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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Opening Day weekend at the park.

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^ Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't follow their response with, "If you only have the one train running, and only the one train to begin with, what will happen if it stalls or something happens like last year? Will the whole coaster shut down for the season? And/Or are you getting additional trains built, now or soon?"


Something like that. Guess we'll find out, when it's running this coming season.


In the meantime, here's a link to Playland's own great description of it's beloved Coaster...




Currently, the yellow train is the only train remaining, of the original three trains (w/red and purple).


EDIT to add: This year, Coaster turns 62 years old!


One of the postcards from the 50th Anniversary Set of Coaster cards. (2008)

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And a Happy 15th Birthday, TPR Forums! too.


Valentines Hugs to All!


Playland(PNE) circa.1950's ~ Vancouver Archives


Playland(PNE) 2013 ~ Gay Day at Playland


PNE Grounds August 30th, 2019 ~ Out At The Fair Day ~ An Awesome Day, it was!


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  • 4 weeks later...

And currently....



COVID-19 Update


In response to the BC Government’s direction to cancel any event gatherings larger than 250 people, all events taking place at PNE venues with attendance of over 250 people will be postponed until further notice or cancelled. Please retain your tickets and wait for information from TicketLeader regarding rescheduled events and/or refunds.






In accordance with the restrictions on travel and group gatherings amid COVID-19 concerns, the upcoming Monster Jam events scheduled for Saturday March 14 and Sunday March 15, 2020 at the Pacific Coliseum (PNE) in Vancouver, BC will be rescheduled for a later date. All tickets will be honoured for the rescheduled dates which will be announced soon.


Customers that cannot attend the rescheduled date will be given a refund at their original point of purchase. Refunds are currently available upon request – please contact TicketLeader Customer Service at info@ticketleader.ca or via phone at 604-252-3700.




Hopefully, Playland will still be able to open on May 2nd. (Photo from PNE)

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And now...


In light of the COVID-19 global pandemic, we will be delaying the opening of Playland by one month to early June 2020. We are fully committed to our mission of building social connections and bringing people together in a safe way and therefore, in the best interest of our guests and employees, we are proceeding with a delayed opening. We look forward to welcoming everyone to Playland in June.


We thank you for your support and will continue to communicate with you as we navigate through this ever changing time. In the meantime, we urge everyone to exercise the recommended preventative measures to keep your families safe, and we look forward to seeing you at the PNE soon.




But necessary, I know. Hopefully, they won't push the date back any further. In the current schedule,

Playland Is supposed to open for daily operation on Friday, June 17th. So that may be "the date" for Opening.


Coasting towards June!

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  • 2 weeks later...

From the "While We're Taking Care of Ourselves And Each Other, Dept..."

Here. A retro overhead view of Playland during a decades old PNE.


See how many flat rides you can figure out and list here?


No prize. Just instant satisfaction and gratification.



(You can enlarge it, to see better. Bon Chance!)


This is Playland during the 1977 PNE. Photo from Vancouver Archives.

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^^ Geez, my Season Pass will be worth only a month and a bit,

by the time the PNE opens (last two weeks August) and nullifies it.


Also, on turning 67 next Monday , my new challenge was to ride Coaster at least

67 times during this season. Last year, I successfully rode it over 70 times, to 'win'.

Hmmm. May have to alter that plan, just a tidge.


The PNE site also added a Playland Colouring/Coloring Page for kids

(and with their parents) and everyone to work on, while at home, staying safe.




Part of the Colouring/Coloring Page. The whole page is available at the PNE website.

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July is what I keep hearing from scientists as the likeliest time for the return of normality. There are several possible treatments in the works and they all have about 4 months of testing left. So Playland is probably the first to come to terms with reality.


I would imagine parks will make it up to all of us who pre-purchased our season tickets, and it will probably take several forms. Some year-round parks have already extended expiration dates, For seasonal parks it's different, but SDC sent me an email saying there would be bonus operating days and extra season passholder discounts. Playland will do what they can in this situation; it's as tough on them as it is on us.

