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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Opening Day weekend at the park.

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^ Hmmm. Didn't notice that at all, till you mentioned it now. Playland is sometimes a bit lax in it's maintenance schedules (to me), that it wouldn't surprise me if the flags don't get replaced before the PNE (Aug.17th opening btw). I'm sure they wanted Corkscrew sold and out of the way, too. But that doesn't look like it's happening, either. So they put up the vague "Coming Soon" banners for now.


Actually, I still get a kick out of the fact, they don't really advertise

too much for future stuff. We find out, as it happens.


New PNE food being offered. I mean, WTF??? (I'm just glad they didn't use 3-Ks.)

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"How to Spend BC DAY at The Park...Stuck On Coaster!" *


It didn't happen to me. I was in line for the second train after this one that had left the station. We heard the usual "noise" the train makes on the 'outer circle' of the track. Lift hill, first drop, right curve, second drop, third drop, right curve and....


When the coaster sound suddenly stopped, above the station, the ride ops started looking up, beyond the station's roof, which put them on the track the train re-enters the station on. Then, very fast, they got to the phone, and were obviously calling the onsite engineers. I decided this was going to be a non-ride, so I excused myself out of the queue. I then headed to where I could see what was going on, above the station...


And there it was. The purple train stopped in the second curve,

just before the straight-a-way and the fourth drop.



Thankfully, no one was injured, and their evac was pretty good I thought: two ride ops walking down the lift hill with a rider between them. Didn't take too long to get everybody off. Then there was working on the train right there on the track. And eventually, they were able to push it along the straight-a-way, towards the fourth drop, and I guess hoping gravity would keep it going till it got back to the station.


Which I guessed it did, as later on, you could see staff tearing the front of the train apart, trying to figure out what happened. I hope they did find out.


First time I ever saw this happen to Coaster. Truth! And I am very glad I wasn't on that train.




*Thankfully, the whole thing was over in less than an hour. The stuck riders

got FastPass cards given to them for a future coaster ride, which was nice (Hopefully,

they were all local). And the remaining would-be riders in the queue quietly dispersed.


A sunny hot day, today.


How the queue looked after I got there.


And then....this happened.


First (of many) engineers to walk the lift hill.


Followed by many ride ops in their blue Playland shirts.


And one by one...


....The riders were brought down, safely.



Here's a nice Big Shot for all to enjoy.


This woman was part of the Playland staff, and not a rider. She was helping out.


More blue shirts up the lift hill.




Last rider escorted down the lift hill.


New "Pardon Our Dust" signs. (o:


From The Wheel, I see they're still working on the train on the track.


They finally decided, to push it along the straight track, hoping gravity would then get it back to the station. It did.




New queue fence theming.


They're tearing apart the purple train, back there in the station.


New fence theming on Swinger, too.


Watch out for that pointy thing!


Flume operator's booth.



Hope it gets fixed real soon.

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"....or for that matter, J.K. Rowling, Universal, etc. etc....?"


This is another of the newly announced treats that will be available at this year's PNE (opening Aug.17th).


But, I was wondering if there was any chance this was "not legal", in the name and all. Here's their description:


Butterbeer Soft Serve – All muggles and wizards will enjoy this one! There’s nothing better than a refreshing soft serve on a hot summer day at SummerLand SoftServe.


Will be interesting to see if the name gets changed, or nothing happens, blah blah blah.


Here's the stuff.


Here's where it could end up. The place where Pineapple Whip is sold. (Think Dole)


Last year, they featured "Charcoal Whip". l still can't remember what the flavour was. Neither could David, seen here.

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I can 110% guarantee that it gets changed, unless the park entered into some sort of an agreement and JK Rowling is getting a cut.

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^ I agree, that a change is probable. But I wonder if PNE officials (or whoever's in charge of the food stalls) ever considered what would happen, once this was posted on their BLOG? ... http://blog.pne.ca/2019/08/01/food-glorious-food/ The soft serve is located down the list a bit.


We shall find out, eventually I guess.


Myself enjoying the Charcoal Soft Serve on "Out At The Fair Day", last summer's Fair.

