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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Opening Day weekend at the park.

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^ Thanks Bert! I am thinking, of starting a "Pre-Photo TR" of the trip, showing all the stuff that will make our particular trip....interesting.


I.E. We do not have cell phones. At - all. So no apps, no checking while we're there, what's what etc. To me, it's not that much of a challenge, since I have made reservations online for several events and restaurants, while we are there. And we're using "a bit of paper" for these reservations. No big deal. The rest of you are saving billions of trees, with your cell phones, right?


What do you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ Thanks. Trip Report's coming up (in it's own thread), soon enough. But for now....


After we got back home from the trip, I finally opened up, and put together my two Quarter Games prizes

I had picked up, on that last day of the PNE. And here's how they both turned out!


What I brought back form the PNE, but didn't get to, until today. (o:


Just batteries needed for this.


And now it sits beside the other two lights I got from past Quarters Games at the PNE.


And the message board looks like it'll be fun to use.

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  • 2 months later...

After all of this past season is over, and Fright Nights as well, I totally forgot that this was the overlooked (by Playland, too) 10th Anniversary Year of our great Haunted Mansion! It opened in the 2009 Season, and I got to try it out after returning home from TPR's 2009 Scandinavia Tour. There are a few things now gone from the photos (like the Gift Shop at the park's entrance).


I also posted a separate 2009 thread about getting back to Playland seeing The Mansion, etc. Here it is...




Happy (past) 10th, Haunted Mansion!


What the current Haunted Mansion replaced. And this lasted a good several years, before they dismantled it.

(Vancouver Archives)

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After all of this past season is over, and Fright Nights as well, I totally forgot that this was the overlooked (by Playland, too) 10th Anniversary Year of our great Haunted Mansion! It opened in the 2009 Season, and I got to try it out after returning home from TPR's 2009 Scandinavia Tour. There are a few things now gone from the photos (like the Gift Shop at the park's entrance).


I also posted a separate 2009 thread about getting back to Playland seeing The Mansion, etc. Here it is...




Happy (past) 10th, Haunted Mansion!


Time definitely does fly by! Thanks for sharing this flashback and history of the Haunted Mansion at the PNE Playland. It definitely looks quite interesting. I need to make it out that way one day!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

^ My bet is that, as usual, this Playland pass "special deal"

will continue into the New Year, after today. It usually does.


But, in the meantime...



And I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with the Corkscrew (is it sold yet?) and/or space in 2020.....or not. (o;

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Playland(PNE) posted it's operating schedule during the new year:


2020 Playland Dates


Open Weekends: May 2 – June 7


Open Daily: June 12 through August 21


Open Weekends: September 12 & 13



But no news yet, about whether the Sale Prices on Passes will continue into 2020.


...from Playland and The PNE!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I decided to check out the park this afternoon. See if anything has changed, etc. Was very windy today, so the 'chill' in the air was a bit....uh....chillier.


Whatever these are, heck of a bruise if one trips on one. Or hit it with their bike.


Storing the face painting booths over by the flume ride. Of course!



...But not until May 02!


Still standing.


Hard to see through the mesh fence, but there aren't any trains in the station. )o:


Might as well get a couple of Coaster shots, while I'm here.


I like this one the best, of the two I took.


Surprise! Still standing.


And still screwing. PLEASE somebody BUY THIS!


Where "the new part" of Playland will go, eventually.


My New Coaster Wish: I think it's a perfect "footprint-fit" too, for the

hoping-to-be-sold-SOON Corkscrew. Picture the view of our mountains, behind this!

Playland would also have the honor of owning The Only One of these in all of Canada!

At this time. ~ Fini.

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^ Welcome. Interesting though, that after yesterday, it SNOWED all f-ing night, last night! Not going to last, as it's already started raining from time to time this morning, so the stuff will most likely all be gone by tonight.


That said, if I'd been able to, get back out to the park for some probable great snow photos. Ah well. Another time.


