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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Playland's 2025 Season Starts on May 17th!

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^ Yeah, probably.


Deal with it.


LOL. . you don't remember the drunk guy at Hotel Breakers whom you were trying to comfort over his break up?


and he yelled this out when you were telling him your life experiences?



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^^ Well now that you mentioned it....


^ So that explains what happened to The Beast. But still nothing about Coaster, which is still closed as of today.


I visited Playland one more time earlier, and it - was - MOBBED. It looked like every kids' organization in the city, decided Playland's last day before the PNE was The Day to go. And although it was totally overcast, the humidity level was up, and it felt uncomfortable just walking around. So I took a spin on The Wheel, one ride on Gladiator, and checked out one of the cheap fun houses they bring to The Fair.


And that was enough, for now. I'm coming back tomorrow and check the whole PNE out.


1000 Nachts.


Whatever this is now, the entry sign still said "Toon Town".


People could hardly find the entrance queue to The West Coast Wheel, so nobody was riding it.

(It's to the left of these games. That narrow opening between them and cotton candy, was the exit ramp.)



Queue set up for buying ride tickets and passes.


Mardi Gras mirror/glass house.


Starting tomorrow. Noted. (o:

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Opening Day of The PNE!


I got to the Fairgrounds just after noon, and ended up staying there for only a few hours. It stayed overcast all afternoon, but that didn't stop the crowds from showing up. Which is good for The PNE, right?


I did my usual circular route, checking on what was there, what was where, and so on. Had a beer, and then left for the day. I will be back several times, tasting corn dogs, maybe seeing Super Dogs again (it's been a few years), eat some ribs, buy some popcorn, take more photos. Have some more beer. Now that I know when "Happy Hour" is at the bar tents.


Here's what I took pix of today...


I was a bit surprised there was no WELCOME! message on the electric board, there.


Marketplace is still where it is, as usual.



The new exhibit in the Garden Auditorium. Will check on that, another visit.


The Aurora Winter Festival is coming to the PNE grounds! Much later.


Believe it, these are packs of playing cards! Not phone cases, as I first thought.


Where to find what.


One of several pairs of ATMs on the fairgrounds.


I always smile when I see this sign. The food? Not so great, IMhO.


Here they are....


...Freakk Fries!





Not sure how this exhibit will interest me, since I do not have a cell phone of any kind. Later.


What's playing at the Coliseum this year?


Super Magician and Super Dogs.


Behold! Butterbeer Soft Serve and Corn Dogs. A perfect pairing.


BC Transit put together a big exhibit on the future of....well, transit!


Inside the tent itself.

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More photos taken...


Ah, the smells of the country.


Old bus used as a rolling museum.


Last year's Celebration Plaza is now Revel District.


Two rib spots to enjoy.


And Henry's BBQ Chicken moves in beside Unroutine Poutine.


In Playland, this was cute for the kids to enjoy.


Several of these around the fairgrounds, thanks PNE!



A very long row of food trucks and stalls.


Misty Mtn. is now up where Henry's BBQ used to be - but they aren't serving ribs! Only pork loin.


The PNE Prize Home. Win it! Or a car!


Something to see when it's near closing time.


The all-important Proof-of-Age wristband. And my Stella Artois.


Opening Day Information Flyer.


One side is the fairgrounds map.


The other side, schedule of the day. It's pretty efficient to carry around.


NOTED. I will return there later in the afternoon, on my next visits. (o:


And the flower pot heads just passed by. Thus, ends my first visit to the PNE!

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Ooh. Just got home from a full day at the PNE. My feet ache.


Did the rides today, Log Flume went down so there went another major ride...


For shows we caught the Knights of Valour, Superdogs, Love of Drag, end of Duelling Pianos, and Electric Fire. Saw the glass blowers in action. Walked through the exhibits but they are quite lame this year.


I tried the Butterbeer soft serve but it’s just butterscotch ice cream.


The one photo I took:





Sorry we missed you Nrthwnd!