2018 PNE QUOTE: "It was great! Tasted like coconut mixed with vanilla. But black throughout."

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New Corn Dogs to Try!


In my trying to figure out which is The Best Corn Dog at The Fair, they've added two new additions to this summer's choices. It will be a tough Corn Dog Challenge for myself (although I usually go with just the regular plain old corn dogs), with these new ones to try:

Cheesy Ramen Corn Dog – It’s corn dogs gone trendy! The classic fair fave is wrapped in mozzarella cheese, dipped in batter, rolled in crispy ramen noodles and fried until golden brown… check them out at Next Gen Corn Dog.


Flaming Hot Cheetos Corn Dog – If you’re dying for some fiery goodness, look no further. This corn dog ups the game and leaves your lips feeling tingly numb. Head to Chicky’s Chicken to satisfy the craving!


Cheesy Ramen Corn Dog


Flaming Hot Cheetos Corn Dog!

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^Yeah, every year they have quite the stuff available during The Fair. It always amazes me how some of these food trucks/stalls pack so much variety (and supplies) in their vehicles, for these events, etc.


Chicky's at The Fair, 2017.


Part of what they served. I had the BIG Pickle Dog last year. It was GInormous!

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Now I remember the Carnival Eats episode. Chicky's took a giant dill pickle, cored it with an apple corer, stuck a hotdog in it, battered it, and deep-fried it. It must have been the Big Pickle Dog.


I wonder what will sell first? The Corkscrew from PNE or the old Scandia Screamer from Ontario California. The Corkscrew has loops and is half the price, so who knows.


www.rides4u.com/view/3234 Corkscrew

www.rides4u.com/view/3277 Scandia Screamer

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^ Yep, that's the Big Pickle Dog! After chomping half way through it, I thought this would be a good deal for two people. Don't think I'll have that again, since there's so many other "interesting eats" to try this year.


On the left, there. I also got a poutine from another stall, which proved to be A LOT of food for one person. But I ate it all, lol!


I also like a good amount of mustard on my dogs. Pardon the messiness, there.


Nearly done! And pardon if this is a little tooooo messy for some, to see. :p

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"Five Days Before The PNE Starts!..."


I was going to go at least two more times to Playland, before The Fair started, which is this coming Saturday. Weather forecasts aren't looking too good, for now. Rain coming in by the time the PNE opens. Ick. Oh well. Life in Vancouver....


Five rides down, including the Coaster, still. I asked at the main gate if they knew what happened with the purple train, and they said, they still haven't figured out what happened a week ago. I then said "that's what comes from scrapping the Red Train!" and we all laughed. (myself, with bitterness)


Picked up some more popcorn and Pina Colada fudge. And got a few prize tickets from Monopoly Quarters Drop. Easy visit.




Back wall of Pizza Pizza. The pizza is 'that old' hmm? (o;



Still Not Sold. "But now with newer benches to block you even more!"


And that fountain keeps churning along. (Churning?)


A good shot, I thought.


PNE set up is slowly going on down there, somewhere.


No mountains for you, today.


Additional ride ticket/pass booths set up for The Fair.


Today's fudge was...



Noted with sadness. Hope most of this (COASTER!) is ready by Saturday.

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^ Cool! (literally) I remember seeing that set up last winter, beside BC Place Stadium. I never went to it to see what it was, but I knew it was a special event thing for the season. And probably mostly for kids and their families, too. There was a ferris wheel as part of it. And everything was in white, too. So maybe I'll make a visit this time 'round.


As for The Beast ^^..... Playland is having an awful time with their rides this season, including the recent shut down of Coaster. And they're not getting rid of (i.e. selling) Corkscrew yet, either.


So it just sits there, SBNO.


What a world, what a world. And the PNE opens in four days? Eep.


And here's the site for the Aurora Winter Festival: https://www.aurorawinterfestival.com/vancouver


Edited by Nrthwnd
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^ Cool! (literally) I remember seeing that set up last winter, beside BC Place Stadium. I never went to it to see what it was, but I knew it was a special event thing for the season. And probably mostly for kids and their families, too. There was a ferris wheel as part of it. And everything was in white, too. So maybe I'll make a visit this time 'round.


