off as profits.

Also worth noting, if you had to increase taxes to pay for it, this would be offset by either A) People not needing insurance any more, hence one personal expense they no longer have and B) For people who decide to stay with private cover, lower premiums since insurers would be competing with a free system.


But I don't like the idea of just throwing my vote away to a third party either.

Aren't you throwing your vote away by voting for someone other than your first choice.

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and at least if the Government is running it there isn't a portion of money that just disappears off as profits.


In the US, when the government gets involved money generally disappears. It might not go the company profits but someone's pockets are being lined.

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But as for Obama, beyond his uber-liberal voting record, he just throws around feel-good words like "hope" and "change," using nothing but emotional appeal and charisma to warm the mindless, bleeding hearts of a America. Seriously, Mr. B.O., I'm too smart to be swayed by substance-lacking rhetoric.


Thank you!! There is hope in this country after all!




Personally besides Beemerboy our options kind of suck.

As usual it is more of who’s the best of the worst options kind of deal.


Obama, I just don’t get him. And I truly do not think he is running for the right reasons and have grave concerns with someone running this countries military who has pretty much yes manned his entire "short" political career.


Every time I hear someone say they support his policies I wonder to myself which one from which week? (Not to mention ask them one thing he has done) I think his party in congress has done enough “change” for this country already. Then again like Bush or hate him the economy didn’t tank until the Dem’s took over congress and achieved absolutely nothing.


The war bombed on both sides and the finger pointing is kind of ridiculous. Either way with McCain, I know what to expect good and bad and to me that’s much better then a good speaker.


The party system needs to be abolished and we need to base decisions merely on who is the right/best person for the jobs.



Now as for the monorail transit system, I’m 100% with you! But they have to be Blue stripped, or at the least have blue led interior lighting.

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[Every time I hear someone say they support his policies I wonder to myself which one from which week? (Not to mention ask them one thing he has done)


Either way with McCain, I know what to expect good and bad and to me that’s much better then a good speaker.


I know I'm probably adding fuel to a fire, but if you're going to use the "flip-flop"/"I don't know where he stands" argument against Obama, then you need to include McCain too. He's changed his positions of plenty of issues. Here's a list of things he's changed his position on:



I'm certain there are instances listed that are probably debatable, my only point here is that BOTH CANDIDATES do this. You can't call out one and not the other. They are both guilty of doing it.

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[Every time I hear someone say they support his policies I wonder to myself which one from which week? (Not to mention ask them one thing he has done)


Either way with McCain, I know what to expect good and bad and to me that’s much better then a good speaker.


I know I'm probably adding fuel to a fire, but if you're going to use the "flip-flop"/"I don't know where he stands" argument against Obama, then you need to include McCain too. He's changed his positions of plenty of issues. Here's a list of things he's changed his position on:



I'm certain there are instances listed that are probably debatable, my only point here is that BOTH CANDIDATES do this. You can't call out one and not the other. They are both guilty of doing it.


100% agree Wes! I didn't mean for McCain to be the one by any means.

Reason I ranted was because many people seem to think Obama is flawless. (You know the ones I'm talking about) I fully support anyones view as long as they are not based on CNN or party loyalty, rather true self decisions made.


Many people seem to lack that which by far I consider the scariest.


Just between them I know what to expect from McCain. Neither of them are the best person for the job in the big picture.


I have said in the past, if Obama had waited another term or 2 I would have very likely supported him but with the lack of actual accomplishments sounds like a lot of hot air with much wasted time for someone who so much wants to change things. He comes across as a crusader with a great cause, but not until we was going to run for president? Thats my conflict with him.


Problem is the good ones are to smart to even bother trying.


Hope that made sense, but yes both are of the same evils when it comes down to it.

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^ I agree with you in many ways. Obama has plenty of flaws, I think any Obama supporter who says he's perfect (or close to) is off their rocker. In just the past few months, he's flipped on filibustering the FISA bill and recently said he'd be in favor of limited off-shore drilling. Both of these are contrasts to earlier campaign promises, and the off-shore drilling one bugs me quite a bit, especially since I am an ardent supporter of his proposed energy policy (finding renewable, clean energy sources and reducing consumption of oil).


As far as experience goes, in many ways, I'd prefer someone who is new and fresh, someone who doesn't perhaps think in the confines of a system they are accustomed to. Just because you've logged so many years in Washington doesn't mean you know exactly what it takes to be President. Obama has shown he can reach across the aisle (he worked with Tom Coburn in drafting an ethics reform bill that passed the Senate, 98-2, he worked with Richard Lugar to draft and pass a bill about nuclear weapons).


Ater the past 8+ years, I'm ready for a different direction. McCain just doesn't represent my ideals and opinions. I think he's a good guy, just not someone I'd vote for, considering his record and policy.

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If Scott is giving out cabinet positions, can I be the Minister of 'P'?


Just a little observation from a foreigner, but I'm surprised about the number of Americans who are against universal health care and subsidised medicines as a policy...as if its a bad thing?

Fundamentally, its a great idea! However there are serious flaws.


First, Our government is terribly inefficient, and socializing medicine will just create more government jobs and more bureaucrats and more inefficiency.


Secondly, its expensive enough to insure oneself. Then you have your family, and now you want people to cover others who can't cover themselves? I'm already paying for people's health care when I buy products from companies who have health care benefits. Not a good way to reward success in life, IMO.


We have one of the best health care networks in the world - arguably the best doctors on the planet. They are also highly paid, why take away motivation from these guys to be the best. Free health care would just crowd the hospitals here even more, god knows a lot of people already use the emergency room to treat any minor ailment.

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First, Our government is terribly inefficient, and socializing medicine will just create more government jobs and more bureaucrats and more inefficiency.


We have one of the best health care networks in the world - arguably the best doctors on the planet. They are also highly paid, why take away motivation from these guys to be the best. Free health care would just crowd the hospitals here even more, god knows a lot of people already use the emergency room to treat any minor ailment.


We also used to have a pretty good home mortgage system until the Gov't started pushing home ownership down our throats via Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Lord only knows where the Fed bailouts are going to take us. Oh my!

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If you have a low income, the government shouldn't be taking as much money from you, however, if you are wealthy, then of course you should be taxed more.


I have never understood this logic. I've worked incredibly hard to acheive what I have in my life up to this point. I'm confused as to why it should be obvious that I don't deserve to keep the same percentage of my income as someone who is making less.



As far as the candidates go, I would actually be leaning more towards Scott, if it weren't for the recent cabinet appointments he has suggested. I'm just not sure Matt is the right person to handle our transportation issues. And that Maple Leafs hat is just a little too Canabian for my tastes. I don't know, I suppose there's still time to win me over. I've got an old Bill Walton Portland Trailblazers jersey that would look great on you, Scott!

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