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Sea World Australia new coaster

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Is anyone interested in this?

Who's website is that? It's annoying as f**k to navigate. I think I'd be more interested if it was easier to view the pictures or if someone could just post them here.


Oddly enough I'm putting together a little video from our Aquatrax ride last week where we were able to mount the camera to the train so I'm sure you'll be interested to see how it compares.


Atlantis is also very *tight*...you'll see when I post the new video.



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It's a shame it's another Intamin motocoaster style ride, because there is already one up the road at Dreamworld with different theming.

Yeah, after I painfully was able to view a few more photos I think you're right. This ride looks nothing like the Aquatrax in Korea, at least not yet anyway.



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^My apoligies.

http://www.parkz.com.au/photos/AU/Gold_Coast/Sea_World/433-Jet-Ski-Rescue/construction/ is the gallery page.

You can click "back to photos" which is below "prev<< >>next" to get to this page from the page of an individual photo.


Its a tags based site, so clicking on the green Jet Ski rescue link (theres one at the top, and one at the left) brings you to the profile page.


Anyhow, if it winds up just being a turns only layout then I would be a bit disappointed, there is no reason there couldn't be at least a few piraten sized bunny hills towards the end to mix things up a bit.

On the up side, it does appear they have progressively begun to address a few of the complaints about Mick Doohans Motocoaster....the trains don't have that (and often cramp inducing) tilting front section, nor that thing that presses down on your back....These two things also slow down loading significantly, so it's good they have kept it simple.


The other issue was the pretty terrible pacing, but a second launch should well and truly address that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It looks pretty bland right now, I hope there will be some more exciting hills, dips, or unique elements besides turns and zig zags...I'm hoping this isn't a rip off of the motocoaster with different themed trains...and I'm thinking that's what this is. The track is identical to MotoCoaster.

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I like the look of this. I just wish the cars were like Atlantis Adventure's. I like those short cars better. It makes it look like a shoot-the-chutes mixed with an intamin. (But if you picture it like that, that'd be a Mack, so I spose it's actually like a log flume boat on an intamin)

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  • 3 weeks later...
It's a shame it's another Intamin motocoaster style ride, because there is already one up the road at Dreamworld with different theming.

Yeah, after I painfully was able to view a few more photos I think you're right. This ride looks nothing like the Aquatrax in Korea, at least not yet anyway.




Sob - it's true. Tire propelled launch = not an Aquatrax.

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If you notice in that last photo they have dirt over two portions of track, it looks like one of the sections their driving over the track.


Why didn't they just leave those sections of track out. intil they were done with the heavy equipment.

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I would imagine they would want all of the track installed so they can move all the cranes/construction equipment out for the time it's scheduled to be completed. It's much easier to push some dirt away then install sections of track.


I'm really excited to see this unique new coaster in action. Sure it's not like Lotte World's but it still looks fun!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was down at the park yesterday and was able to get another update.

The trains are being put on the track now, and there is a fair bit of landscaping happening around the ride:





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Looks interesting. We skipped Sea World when we visited because the rides at that park just weren't enough to draw us in. Hopefully this will be better than Mick Doohan's Motocoaster at Dreamworld. I am assuming by the look of it that this is a similar style coaster. That ride sucked! Anyway, thanks for the update.

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  • 1 month later...

It opened today, and I got on the first public train out (Not really a special achievement anyway given probably only 16 people bothered to mill around the ride entrance anyway at opening)


But yeah, the ride is a win. Obviously its no substitute for a large thrill ride, only clocking in at about 32 seconds in length, but it still is really quite good, and I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was.

The quick pacing, sharp turns, sudden directional changes and low to the ground layout create this really cool ride that leaves you a little bit light headed at the end.

I think the jet ski trains genuinely add to the experience in this case. You climb over, and your feet go into these rectangular slots, its a simple lap bar you pull down (no seatbelt) and it sits comfortably over your hips. But what makes it great is that your torso is virtually unrestrained, with only a small backrest, so when you go through the rapid fire transitions you can sway side to side and enjoy it without neck bashing. Its also really cool when you enter a turn...it didn't seem as heartlined as other Intamins, so its like you get flicked sideways, and it feels like your head is about to get conked into the rocks around the ride.


As for the actual experience...there is a tiny queue area (This is an Australian park remember) and there is a video where Trevor Long (Director of Marine Sciences at SW) informs you that a sealion is trapped in a blowhole, and a storm is rolling in. A team of Jet skis has been assembled for your mission.


So you load in, hear the gurgle of the jet ski starting up, then you launch towards rapidly into a highly banked 270* helix, (with your head nearly scraping the rocks and you go through), you then turn a bit, hop over the launch (not much air) dip and do an S bend and enter the cave, without stopping you surge forward even faster, catch a glimpse of the trapped sealion, and then burst out of the cave through a cloud of mist, is then a tight u turn, double s bend, another tight u turn, another double s bend (the whole time you are being flung from side to side, very close to the rocks), you then breeze past the sealion, who is on a rock by the track happily nodding. Its a quick 90 turn, then a u turn into a part brake run that trims some of the speed, before the last turn and the main brake.

What is funny with this is that the ride broke down for a little while, and the last two cars are on an angle because the whole train doesn't fit in the brakes.


The ride has separate load and unload, and the second train was moving to the load just as the first train enters the cave.


The queue moved very quickly, and in fact the longest wait later in the day was to get a locker (The ride has a strict no loose items policy) The person I was with described the situation as a cluster.....

Only 38 lockers available, with one control station, epic fail.


But overall, the ride is quite good, and does what it aims to do very well. The theming around the ride is nice...the only improvement I want to see is more landscaping around the entrance as the area is very bland.


Some crap videos but they show what it does(I didn't realise the camera was on lower res)



The back half of the ride is virtually impossible to see.


If you are after photos, I have whole bunch at











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