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^ I'm hoping Playland would do "something" for the Season Pass Holders. But - the Season only runs from (usually) May to PNE Time, last two weeks of August. Then, if we're lucky, after Labor Day weekend it opens for 1-2 more weekends, then shuts down to get ready for Fright Nights. And then after that, end of October, that's it for Playland's Season.


Really not much time it's actually open. I think they were quoted at saying around 80+ days that Playland is open every year.


So.... who knows if they're going to offer anything to patrons, pass holders and non-? Or, they'll just open in July and run the Season "us usual," until PNE time, etc.


For myself, it's all about Coaster and hoping it'll be running regularly, and not with the hiccups it had, last year.

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^ That's true. I'm also {secretly} glad, that David paid for my Seniors Pass this year ~Holiday Gift~ and it cost him only $48 Cdn. for it. So neither of us is losing too much, out of this year's Pass, heh.


RETRO PNE: Me on the Game of Thrones' ....uh.... Throne. (o;

From the 2014 Exhibit Tour (and free @ PNE), before Season 3 of GoT started.

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A new article has been posted, on everything they're going to do/build at PNE and Playland.

This article was posted after the Info. Sessions, held at the beginning of this month.





I'm curious: The 'future development' plan has actual named rides on it, like Disc'o (which is technically misspelled I think, Disk'o), Hammer Head, Zac Spin.


Have they actually purchased these rides? It seems strange to list them by name otherwise.



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^ No, I think whoever put this art concept together, decided to put every possible new-design coaster and/or flat ride on it at the time, LOL. And no, they haven't bought any of these yet, to the best of my knowledge. Except (hopefully) The One they're going to put in Corkscrew's place. And where Corkscrew was, on the model, they have a "Driving Track" attraction for kids. That's probably not going to happen, in that spot. A new coaster, for sure. I hope.


The model is also pre-2015, as the Wave Swinger is still on it (by big yellow building close to Hastings St.), which was since replaced by the Sea-To-Sky Swinger; north of Wave Swinger, is Crazy Beach (Party). Which has since been moved to where the "Bumper Car" attraction is proposed, below the double row of trees, by the new "Main Entry". The Beast (which opened in 2015) is now in Crazy Beach's place. Hope this explanation isn't too confusing for you.


In other words, this art concept model is at least 5-7 years old.

And not totally correct, in what is planned to actually go there....


...And the beat goes on.


A Retro PNE shot:


"See??? You can fit three in a seat!"


1950's PNE. Photo from Vancouver Archives.

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...which means it's time for more...

Retro PNE Shots


The year, 1934. The Pacific National Exhibition (i.e. PNE) is only nearly 25 years old (it started in 1910),

and this particular year, they offered up, what no other North American Fair had ever done, before:


The PNE Prize Home ~ First called the PNE Dream Home. Each ticket on the draw was 25 cents.

And no other State/Provincial Fair in North America had offered such a prize, at that time.


And the winner was a guy who had earlier proposed to his girlfriend, but the father nixed it. Said the guy

wasn't worth it for his daughter. Went on the last day of the PNE, bought a ticket... and WON THE HOUSE!

Immediately went back to his (soon to be) fiance and proposed. Father approved, she said 'yes', and they

moved into the prize home. At that time, it was only a few blocks away from the PNE grounds. And they

spent several decades together, before moving somewhere else. True story!


The original PNE Dream Home - 1934 - on the PNE grounds, ready to be toured through. Vancouver Achives.


A 1950's PNE Prize Home. Queueing up to see the inside of a pre-fab house. Vancouver Archives.


Last year's PNE Prize Home ~ Along with "WIN A CAR!"

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^ Dunno. Never asked. Same could be asked about the Splash Battle they got on that artwork, too.


Oooooo, maybe it'll be a heated "LAVA" Rapids Ride!


Could happen....

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Just a reminder. Watch out how many candy Easter eggs/bars/chocolates you have, this weekend....


Happy Easter Weekend, Everybody!


Retro Playland bus stop ad. (2013 series)

Edited by Nrthwnd
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"Damnit, it had to be Snakes on The Ride!" *

(Not actually that quote by Samuel L. Jackson.)




