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Obama or McCain or Beemerboy?

Who do you favor in the election?  

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  1. 1. Who do you favor in the election?

    • Obama
    • McCain
    • Beemerboy

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I teach in an urban school that really struggles with testing and meeting the other criteria of NCLB. One of those is attendance that we get judged on. Some of our parents remove the kids for weeks at a time which totally offsets a bunch of kids who come every day.


In the last 2 years we have got no increase in funds, however we have had to spend our funds on busing kids to other schools, and sending one kid to a tutoring service which costs the same as giving 10 kids an after school program. It is pretty safe to say the program has serious flaws and is pretty much impossible to enforce at its highest level.


Here is an analogy a school could get in trouble from dropping from 100% passing to 99%. If all schools pass the testing then the schools with the LOWEST PASSING scores then go on warning. So essentially we have a system that compares all schools to each other. I have a school that has 90% of the kids living below the poverty line and we currently receive less funds. Great plan and please don't ever ask me where I get my information from. I live it everyday.

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I am still 17, I will be 18 in 5 days, and I'm very excited that I will be able to vote in this election.


My family are democrats, and I was hesitant to call myself one before I knew what they stood for. But, after reading up on them, I now can definitely call myself a democrat, because just about everything they stand for describes me.


I would love to see Obama become president, because I believe in almost everything he supports. I don't watch the mainstream media or the news most of the time, so I haven't let anyone else's opinions influence me.

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My family are democrats, and I was hesitant to call myself one before I knew what they stood for. But, after reading up on them, I now can definitely call myself a democrat, because just about everything they stand for describes me.


I would love to see Obama become president, because I believe in almost everything he supports.


What does your democratic familly stand for and what does Obama support that you like?

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My family are democrats, and I was hesitant to call myself one before I knew what they stood for. But, after reading up on them, I now can definitely call myself a democrat, because just about everything they stand for describes me.


I would love to see Obama become president, because I believe in almost everything he supports.


What does your democratic familly stand for and what does Obama support that you like?


Basically, my family and I agree with most of the traits that the average liberal democrat would.


This was taken from wikipedia, say what you want about the reliablity of that site, but I agree with mostly everything in this sentence, minus the abortion thing:


"A majority of liberals favor diplomacy over military action, stem-cell research, the legalization of same-sex marriage, secular government, stricter gun control, and environmental protection laws as well as the preservation of abortion rights."

also this:

"Today, Democrats advocate more social freedoms, affirmative action, balanced budget, and a free enterprise system tempered by government intervention (mixed economy)."



I'm not voting for Obama because he is a democrat. I like many of his policies and proposals. Especially taxing the people with higher incomes more. It would seem like the obvious thing to do. If you have a low income, the government shouldn't be taking as much money from you, however, if you are wealthy, then of course you should be taxed more.


Ever heard of Robin Hood? Steal from the rich and give to the needy? Same idea.


Also, I am all for removing US troops from Iraq. Whatever we are doing over there isn't our problem. If Iraq is screwed up, then it's too late, and it isn't worth wasting the lives of any more Americans. They are no longer dying for their country, they are dying for someone else's.


Why is it our responsibility to fix Iraq? And why do we need to do it by force?


Whatever, I'll stop discussing the war, it's obvious that I'm not very informed on that subject, however it is my opinion that we should leave the war unless it would be bad for OUR country.


I hate war and I think we should do everything to end it as soon as we can, however, if someone would like to share their opinion on why we should stay, and even why we are there, I would be very interested.


Oh yeah, and this thread is about the election....


(also, what the heck is PMW?) A car company?

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Stricter gun control laws? I think that is an awful idea. That would have little to no impact on crime levels. Guns would still be produced, illegally, and sold on the black market. The majority of people who would buy these guns would be dangerous criminals, all the while law-abiding people wouldn't have guns. That would just leave the law-abiding people without defense while dangerous criminals gained more power. Just my opinion.

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Stricter gun control laws? I think that is an awful idea. That would have little to no impact on crime levels. Guns would still be produced, illegally, and sold on the black market. The majority of people who would buy these guns would be dangerous criminals, all the while law-abiding people wouldn't have guns. That would just leave the law-abiding people without defense while dangerous criminals gained more power. Just my opinion.

Actually, that makes perfect sense to me, and thats how I feel about that also. Which is why I said most, not all of the things I agree with.

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Ever heard of Robin Hood? Steal from the rich and give to the needy? Same idea.


