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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Does anyone know of a map or article that shows where all the FL lines enter or converge on the regular line?

Not aware of a map, but I'll try my best to help with what I can recall off the top of my head. I'll work my way down the list on their website and try to be as accurate as possible (Disclaimer: I've never used Fast Lane):


Banshee - separate line at the entrance for Fast Lane (requires Fast Lane Plus), goes directly to station where employee assigns rows.

The Beast - enter through the exit (requires Fast Lane Plus), path will take you up to the back of the station where an employee will let you in a gate.

Firehawk - Sorry, I'm not sure on this one because I don't care for Firehawk too much but, if I had to guess I would say that it enters through the exit... Requires Fast Lane Plus.

Flight of Fear - Enters through the exit and goes right to the station. (Fast Lane Plus)

Diamondback - Same set up as Banshee

Delirium - Not 100%, but I believe Delirium has a separate entrance for Fast Lane and meets the line where the ride op counts the guests.

Drop Tower - Again, not positive, but I think this is similar to Delirium's set up...

Invertigo - Like Firehawk, I usually skip this ride, but I know the Fast Lane enters under the cobra roll, not positive on where it converges though. It either goes all the way to the station or converges right before the station.

The Racer - I believe this is another enter through the exit ride

Vortex - Enters near the exit, however you cross a bridge over the ride and meet the regular line in the station where the line stops and the employee controls guest flow to the gates.

Windseeker - Enter through the exit

Woodstock Gliders - New this year so I do not know

Backlot Stunt Coaster - Similar to Diamondback and Banshee

Zephyr, Monster, Scrambler, & Shake, Rattle, & Roll - I believe these are all enter through the exit (Shake, Rattle, & Roll has been completely refurbished for this season so that could be different this year...)

Adventure Express - Enters near exit, cuts over and runs parallel to regular line and meets in station, similar to Banshee & co.

Congo Falls - Has a separate entrance and meets at or right before entering the station... I think? Not one you'll have issues with waiting for though...

Dodgem - For some reason I remember it having a similar set up to Banshee, with a separate line that goes up to the front... however there's a good chance that I'm wrong and it's just an enter through the exit.

Boo Blasters on Boo Hill - Separate line at the entrance, converges at the load area.

Surf Dog - unsure

Race For Your Life Charlie Brown - Separate line at entrance, converges at the load area.

Flying Ace Aerial Chase - unsure.


Again, sorry for the uncertainty. As a local and season passholder, I don't need Fast Lane so I've yet to use it, however, I tend to pay attention to the Fast Lane stuff (at least somewhat) and that is everything to the best of my memory. Anyone feel free to correct me where I'm inaccurate or fill in the couple I couldn't recall at all.


Hope this helps.

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Does anyone know of a map or article that shows where all the FL lines enter or converge on the regular line?


For the rides that have different FastLane entrances than the main entrance, they do have signs pointing in the direction where they're located. The list above is pretty accurate, but yeah, there's signs at the entrance of the rides pointing where they're at.


The Google Maps Street View is actually a perfect way to learn where they're at. I have the link here starting right at the Firehawk entrance, which is where the FastLane Plus entrance is located. The Street View was taken in 2011, but it should at least give a general idea on where they're all at, since a majority of the FastLane rides are the same from then.

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Heading to KI on May 13th which is a weds.



IMO you wont need the Fastlane because the only people that will be at the park will be High school field trips and adults. Everyone will still be in school (including myself ). You can pretty much ride everything more than once if you go from opening to close.

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nice to see the Finishing touches are being put on the new rides in Planet Snoopy! The park did send these pics to Screamscape. Great additions to an all ready splendid kids area! Also would like to show that the funnel cake stand has got some good improvements.





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Something doesn't add up here. I remember using FL to ride Flight of Fear back in 2012. Did they take it off and then add it again?

They basically change the rides a lot.

I'm not sure if they had FL+ in 2012. Around that time, everything was on fast lane. Then, they realized they could make more money if they added a second band. One that takes two away from the regular FL, and adds it to FL+. Up charging you $20, just for two more roller coasters. This is when Fastlane Plus was born.

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Something doesn't add up here. I remember using FL to ride Flight of Fear back in 2012. Did they take it off and then add it again?

They basically change the rides a lot.

I'm not sure if they had FL+ in 2012. Around that time, everything was on fast lane. Then, they realized they could make more money if they added a second band. One that takes two away from the regular FL, and adds it to FL+. Up charging you $20, just for two more roller coasters. This is when Fastlane Plus was born.


FastLane Plus was added in 2013, not only to promote people to upgrade to the Plus for the new attractions, but also to add FastLane to rides that have poorer capacity where the lower daily count of FastLane Plus won't add too much of a burden to the normal lines.


Kings Island was the test park for FastLane in 2011 and the FL rides back then were ones where it was fairly easy to add FastLane to and FL also had a limited time period during the day. Of course when FastLane was rolled out to the parks in 2012, it became an all-day feature and several rides received newly built FL entrances. What other parks have started to do with FastLane Plus is to not only include one or two exclusive rides, but also to add several water park attractions as well.


FastLane is still one of my favorite "cut the line" systems. No time limits, no time or ride restrictions, no expensive device to carry around, no reservations, just buy the wrist bands and get into the FastLane line waiting only a fraction of the normal wait time to ride.

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^ This is exactly why we are probably going to do FL plus when in the park. Three of us are driving in from Minneapolis and another is coming from Pittsburg, we are looking to get in as many rides as possible that day, not wait around in any lines if possible.


If I lived near the park I wouldn't even think about a FL because I could go whenever, but we don't so Fal plus here we come.

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Something doesn't add up here. I remember using FL to ride Flight of Fear back in 2012. Did they take it off and then add it again?


The way I understand it, the ride had Fast Lane up until the accident last year. Following that, the ride went to one train for a period of time and was removed from Fast Lane. It is now being added back on, but only for Fast Lane Plus due to the lower capacity. I know for a fact that even though the ride had returned to two train operation, there was no Fast Lane access at all during Banshee Bash last year, and that made the ride my longest wait of the day (45 minutes). It also seemed like the operators were being very careful not to overheat the LIMs as they were waiting two minutes between dispatches, so the train was often ready to go but they'd stand around for 30-45 seconds before the panel operator called for an all clear. If they're still doing 2 minute dispatches this year, that caps the capacity at about 600 per hour and necessitates the Fast Lane Plus restriction.

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I absolutely love Flight of Fear. I'm not sure if I should call it a guilty pleasure if there's enough people who don't like it, but there's a lot of aspects to the ride to call it my favorite after Diamondback and Banshee.

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