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^ That's okay, us not connecting. I just couldn't put as much time in, for one day, as you guys did. Having the two week pass makes it so much easier, to just show up, take in an exhibit etc. eat and/or drink and then see a show, maybe. Or not. I do not envy those, who like you and especially families, have/had one day to "see/eat/ride it all," heh.


I suspected that's all the Butterbeer soft serve was - just butterscotch ice cream and not much more. I did find where the specialty corn dogs were, so I may chuck my Corn Dog Challenge and eat those specialty ones instead. Going through all the areas where the food trucks and stalls were, I suspect most (if not all) of those corn dogs I've had last year, won't be that much different this year.


And what did you think of Electric Fire, which ended the evening?

I won't be seeing it until I'm with David on the 29th.

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^ That's okay, us not connecting. I just couldn't put as much time in, for one day, as you guys did. Having the two week pass makes it so much easier, to just show up, take in an exhibit etc. eat and/or drink and then see a show, maybe. Or not. I do not envy those, who like you and especially families, have/had one day to "see/eat/ride it all," heh.


I suspected that's all the Butterbeer soft serve was - just butterscotch ice cream and not much more. I did find where the specialty corn dogs were, so I may chuck my Corn Dog Challenge and eat those specialty ones instead. Going through all the areas where the food trucks and stalls were, I suspect most (if not all) of those corn dogs I've had last year, won't be that much different this year.


And what did you think of Electric Fire, which ended the evening?

I won't be seeing it until I'm with David on the 29th.


I mean, my partner and I may go again on another weekend in the evening maybe. Take some time to see things we missed.


Electric Fire was great! Really glad they brought back a show like that. They haven’t had a night dance/pyro show since they moved the concerts to the amphitheatre. Great soundtrack, dancers worked hard, cool costumes, and fun effects!

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For shows we caught the Knights of Valour, Superdogs, Love of Drag, end of Duelling Pianos, and Electric Fire. Saw the glass blowers in action. Walked through the exhibits but they are quite lame this year.


Electric Fire sounds great! We will definitely check that out. And how about the other stuff

you saw? Anything else you'd recommend, besides EF? We've seen everything before, (including

drag and drag shows during Gay Days at Playland) except the glass blowers and Electric Fire.

But if it's still a good show(s), we'll easily see it/them again.


Something from last year's Night Time Show.


PNE Prize Home staff at last year's "Out At The Fair Day."

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For shows we caught the Knights of Valour, Superdogs, Love of Drag, end of Duelling Pianos, and Electric Fire. Saw the glass blowers in action. Walked through the exhibits but they are quite lame this year.


Electric Fire sounds great! We will definitely check that out. And how about the other stuff

you saw? Anything else you'd recommend, besides EF? We've seen everything before, (including

drag and drag shows during Gay Days at Playland) except the glass blowers and Electric Fire.

But if it's still a good show(s), we'll easily see it/them again.


Superdogs was great this year. The drag show was short but fun, made me so happy to see such a mixed crowd enjoying it.


Otherwise, Revel District was a fun area to hangout in. Love me the pianos.

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"A Glass From The (PNE) Past!"


We finally moved a bunch of stemware glasses and such from a much needed shelf in a kitchen cupboard.


And in behind a lot of un-used glass....was this! A PNE wine glass that I got, when I took part in their (back then) Wine Tasting "attraction". You bought tickets to buy wine samples, and for a certain minimum amount spent, they threw in this glass, for FREE!


I have no idea how old this is, but nowadays, you can drink freely around the PNE grounds - except for Playland which is it's own booze zone, but has the Ride Side Bar in it, to drink as well as the main grounds. One just can't travel into the other's zone. Still a long long way forward, considering what they had to do, to have beer and liquor in The Fair.


And the glass is in good shape too! Not many, if any, scratches on it, no chips to note. Good for me!


All dusted and cleaned up.


This logo's been with the PNE for a long, long time.


Grapes Scott, Batman!