As for The Beast ^^..... Playland is having an awful time with their rides this season, including the recent shut down of Coaster. And they're not getting rid of (i.e. selling) Corkscrew yet, either.


So it just sits there, SBNO.


What a world, what a world. And the PNE opens in four days? Eep.


And here's the site for the Aurora Winter Festival: https://www.aurorawinterfestival.com/vancouver


I also noticed a new Harvestland Festival link on the PNE site.


I really hope Coaster is open Saturday... we are going to the PNE that day with friends and they insist we do rides. We normally skip ride passes during PNE time... and also unsure how weather will be.

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^ I hope so too, for the PNE's sake, heh. I'm planning to hit Playland two more times: tomorrow and then Friday, checking out what's ready on the PNE grounds, etc. But also of course, finding out if Playland is actually "ready" for Saturday's opening.


That said, I am also going to The Fair on Opening Day. I leave around 1130 on transit, and should be there around noon. I do this every year, with a rea$onable two week pass (under $45), and for myself as a "Senior," just a few visits pays for itself. For my first day, I take the clockwise route from the main gate, not going into any of the exhibit buildings. Just casually walking along, taking in everything that's available, including The Food. And taking photos, too.


I don't ride any of the PNE rides that are brought in by Western Amusements, because a) They are all OLD flat rides. b) They never bring anything in really NEW for The Fair. Unless it's actually something new and OMG-rideable, I won't pay PNE prices for rides. Including Coaster, though I am tempted some time.


My route takes me right over to the Coliseum, then down Miller Drive past the Agrodome, stables and farm exhibits (on my right). Leading into (what's now called) Revel District, then into Playland on the West Coast Wheel's side. I'll probably hit the Ride Side Bar for a brew, then continue on around Playland. Then, back past where the Doll Factory haunt house is, put the big park on my left, and I head uphill, through the FOOD STALLS ALLEY (what I call it), over to Festival Park....and I am essentially done.


So if you guys want to "run into me," that's my basic Opening Day Route. And you already know what I look like, it's no big deal, you coming up and saying hi. I look old, gray hair/beard, mean and miserable.....but am approachable, LOL.


P.S. If it happens to be somewhat rainy on Saturday, I'll be

running around in my red poncho from Nagashima Spaland, Japan.


Small reminder of who to look for. Without the neon ...on. (o;

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"Three Days To Go..."


Nice day today at Playland. Coaster and Beast were still down, so I really don't think they'll make it, to be running for Opening Day this Saturday. Ah well. Stuff happens.


Well, those blue fences are definitely up and around the perimater of the PNE Grounds.

So no "sneak peek of "anything PNEish" for me.


Yep. All the way to the PNE Main Entrance Gate.


Western Amusement vehicles. I find out they've brought the same crappy flat rides for this year's Fair.


Ad at Playland bus stop, using Coaster for it's own public relations. Nice shot, though.


Yeah. Well...


I don't ride it much, any more. But it's still sad to see it not running. )o:


More PNE Games set up.


Woo hoo, "Ring The Bell" for kids!


What's this? What's this?


It's running! It's running! So I rode it three times!!! (o;


The (not so) secret passageway is still open, beside the Glass House.


Back of the Roll-A-Ball game truck. I'm in the queue for the West Coast Wheel, and once the PNE starts,

you can't see anything from the queue, until you're on the Wheel. Games trucks block off your POV. Sucks.


Nice seeing The Twins, again.


Hmmm. Looks like the Poutine Place (black) will be sharing space with Henry's Chicken BBQ (red/white).




Gawd, that awful Haunted Mansion dark ride is back! That's a pass from me.


"The Caboose is down. I repeat... The Caboose is down!"


"Arrrrrrr.......gots no skin on me!"



What I find silly is, the "specialty popcorn" is bagged in, and NOT popped in that popper there. I mean WTF?


Last Shot - Spinner going nuts.

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"Two Days To Go..."


Here's a a few more food items (and one sweet cocktail) to have at this year's PNE - opening Saturday!