*This is the other bus stop ad, that accompanied the one, above.

There were probably a few more, but these two are all I found, that season.



Happy Easter, Everybody!

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"Not Just Any Water Fountain..."


This is something that has stuck around for several decades. It first started out, in front of what was called the BC Pavilion. This was a series of three buildings, joined together by overhead covered walkways. The middle building was about BC itself, with history about the province, sports, native Indigenous native artwork... The other two were mainly used for showcasing new products (like appliances) and different ways to "live better in these times." The whole thing got torn down and removed, to create more "green space" on the PNE grounds. Which it now has, including a man made lake and beautiful walkways through lush forest like settings.


The water fountain was also removed, and stayed out of sight, until several years later. Then, it was repainted and placed in Playland, right by the Pirate Ride. Then, they made a second one, shorter in height for younger children to reach, and placed that one in the parks Children's Rides Area.


And that's where they both sit today. The first one was listed as being fiberglass-made. Whether the second newer one is made the same way, I'm not sure. But they're both a part of Playland now, and will probably remain, until the (hopeful) new renovation of Playland happens.


And then, I hope, they'll be put back in new Playland locations!


"Eh? What was that you roared? I can't hear you!" From the Vancouver Archives.


Lunch. From the Vancouver Archives.


The second one. It looks like a bad art project, lol.


The original, repainted and set by the Pirate ride. But now, he looks... bored.


An easier reach for little kids, and their parents. Photo from the net.

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"Three Posters of Playland's Publicity Past!"


Here's some more of the past publicity that's been offered, to advertise a season at Playland.


The first one was on several of the busses in our city. Pretty easy to understand, heh. It's actually part

of several more posters I actually got most of. Usually, I am lucky if I photograph one or two every

year. This came out during the 2016 season. The other (5) posters in the series, I'll put up later.


The next one was put out in 2015, the year that The Beast opened. And I have to gush,

that this is still The Only XXL I know of, that has seats facing inwards AND facing out!

In North America, at least. The other poster I know of had the Wac-A-Mole "moles" looking up,

with the same faces as the kiddy car, here.


The last one is from 2014, and is actually all four posters, side by side, in the garden area of Coaster.

This is also the group of posters that spent the least time...up. Apparently, people were complaining

about that last poster, on the right. Look and decide for your self. Do you want to "Lose Control"

that way?


Whatever the case, they stayed up less than one month, and were gone for the rest of the summer.






Which way do you want to "Lose Control" at Playland?


EDIT TO ADD: Still didn't find the Wac-A-Mole

poster, but I did find this other one. Poor KC!

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Happy Earth Day! Judging from the lack of car exhaust around the world lately, air quality is becoming quite good. From reports I've seen like from India and parts of China, the air is fairly clear....and breathable! A Good Thing out of this medical time we're having.


This is a look at what the PNE came up with for "green space" of it's own: The Sanctuary. It's situated where large buildings and display space for The Fair, used to be. The buildings were all taken down, the land was pulled and pushed around, and a man made lake was created. Many many trees were planted, many many pathways created.


The result is really astonishing to walk through, especially when the PNE is going, late August. The noise from The Fair is buffered by all the foliage around, and at times, it's really hard to believe there's a busy, active Exhibition going on, with screams coming from Playland nearby.


Here's my set of photos of The Sanctuary, from the 2018 PNE. Enjoy. Breathe. Stay Safe.



One of the maps, to help you find your way around. This map also

shows you how literally, the PNE wraps itself around The Sanctuary.
















They even have this Fishing Dock set up, for the kids to try.


Hmmm. Which way, which way?




Heading out of The Sanctuary


"Backstage at the PNE"


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Here's three sets of Playland Ads that appeared through the summer seasons....


The first set is from 2006. Simple, but fun to see where "the seats" are put.


Second set is from 2002. It's all black and white but becomes

very effective, when the blue is added.


Third set is from 2010. It explains itself. (pre-"Let It Go")


(2006) "Shake, Rattle and RRRING"





(2002) "Bathrooms" ~ RIP Corkscrew.




(2010) "Let It Out"



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