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"A Couple of Hours in Playland at The PNE"


Every year, as always, I find myself "on a budget" during the first week of The Fair. It's just the timing with my retirement income, coming in at the end of each month. That said, I can't go crazy buying stuff and eating/drinking stuff as well, during this first week of The Fair.


So today, I went and stayed in Playland, having a few Happy Hour beers, taking photos, eating my first "specialty corn dog", playing a Quarters Drop game in the Arcade.... and getting my dollar popcorn, and a soft drink. Easy!


And - Coaster was running! I talked to the ride ops at the West Coast Wheel, and they told me, after the incident with the purple train on BC Day, things were fixed up. Then the Safety Inspector came in, took a look, and declared..."only one train running, during the entire Fair." Which means ultra HUGE queue lineups for Coaster, during the entire Fair.


I'm planning to be back on Thursday, but will spend time at the "front" of The Fair and see what happens.

In the mean time, here's the photos I took today...


Doesn't look too busy here at the Playland PNE Entrance.


What's this? What's this?


Coaster is Running! (o:


Sadly, The Beast is not.


Destination arrived!



I decided to get one of their specialty beers, just brewed for the PNE!


The actual brewery name.


With the PNE logo on it. It was a nice Mexican Lager. I had a couple more.




THIS is what strollers were made for: PNE games prizes!



Small winnings.


One of the busier games.



I would like to win this. But I probably won't.


First specialty corn dog of the year.


"Spicy with crispy jalepenos."


In the cooker, there. My corn dog.


Here it is!


And - meh. Not spicy. And where the F were the crunchy jalapenos?

Not that great a "spicy" corn dog at all, in my Humble Opinion!



Glass House needs a bit of cleaning, already.


My tickets win for the day.


Security huddle at the Ride Side Bar.


Cool for them to add this.


Future corn dogs. Only $4 each. Little, but good if I remember last year.


The PNE Mob.


The kids' train is running again, too.



Final shot, before I left The Fair.


On the way home from the bus stop.



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"A Couple of Hours in Playland at The PNE"


Every year, as always, I find myself "on a budget" during the first week of The Fair. It's just the timing with my retirement income, coming in at the end of each month. That said, I can't go crazy buying stuff and eating/drinking stuff as well, during this first week of The Fair.


So today, I went and stayed in Playland, having a few Happy Hour beers, taking photos, eating my first "specialty corn dog", playing a Quarters Drop game in the Arcade.... and getting my dollar popcorn, and a soft drink. Easy!


And - Coaster was running! I talked to the ride ops at the West Coast Wheel, and they told me, after the incident with the purple train on BC Day, things were fixed up. Then the Safety Inspector came in, took a look, and declared..."only one train running, during the entire Fair." Which means ultra HUGE queue lineups for Coaster, during the entire Fair.


I'm planning to be back on Thursday, but will spend time at the "front" of The Fair and see what happens.

In the mean time, here's the photos I took today...


Looked like a busy day! Free entry first two hours.


I forgot to mention I haven’t been to Playland for rides since we road Coaster for the TPR video. So rode Bug Whirled, which is new for me. Fun little ride for sure. Also got on the new swing ride, wow that goes fast!

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Looks like a fun Fair so far! Local craft draft is always welcome. Yay for trans-friendly bathrooms...sorry on behalf of the United States for being asshats about that. And WTF is that paint job. It's really impressive, sure, but on that car? I don't get it.

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^^ I really enjoy Bug Whirled, every time I ride it. And especially seeing youngsters having a great time with their parents on it, too. It is a great "starter thrill coaster" for young children. Glad they got one of these. And that Swinger.......the first time I rode it, opening day, I thought they were nuts, running it that fast! I couldn't believe the speed this thing went. Then it was closed down, and I 'heard" they were attempting to lower the speed on it, a bit. Apparently, after your riding it, they didn't LOL! I love the screams coming from it now.