Chana Tater Tots – Travel the world at the Fair and get a taste of India from Wiggle Chips! These crispy tater tots are topped with sliced onion, green chilies, diced tomato, chickpeas and sliced chicken, all tossed in a house-made chana masala sauce and garnished with fresh coriander and ginger. Did we get you hungry yet?


Italian Pizza Perogies – You’ll definitely want a piz-za this from International Perogies. This is the perfect dish if you don’t want to get your hands dirty from pizzas and still want the taste of Italy all in one plate.

Banana Bread French Toast & Bacon Pancake Dippers – Get breakfast all day at Stacks Bacon Pancake House! These brunchy bites are great choices for those who crave sweet and savoury flavours.


The Mighty Zeus Onion – It’s a whole onion cut and dipped in homemade batter and garnished with green pepper, red onion, tomato, feta cheese and much more from The Onion Factory. Onion breath may be included.


Tipsy Unicorn – It’s as magical as it sounds. This colourful, smoking cocktail will be sure to make your Fair experience a special one. And it looks good on Instagram.


Chana Tater Tots


Italian Pizza Perogies


Banana Bread French Toast & Bacon Pancake Dippers


The Mighty Zeus Onion


The Tipsy Unicorn

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"Two Days To Go..."


Here's a a few more food items (and one sweet cocktail) to have at this year's PNE - opening Saturday!


Chana Tater Tots – Travel the world at the Fair and get a taste of India from Wiggle Chips! These crispy tater tots are topped with sliced onion, green chilies, diced tomato, chickpeas and sliced chicken, all tossed in a house-made chana masala sauce and garnished with fresh coriander and ginger. Did we get you hungry yet?


Italian Pizza Perogies – You’ll definitely want a piz-za this from International Perogies. This is the perfect dish if you don’t want to get your hands dirty from pizzas and still want the taste of Italy all in one plate.

Banana Bread French Toast & Bacon Pancake Dippers – Get breakfast all day at Stacks Bacon Pancake House! These brunchy bites are great choices for those who crave sweet and savoury flavours.


The Mighty Zeus Onion – It’s a whole onion cut and dipped in homemade batter and garnished with green pepper, red onion, tomato, feta cheese and much more from The Onion Factory. Onion breath may be included.


Tipsy Unicorn – It’s as magical as it sounds. This colourful, smoking cocktail will be sure to make your Fair experience a special one. And it looks good on Instagram.



I emailed in, sounds like they don’t know yet if Coaster will be open Saturday. Which comes across to me as a no. It’s also marked on site as closed, as is The Beast... so they just be prepping for it to be down.

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^^ That looks waaay more manageable than I what I got two years ago!

As you saw in a previous post, the one I got surely could feed two people, lol! With fries.


^ Yeah, well, it looks not too good for Playland this PNE. At the beginning of it, any way. So, are you and your friends still planning to go to The Fair on Saturday? I'm still going, just to check everything out, etc. And eat some food! And have a drink or two. But no rides.

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^^ That looks waaay more manageable than I what I got two years ago!

As you saw in a previous post, the one I got surely could feed two people, lol! With fries.


^ Yeah, well, it looks not too good for Playland this PNE. At the beginning of it, any way. So, are you and your friends still planning to go to The Fair on Saturday? I'm still going, just to check everything out, etc. And eat some food! But no rides.


Yeah we’re still going. It’s semi her bday celebration, and can still do other rides that are fun I guess. We’ll make the call once we get here as we will buy the 30% off passes through BCAA on our phone. I figure with the weather possibly being overcast and drizzly that it may be a lower crowd day. Excited to check out the return of the nightly pyro/dance show.

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^ Cool. Well, maybe you'll run into me, more than I will, into you.

And your friends. And the semi-birthday girl.


Or you can stalk me if you wish to. Your choice.



P.S. Weather forecast just called for "drizzle" on early Sat, then sun/cloud for Sat-Sunday.

P.P.S. Remember - I am The Oldest TPR member, who will admit it, in town!

(And probably several other Cdn/U.S./World cities, too.)


Take that, as you see fit.


P.P.P.S. Happy 14th Anniversary to Me, having been a member of TPR since.....2005!

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