And... I'll probably go back to the park around the end of March, beginning of April. A better time to actually see everybody there prepping, for opening in May.


From a special 50th Anny postcard collection I have, of Coaster w/snow. (o;



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  • 2 weeks later...

^ Finally! Now I'm wondering... who bought Corkscrew? Anybody know?


And thanks Kamui, for posting your photos.


And the PNE has just posted this...


Here's all the info. on the Information Sessions. I'm going to the 1 pm one.

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After the Information Session I attended earlier today (and will post about, tomorrow), I went up to the park and took a few photos of "the space" where Corkscrew occupied. I also found out, at the Session, that nobody bought Corkscrew, even after they reduced the original price. But due to it's still being in a prime spot for the future redevelopment of Playland, they decided to dismantle it altogether....


And so, they did.


Corkscrew was over there, somewhere.


Not much to see there, any more.


Nothing but some rubble, now.

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^ There are also several of them now gone in Europe, too. I got to ride the ones in Alton Towers & Flamingo Land in the UK, and Holiday Park in Germany, before they were removed. I liked Super Wirbel (in Holiday Park) the best, as they allowed trees and greenery inside and around it, making it impossible to see the entire coaster.


Super Wirbel in Holiday Park (RIP). Photo by Big Mike, thanks!

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I attended one of the Information Sessions that the PNE Board put together to inform locals and anyone interested, in what's been done so far, and what is yet to be done in the redevelopment of not just Playland, but the PNE grounds, too.


Lots and lots of information was given out, primarily by Shelley Frost, the President and CEO of the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE). She was accompanied by several of the Board Members responsible for specific areas. Like the PNE's Green Space. And Playland.


I was only allowed to take photos of what was projected up on the screen. And unfortunately, the sun decided to make an appearance, so my photos are a bit 'light' but not washed out entirely.


Lots of stuff, past, present and future was presented. For Playland itself, there were/are plans in place for two stages of redevelopment: the first part being renovating and upgrading Playland itself. The second part being development of the second (northern) new part of the park. It would result in Playland being expanded from 17 acres to 22 acres. In 4-10 years' time. Since this all started in 2016, that means the New Playland could be ready by ... 2026?


I asked about the current situation with Coaster, from all that happened last year (red train dismantled; purple train stuck on tracks, then dismantled). From what was said, it appears they are sticking with running one train only, for the season and the PNE. Hmmm. So there's another reason I won't be riding it during The Fair in August.


Nothing was really divulged about any new rides and/or coasters being sought for the New Playland. Nor was anything said about what would replace Corkscrew, now that they dismantled it completely.


Here's what I got from the presentation...


Phase A - Playland currently.


Phase B - Future Playland.







This will be cool, if approved. Open air all-weather 'roof' for the Amphiteatre audience space.



The new stream that will come from the pond already there, heading north to Burrard Inlet.


It was a lot to take in, but everything is being worked on for redevelopment of the PNE grounds.


What's going to be presented to city council for approval.


The old model of Playland (with the new north part) on display.

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^ Yeah, it's looking great! They had a Question Period at the end of the Session, and the interesting thing I noticed about it, was I was the only one who actually asked anything about Playland. And my question was about what was happening with Coaster, after all that had happened to it last year? I even got a bunch of laughs from the crowd, when I then said that "with no seat belts, or any restraints at all...it's an AWESOME coaster!" Which then made me realize that, except for two who immediately agreed with me, the rest of the crowd either "Rode it once, and Never again!" or were never planning to ride it.


The other questions were mainly around three things: the extension of the Green Space from the pond that's already there, being a stream heading north; parking in the area and transit expansion; access on a small road that actually goes thru the grounds (it will be closed). Non-Playland questions. They were important questions, yes.


But....not Playland ones.


R.I.P. (1994-2018)

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A new article has been posted, on everything they're going to do/build at PNE and Playland.

This article was posted after the Info. Sessions, held at the beginning of this month.




It also re-posts some past art concepts of areas to be created for the park.


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