This isn't the most eloquent way to sell progressive taxation.


Actually, that makes perfect sense to me, and thats how I feel about that also. Which is why I said most, not all of the things I agree with.


Kind of the problem with declaring oneself "liberal" or "conservative". Most people don't tilt all one way on each and every issue.

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Kind of the problem with declaring oneself "liberal" or "conservative". Most people don't tilt all one way on each and every issue.


And that's a great point... On some issues, I'm more conservative than McCain... on others I'm more left than Obama. Likewise, I have friends and acquaintances from "both sides." To almost quote Toby Keith, (a self-proclaimed conservative Democrat) some (my architecture/grad school colleagues) see me as a gun-toting redneck, and others (family and friends) see me as a pot-smoking hippie.


The definitions, especially liberal and conservative, have been diluted. Traditionally, both stood for individual freedoms, but their emphases obviously differing. Liberals didn't have great disdain for business, and conservatives didn't seem to care as much what we do in private. Now the two represent extremes. Those who say that it's the liberals who see government as our savior are half right - IMO conservatives can be equally guilty.

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Jumboshrmp wrote:

Ever heard of Robin Hood? Steal from the rich and give to the needy? Same idea.



This isn't the most eloquent way to sell progressive taxation.




No, but it an accurate way to describe it.

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Especially taxing the people with higher incomes more. It would seem like the obvious thing to do. If you have a low income, the government shouldn't be taking as much money from you, however, if you are wealthy, then of course you should be taxed more.


Ever heard of Robin Hood? Steal from the rich and give to the needy? Same idea.

Why is it so obvious? Why not tax everyone the same rate? Doesn't that sound more obviously fair? People complain about tax breaks for the rich, but chances are, the rich are more likely to invest any extra money they can keep, and stimulate the economy, than someone who is just barely getting by with their monthly rent payment.


At least you recognize that its stealing.


(also, what the heck is PMW?) A car company?

it's a bi-partisan effort to promote ethics, wealth and freedom in America

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Stricter gun control laws? I think that is an awful idea. That would have little to no impact on crime levels. Guns would still be produced, illegally, and sold on the black market. The majority of people who would buy these guns would be dangerous criminals, all the while law-abiding people wouldn't have guns. That would just leave the law-abiding people without defense while dangerous criminals gained more power. Just my opinion.

Actually, that makes perfect sense to me, and thats how I feel about that also. Which is why I said most, not all of the things I agree with.


Careful, Guns are not polically correct, even if your totally correct


watch this



I used to live in California, where guns have been looked down on as evil, now in New Mexico, Guns are socially accepted, its been a learning experience, and learning about guns had lead me to the same conclusions this ABC story reports



seriously, even if you hate guns, watch this

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I'd like to thank my campaign manager, Wes, for my new campaign logo which will also serve as my avatar. I'd also like to acknowledge the 10% of you who have already made your voice heard in this poll. With your help, I plan to push forward in a triumphant march to the White House!


In the coming days you can expect an official announcement which will help to detail my plans for a better nation. One which will be fueled by a bi-partisan effort to promote ethics, wealth and freedom in America....PMW!


Thank you for your support.




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I don't know Beemerboy...you will have tough competition w/ Paris running for President.


And with a platform like this:


We could do limited offshore drilling with strict environmental oversight, while creating tax incentives to get Detroit making hybrid and electric cars, that way the offshore drilling carries us until new technologies kick in which will then create new jobs and energy independent.


Energy crisis solved! I'll see you at the debates, bitches.


Its going to be a pretty tough race.


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Stricter gun control laws? I think that is an awful idea. That would have little to no impact on crime levels. Guns would still be produced, illegally, and sold on the black market. The majority of people who would buy these guns would be dangerous criminals, all the while law-abiding people wouldn't have guns. That would just leave the law-abiding people without defense while dangerous criminals gained more power. Just my opinion.


and those offenders should be executed in front of their families

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I don't know Beemerboy...you will have tough competition w/ Paris running for President.


And with a platform like this:


We could do limited offshore drilling with strict environmental oversight, while creating tax incentives to get Detroit making hybrid and electric cars, that way the offshore drilling carries us until new technologies kick in which will then create new jobs and energy independent.


Energy crisis solved! I'll see you at the debates, bitches.


Its going to be a pretty tough race.


The only offshore drilling Paris Hilton will be involved in is with her boyfriend on a yacht.

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