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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Dear Kings Island:


CUT YOUR LOSSES!!!! Seriously, just move on. SoB doesn't love you, she's only out to hurt people. Move on with your life and find something new. There's that hot little Predator down the way. Gravity Group has a bunch of little pretty ladies just waiting for a good park, and they're right here in town. It's time to play the field. Let it go!

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It's amazing how many things the park can say in one week. At the beginning of the week they said it won't operate this season, then they said it might, and now they say it won't. I am glad they have finally made an official answer and will hopefully stick with it.

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  CPmaverick said:
I am glad they have finally made an official answer and will hopefully stick with it.


Stick with the decision to keep it standing there to rot for an entire season?


Not sure what the advantages of that would be, seeing that they are still considering reopening it in the future...

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Glad I got to ride it with loop and without. Gotta say I won't really miss it that much. They should have gone another direction entirely with it instead of tying it into the Beast, that had to fail from the beginning. I say tear it down and put King Kobra back up.

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  Skramp said:
Glad I got to ride it with loop and without. Gotta say I won't really miss it that much. They should have gone another direction entirely with it instead of tying it into the Beast, that had to fail from the beginning. I say tear it down and put King Kobra back up.


From what I was told, Cobra was sold for scrap a few years ago. The only thing left from it are the trains and I think some lift chain. Those are in the building that houses FOF. Plus, King Cobra was torn down for Delirium. My first visit to the park was in 2000 and both King Cobra and SOB were operating.

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  jamesdillaman said:
^ Just adapt SoB for King Kobra's trains. If you're going to injure people, why not make it an artform...?


-James Dillaman


I'm all for that!!! But while you are at it, run them backwards!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kings Island has finally pulled back the covers of its recently converted Boo Blasters on Boo Hill.




Visitors to Kings Island will have an opportunity to experience an all-new interactive family ride in 2010, Boo Blasters on Boo Hill.


The animated adventure begins when guests enter the attraction through the front gates of a haunted castle. Be careful! Those who dare enter must battle Boocifer, the meanest Ghost of all. But don't be scared. You have a secret weapon called a Boo Blaster to zap Boocifer and all the Ghosts away as you travel through ghastly graveyards, creepy corridors, and down into dingy dungeons. If you collect enough points, you'll rid this castle of Boocifer and his Ghosts.


Visitors to Kings Island will have an opportunity to experience an all-new interactive family ride in 2010, Boo Blasters on Boo Hill.


The animated adventure begins when guests enter the attraction through the front gates of a haunted castle.


Be careful! Those who dare enter must battle Boocifer, the meanest Ghost of all. But don't be scared.


You have a secret weapon called a Boo Blaster to zap Boocifer and all the Ghosts away as you travel through ghastly graveyards, creepy corridors, and down into dingy dungeons. If you collect enough points, you'll rid this castle of Boocifer and his Ghosts.


Guests can choose to enhance their ride experience on Boo Blasters on Boo Hill with 3-D glasses.


This is a ride kids, parents, and grandparents can do together and will enjoy riding over and over again.


Boo Blasters on Boo Hill features special effects and a variety of ghostly gags which makes each ride a different experience.


Visitors to Kings Island will have an opportunity to experience an all-new interactive family ride in 2010, Boo Blasters on Boo Hill.


The animated adventure begins when guests enter the attraction through the front gates of a haunted castle.


Be careful! Those who dare enter must battle Boocifer, the meanest Ghost of all. But don't be scared.


You have a secret weapon called a Boo Blaster to zap Boocifer and all the Ghosts away as you travel through ghastly graveyards, creepy corridors, and down into dingy dungeons. If you collect enough points, you'll rid this castle of Boocifer and his Ghosts.


This is a ride kids, parents, and grandparents can do together and will enjoy riding over and over again.


Guests can choose to enhance their ride experience on Boo Blasters on Boo Hill with 3-D glasses.

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I'm not liking these changes so far. While the pictures don't look too bad, Cedar Fair and 3-D ride experiences, let alone indoor rides, don't mix well. Look what happened to Disaster Transport when it was made "3-D." All they did was put flourescent paint all over the queue. I'm sure that it won't be as bad as that, but I am worried that it will cheapen the ride experience. Looks like they're also using cheap holloween theming like they did with the Crypt retheme, which also worries me.


I just don't trust CF with theming indoor rides knowing their record. I have heard good things about the former Scooby Doo ride at Carowinds though, so hopefully this one won't be as bad as I fear.

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This is a ride kids, parents, and grandparents can do together and will enjoy riding over and over again.

Eh, it's certainly not a Haunt attraction or anything, but I'm wondering how much they'll be hearing about frightened kids, especially with this being right across the pathway from Snoopy and company. I know my little brother (5yrs) wouldn't fare too well on this one, but he could've made it through in its Scooby days.


I'm not really disappointed or anything, I guess I was just expecting something a bit more overtly family-friendly for a shooting dark ride in the kid's area.

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^ Well, when they did it with the ACE members, you could get your family in, etc. As long as it's only a couple people, I don't think the PR department at the park will put up much of a fuss. They want to keep people happy. If you try and get a busload of people in with your card, you might have a problem...

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It's to simulate body weight. When you think about how much a trainload of people weights it's a significant amount. The last thing they want is for a train to valley. Am I right in thinking that most steel coasters don't have anti- roll backs at the tops of hills like wooden coasters?

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