^ Listen, I was surprised to see that on the sign! I never expected them to do it, but there it is. Good for The PNE! I can't wait to see how everything goes, at "Out At The Fair Day" on the 29th! And as far as the car goes.... yes, we're a very "cosmic people" here in Vancouver. You should see some of the other cars running around this town, lol!


Is this cosmic enough for you? With a little shout out to CP. Playland Nights19+ shot.

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^^ I really enjoy Bug Whirled, every time I ride it. And especially seeing youngsters having a great time with their parents on it, too. It is a great "starter thrill coaster" for young children. Glad they got one of these. And that Swinger.......the first time I rode it, opening day, I thought they were nuts, running it that fast! I couldn't believe the speed this thing went. Then it was closed down, and I 'heard" they were attempting to lower the speed on it, a bit. Apparently, after your riding it, they didn't LOL! I love the screams coming from it now.


^ Listen, I was surprised to see that on the sign! I never expected them to do it, but there it is. Good for The PNE! I can't wait to see how everything goes, at "Out At The Fair Day" on the 29th! And as far as the car goes.... yes, we're a very "cosmic people" here in Vancouver. You should see some of the other cars running around this town, lol!


I do worry a bit about the swinger. When we were in line, as it came down to a stop there was a clear and sudden electric smell, like when you leave you e-brake on by accident and drive your car.

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^ I watched it and took several photos of it up close. But I didn't smell that smell you described. What you did remind me of, was several coasters and flat rides in "other countries" CHINA that had rubber tires on either the lift hill and/or the brake run into the station. Old ones obviously were in dire need of replacement, and we could smell a few of them, telling us to Get Off This Thing NOW!, etc.


But we couldn't, until we got back to the station. Horrible smells.


What I find a bit puzzling about Swinger, currently, is the way it slows down and comes down for a landing. Very odd, not swift or 'controlled'. It seems like an afterthought to the controls, lol. "Oh yeah, gotta land this too." Looks wierd to me. I always look at it when I'm there and take a few pics, so I'll check it again, etc.

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^ Me too, also glad. But now I keep worrying, if anything happens with the yellow train.....what then? Can this train still be rebuilt, in today's times? And I am asking about replication, not a new style train, w/restraints/belts, blah blah . That would kill Coaster's ride experience for sure. So every time I go by it, or watch it a bit, I hope that nothing happens, etc.




Back in May.

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^ Me too, also glad. But now I keep worrying, if anything happens with the yellow train.....what then? Can this train still be rebuilt, in today's times? And I am asking about replication, not a new style train, w/restraints/belts, blah blah . That would kill Coaster's ride experience for sure. So every time I go by it, or watch it a bit, I hope that nothing happens, etc.




So they only have two trains now-a-days? Which means down to one due to purple dying? Who thought that through...

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^ Nope. Just the yellow train ONLY. The red train is no more, remember?

And the purple train.... yeah, well.


And I still say it, but let's face it...when they dismantled Red Train they jinxed them self.

That reason they felt they didn't need the "extra train" since they rarely run all three, if at all.... Blah blah Blah.


Also back then. All that was left of Red Train is right there. In the middle of Purple Train.

And eventually, they repainted Red into Purple. R.I.P. Red.

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^ Nope. Just the yellow train ONLY. The red train is no more, remember?

And the purple train.... yeah, well.


And I still say it, but let's face it...when they dismantled Red Train they jinxed them self. That reason they felt they didn't need the "extra train" since they rarely run all three, if at all.... Blah blah Blah.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying... they only have two now... which means if one fails (as it did) down to one? That’s crazy.



Also I woke up this morning and thought “I wonder if they’d ever get RMC to redo Coaster?”

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^Sorry, you're right. Right now they still do have two trains. If (and when) Purple is finally fixed up.


And as far as RMC-ing Coaster.... I would like Coaster to remain the way it is, somehow. The whole circuit is perfect and still leaves first time riders going WTF? when they return to the station, lol. If it can be RMC'd and not look any different than it did before, including all three trains (hello?), I'd be all for that!

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